Our First Date Together?

The Quest go on smoothly with me and Ouka work together to quickly finishes each of the Level 20 Arsenal Ants while other girls wipe out the rest of their group.

The fights that are more fitting to be called a one sided massacre ensues as we slay those adult human – sized ants with bronze or copper colored skin, reversed crescent moon shaped head with a spearing horn in the forehead and six limbs that are long but thin like twigs.

The Level 20 Arsenal Ants have two pairs of big translucent wings on their back, while the lower level ones have smaller wings.

After collecting three heads of Level 20 Arsenal Ants and fifteen heads of the lower level Ants, we teleport back to the Academy to redeem our Quests.

On our way back to the Quest Hall, Layla praised me as having me in the party have tremendously shortened the time they needed to completed the quests as they don't need to search around for targets and instead go straight to them.

The Quetzal explains that the Quests they have taken before can take them a whole day or even needed them to camp in the wilderness just to search for the targets, while now, the quests can be finished only in hours.

Even the sun are still quite high in the sky when we have redeemed our reward in the Quest Hall and Ouka invite us to take a walk together around the town and have a meal in a restaurant outside campus.

Her treat, she said. Of course I accept her invitation while Kiseki, Chikane and Reina tag along too.

Misha, still as polite as ever, asked me how I can found our targets with ease.

She said that in her eyes, what she sees is like I only think for a bit and then found the answer.

Which is precisely right on the mark. But of course, I won't say it to her like that, though.

I only told her while trying to act a bit mysterious, that I "only calculate it a bit with my fingers :) "

The holy elf seems to be a bit dissatisfied with my answer and she squinted her eyes.

She scrutinize me while bringing her beautiful face very close to me.

Having seen her otherworldly beauty close up to my eyes, my breath stopped like I myself don't want to sully her pure graciousness with my mortal breath.

Only after a sound of cough can be heard from Ouka, did the magnificently beautiful holy elf get back on her sense and took a distance from our close up face to face while heavily blushing from her long ears to her cheeks.

Layla giggled and teased her blushing friend by her whispers that only make her beautiful face get even more pinkish from the her usual milk white tone.

I can also hear some whishy – whashies from my back and without looking I can know that the three girls behind me (Kiseki, Chikane and Reina) are also began to whispering around themselves.

It is decided on our dining together that tomorrow we will not take on any Quests and instead all of us will be hanging around at my mansion.

Layla and Misha said that they have heard that unlike other students dormitories and private dormhouse, my mansion have a wide yard and even a big forest on the back and located above the hill on the high ground.

So as a race that prefer to be one with nature they are interested to see what my mansion look like. Ouka also have pointed out her interest in that the private mansion are usually only reserved by the Academy for the best of the best.

All graduates from the Academy who have stayed in the mansion have become a key figure in the Kingdom's history in some point of time.

So in other words, she sees the act of the Principal of the Academy give that mansion to be my living quarter means that the Academy hold me in a very high regard.

I hear all of her stories and explanation with full attention.

Seeing the Esteemed Student Representative who usually act cool and elegant do the story telling with passion and spirits are so refreshing in my eyes and before I know it I smile at her seeing the side she never shown before.

Ouka told me the story about a Holy Paladin who stand guard and single handedly repel an army of Undead lead by a Lich King by himself alone, and the surprising fact that he is actually are the first one who live in what now have become my mansion.

The Onigami also tells me a story about the famous Dragonslayer, a human who have slain Five Evil Dragons, and told me that he is also my senior as he is the last person who have stayed in that mansion before me.

Layla who see how passionate and spirited her friend is are quick to make use of the situation and she tease Ouka a bit before the Onigami realize that she have been a bit so excited in her story telling and had shown me a side that she have never shown to anyone but her close friends before, not even to her own rigid family.

So with a heavy blush like what Misha have earlier, she give it a little cough and conclude her story with "and with that, you should have known by now how high the Principal sees your potential. And also why, we are all are also very interested with you..."

After we finished having a meal together, I decided to go aroud a bit since we have come to the town.

As I have no lack of money now, I think now it is a good time to upgrade my equipment so that it can match my level.

My old iron sword have been weathered after some years of use from when I am still practicing as a kid in Level one.

I also don't have any armor that is good enough to protect me aside from my old leather robe my parents bought for me on the day I went to the academy.

The girls, both the juniors and the seniors choose to go with me after they heard that I want to go sightseeing around the town to see if I can upgrade my equipment.

Come to think of it, what I have must have been very pale in comparison with what the girls wear, huh.

They are all have gorgeous and strong equipments while I only have a very basic necessity for a novice adventurer....

Heh, not like I have any complaint as with this I can walk around the town with Six Beauties surrounding me.


Come to think of it, we are all having a meal and now we are all walking together on holiday weekend...

Can this be called a date...? (-^m^-)