
Nothing too much interesting happened while the seven of us are walking together sightseeing around the town.

Aside from envious gazes from the man and some whispers behind our backs, nothing worthy of our attention happened.

Without any problem, I bought a fine steel sword from a weapon shop that is recommended by Ouka.

That sword is a masterwork of the highest quality made by a renowned Ogre blacksmith.

The curved blade resemble closely of a katana rather than a western or even chinese curved sabre.

It is rather light and easy to swing, the aerodynamic curve make it easier to gather momentum when attacking.

After buying a very satisfying sword with a reasonable price, we continue our shopping tour to the Armory recommended by Layla.

She said that, as I seem to be a warrior who emphasizes on finesse, speed and technique, rather than a tanker who depend on brute, raw power, a light cloth or robe armor that did not hinder my movement would totally be a perfect gear for me to wear.

I agree with her and we then go there together.

Well, unlike your typical Armory, this shop.... Is it a boutique?

I go out for a while after arriving there just to make sure that I don't get inside a wrong shop.

"La Oriflamme Armory" That is what the sign board said.

Armory!? Are you kidding me!? When I get inside the shop, it is full of ornated robe, gown and dress.

Which part of them can refer to the term "Armor"?

Aren't they the dress and robe worn by nobles to attend party? The girls seems to be very amused with my reaction. They giggled a bit seeing my confusion.

Smiling sweetly, it is Misha who explain to me that this shop specializes is selling magic robes, namely the cloth armor made from magical materials such as Insect Monsters Silks or Spirit Plant Fibre.

The exterior of the shop sell magically fortified dresses and robes in gorgeous designs to be worn by Nobles in a Party that can act as defensive measure against sudden event like assassination attempt in the middle of a party.

To purchase cloth armors and robes designed for adventuring in the wild, we need to venture even deeper into the shop. Wow, this shop is unexpectedly very big on the inside, the size is at least three to four times as big as the weapon shop. After browsing through for quite a while, and with the girls also looking around to see if there is anything fancy enough to be added on their wardrobe, I finally decide to buy a cool bluish black leather jacket made from the skin of an Azure Black Thunder Wolf. It have a balanced magical and physical defense, and also offer great resistance against lightning and darkness attributed attacks.

The price? Six times my new sword, that is. Quite expensive but that is worth it.

After finished buying weapon and armor, it is Reina's turn to recommend us going to Accessory Shop.

Kiseki and Chikane also said it is a good idea to have one or two of magical trinkets in my inventory and they recommend me to go for it, as it turned out that those shop are near by each other, they stand opposite one another in the same street.

I want to go to Magic Items Shop first as I wanna see what kind of wondrous trinket that is good there.

But earlier I have seen how the girl's eyes are shiny when they hear the word "Accessory".

Oh, well, girls are girls after all. That kind of things sure can turned on their gear fast. Not like I hate it, though.

After all, what kind of man doesn't want to see how beautiful a girl is when they are wearing suitable ornaments that can raise their charms? And it is not like I am the one who will pay for it as those girls are very independent and I am also (sadly) not their lover (X'D) so I don't have any obligation to buy them anything (right?)

So without further ado, we turned our feet to the Accessory Shop, named "Atelier de Penguin".

A very strange name, I say. But hey, the penguin mascot and logo in their door and their signboard is very cute.

No wonder that the girls liked it. But as I think of it, I can not help but imagining a half mermaid and half succu... I mean, half demon like Reina who comes from an esteemed aristocratic lineage coming to a shop with cute little penguins drawn on their doors to buy accessories. I turned my head and looked at her for a while.

I imagine in my mind, the image of a noble lady, with strawberry crimson hair and ruby red eyes, wearing pitch black night gown, coming to a shop and entering it through the door full with the pictures of cute penguins....

Somehow I feel like I have made a bit of rude remarks for her in my mind....

Reina suddenly turned her head around and looked right in my eyes. I quickly averted her eyes and blushing from the guilty feelings in my heart. I looked at her again after some moment and I see her smile sweetly like a girl who is satisfied from looking at the cute reaction of a boy standing near her.

Oh, good, seems she doesn't aware of what is truly inside my mind. Thank goodness. (XP)

I followed the girls roaming around the shop while joining in their conversation about the accessories sold on display in the shop. (What, dear readers, did you think that a boy can not joining in the girl's talk? He he, do you know that I am quite good when playing dressing game? Hue hue hue. Never underestimate a gamer. Almost all kinds of game I have played it.) In the end, each of the girls asked me to pick an accessory for them. Of course, I gladly take their quest and offer some of my recommendations for them.