The First Realm: Ancestral Plains

Ranata felt like he had gone through a layer of barrier when he enters the first realm.

It felt like he had gone through a curtain of velvet when he passed from the bridge to set his first step on the plains.

Ranata looked back only to see that from the place he is currently standing, that is, under a stone gate on the very edge of the plains, the bridge is invisible to the eyes.

He tries to reach out with his arm and he can felt the sensation of a soft, velvety layer of the barrier on his palm.

"Well, at least there is a stone gate that marks where the bridge is..." Ranata look up and see the word [Bridge of Beginning] carved in ancient, long forgotten runes (he can only read it because of the infinite knowledge on his mind, there is no way anyone from this age and era would have known that old writing) on top of the stone gate.

Ranata turned back to the plains and walked forward while looking around to view the scenery of the plains as wide as the eyes can see.

He see a pack of primeval bison, with the horns as big as tree trunks, peacefully grazing on the grass.

"Hmmm.... Level 12 to 15 Trunk Horned Bison... There are twelve of them. Let's warm up with them first..."

Ranata approach the pack of bison which in turn gave him wary gazes.

The biggest one from the pack, the only Level 15 Beast, comes forward while humping its hooves and harshly breathed out a hot steam from its nose.

It readied down its head, brandishing its thick horns, pointing them to Ranata.

"Heh, seems it is ready to battle. Come, come.... Come to me!"

Ranata unsheathed his sword with his right hand while his left hand makes a waving gesture, taunting the bison.

The bison, taunted by him, goes straight forward to charged at him.

Slash! Slash! Thump...!

With a quick move, Ranata side stepped to evade the bison's charge and giving out two slashes in quick succession to its thick neck.

With that, Ranata easily beheaded the bison charging at him, effectively killing it.


The moment the bison fall on the ground, it turned into a stream of pure energy that naturally getting absorbed by his body (Author's Note: Exp system from the RPG!?)

Ranata felt that this pure energy empowering him bring him closer to the next level.

Also, this phenomena have proven that the creatures on this painting realm are really not a living creature, but only a manifestation of some of its power that gained form and behave like a living creature.

Ranata turned his head to the pack of bison that seems to get agitated seeing their leader killed.

Without mercy, he dived in to the eleven of them and killed all of them with the slashes of his sword, turning them all into the raw, pure energy that flow smoothly in to his body.

Pop! A soft exploding sound like a popcorn getting cooked marks his breakthrough to the next level.

"Wow, to think that I will reach Level 20 this fast.... And perfect timing, now I can wear this Bracelet of Power chosen by the girls. I have only bought this in this afternoon, thinking that someday I can wear this. Who knows that the time has come so fast and soon."

Ranata take out a pair of bracelet with six colorful gemstones on it from his storage ring, wearing it on both of his hands.

He can feel the power that surges come and forth from the bracelet and his own body.

After a while, Ranata seamlessly have assimilated the power from the bracelet in to his body, empowering it even further.

Now, with all of his equipment, his skills and his knowledge, he felt confident that he can fight those stronger than him by two to four levels, provided that they don't have decent equipments and their skills are also so – so.

"Lets continue for a while...." Ranata looked at his smartphone to see that only thirty minutes have passed from the moment he entered the map.

He then goes around, killing every beasts he met on his way with only the slashes of his sword, trying to polises his sword skill even further.

Although, the beasts in this plains itself is not too much of a challenge....

Aside from the Trunk Horned Bison, there are also Misteltainn Elks, Six Tusked Elephants and Stalking Grass Raptors, all in all, there are only on Level 12 to 18, not much of challenge for him who have reached Level 20.

Ranata goes all the way until he reached Level 23 and he found an elevated platform in the other side of the plains.

The blue stone platform looked like a ring arena with its circular form.

A big, five meter tall beast are sleeping on the platform.

It is a four legged dragonic beast with a body like a Stegosaurus. Its head and back are adorned not only with panel – like spikes but also with six pairs of antlers that looks like tree branches growing along its head and back.

The dragonic beast opened its eyes and looked at Ranata for a while, before he fully wake up and stand with its four legs, effectively making it stands taller as its height has reached more than six meters.

It approach Ranata while flailing its spiked tails that is also adorned with a pair of sharp pointed antlers, making it looked like a sharp barbed tool for torture.

[Level 28 Ancestral Beast Stregasaur]

Gulp.... Just when he have been so confident that he can fight against enemy four levels above him, this map actually have enemy five levels higher than him!

What a joke, all the other beasts on this realm are only on the level of 12 to 18.... Why did the Boss here have 10 levels higher than even the highest of them? What's with this kind of unfair jumps of levels!?