Sunny Sunday Morning

Perplexed by what he felt, Ranata tries to redirect his destination to another place, that is, the stone gate on the starting point of this realm.

As he do that, though, he felt a rampaging quake wreak havoc on the place he was lying before.

It seems that the Ancestral Beast have made its way through and charged to the place he was in.

It's good that he have rolled out of that place and made quite some distance from there, or else he would be trampled to the death by that beast's heavy legs or maimed to a mess by its spiky barbed tail.

Without waiting any more, Ranata who felt a connection from the place he wants to go, quickly finished casting his teleportation spell and he safely teleported out from that place, leaving an enraged Ancestral Beast trampling furiously on everywhere behind.

After he arrive, safe and sound, to the stone gate on the starting point of this realm, Ranata drinks some medicine and potion to heal his wound.

His broken bones quickly patched together, and all his wounds are closed up.

In thirty breaths of time, Ranata is fully healed and returned back to his prime condition.

"Quess I should go back and call it a day for now...."

Although his body has been fully healed, the stress and fatigue from his previous battles are still lingering on.

Ranata decided to return back to the real world to take a rest for the day, and so, he walks through the stone gate, penetrate the barrier enveloping this realm and brings him back to the bridge connecting this realm to the portal that lead back to the real world.

After returning to the real world, Ranata found out that it is already dawn here, his smartphone showing that it is 4 am now.

"So I have spent around eight hours inside?" Ranata think as he remembered that he enter the map around 8 pm.

After taking another bath to cleanse himself, Ranata decided to take a quick nap until sunrise to refresh himself.

Being a level 20, he is no more a mortal man like before, if he is not exhausting himself from fights, he can go without any food, drink or sleep for ten days straight before his body began to show signs of weakening.

So, a sleep for two hours is more than enough for him to refresh himself back for the day.


And so, two and a half hours passed, the sun has risen when Ranata finally wake up from his nap, fully refreshed for Sunday Morning.

He opened his phone and operated the chat messenger app to find out that Ouka, Misha and Layla will come to sightsee at his place on 8 in the morning.

"It's only six thirty now, so I have plenty of time for them...." Thinking like that, he made an appointment to meet with the senior girls on the fountain in the middle of a plaza, located in the midst of the students residential district inside the campus ground.

The girls happily agree, and even Kiseki, Chikane and Reina are also chirping along (Ranata and the Six Girls have made a Chat Group for themselves at the time when they are formally registering their party in Campus Quest Hall, it is so that they can coordinated easier with each other from time to time).

The three junior girls said that they will tag along with Ranata to meet their senior in the Plaza.

Kiseki even suggests that the seven of them should go together to take breakfast on the dining hall before going to their place.

A suggestion that is unanimously agreed by everyone and thus making their appointed meeting time go forward by 1 hour, on 7 am in the morning.

Ranata who sees how the previous appointment time are quickly changed forward instantly stand up from his bed and go out of his room after he finished tidying the bed and make sure his appearance is also neat and tidy.

After he go out, he meet up with Kiseki, Chikane and even Reina who is already sitting in the living room on the first floor, chatting with each other about magics and some girly stuffs.

It seems that the three girls are already waiting for him to get out from his room and spend their time by chatting leisurely with each other.

After seeing Ranata comes to them, the girls are also stand up from their chairs and approach him with morning greetings before the four of them go out from the dorm and walk together to the Plaza to meet their seniors.

They arrived in the Plaza on 7 am sharp, the three girls and one boy comes in front of the fountain, and the four of them then sit side by side on the stone bench at the edge of the fountain, waiting for Ouka, Layla and Misha to come.

Ranata sits in the middle, Kiseki is on his left and Chikane oh his right, while Reina take a seat on the left of Kiseki.

That is a sight which is sure to steal all the glances from the other visitors in the morning.

Well, each of them have become very (in)famous in the campus right now.

With Ranata who have just entering the campus but have pummeled the top seniors a week after, and all the three girls whom each are top – tiers in both beauty and battle prowess on his side, that kind of sight is enough to make other people burned their heart in envy, or feel stifled so much as they want to eat their own liver.

Ah! To make a comparison with other people is a sure way to pain the hearts!

Such is the woe residing in the hearts of everyone who caught sight of our protagonist and the three beauties enjoying a sunny sunday morning in the campus plaza.

All of them, both male and female can only look helplessly with eyes smeared in jealousy and heart burned in envy as Ranata, Kiseki, Chikane, and Reina who are talking with each other and are immersed in their own world have now become the center of crowd's attention.