Feeling so Envious is Very Painful for All Our Visceras

Under the glare of public eyes, our protagonist smoothly talked with the three beauties about various stuffs, from magics, battle tactics and he even can keep up with the girly things!

The public can only stare at them and look in awe as they see how the three girls are clearly enjoying their time with our protagonist.

Everytime Kiseki, who is as charming as a seductive golden fox and as gorgeous as a renowned dragon smiled sweetly to Ranata, everyone who look at them can't help but feel so jealous that their liver felt so stifled.

Ah! Our Liver.....! Our liver can't take it anymore....!

Our liver felt so sore, so much that we all wanted to dig it out from our body and eat it with gusto!

And there is some moment when Chikane, who is as elegant as a dignified white snake and as magnificent as a proud dragon showing her rare smile on her usual frost beauty face to Ranata, and then everyone who look at them can only fell even more jealous.

So high their jealousy, that now even their kidneys are also felt so sore and stifled following their liver.

Ah! Our Kidneys.....! Now our kidneys also feel hurts....!

Our kidneys felt so hurt, so much that now all we wanted is to dig it out from our body and crushed it in our own hands!

And when even the third girl, Reina also show her bright smile full with seductive charms befitting of a bewitching mermaid mixed with the demonic allure, the crowd's jealousy exploded to a brand new level.

The sudden rise of level of the crowd's jealousy felt so harmful to them, so hurts that they felt their intestines are now churning and twisting uncontrollably.

Aaarrghh! Our Intestine.....! Now even our intestine also felt so hurts....!

Our intestine are churning so hard like crazy, so mad that now each of us wanted to cut it out from our body and twisted it in our own hands along with our kidneys!




We are all the newcomer students here, so we all should have the same position in the starting point....

But why in the hell did that one is so monstrously talented and powerful that he can beat even the top seniors while each of us are still only a novice who is only starting to learn the basics?

Why is the disparity is so much wide as like the gap between Heaven and Earth?

Where is the so called Fairness in The World have gone to? Ah!




While the crowd looking at Ranata and the Three Beauties are drowned in jealousy and struck rooted on each of their spot, holding their liver, kidneys and intestine in pain, our protagonist continued to talk to the girls while waiting for the arrival of their seniors.

And it's not too long until the three seniors also arrive in the Plaza.

Ranata smiled and waved his hand to another three top beauties walking to their direction.

The crowd, who have been roasted in jealousy for a good fifteen minutes, the time that is enough to boil a pot of tea, now felt even more burn in their heart seeing the new addition of three top mature beauty in the fray.

Benifuji Ouka, who is famous as the student council president and the representative of the seniors to receive the new students, and entitled as a flower in a high hill [Author's Note: The meaning is she is a beauty who is so far, out of reach from everyone. If Dear Readers have read so many romance works, then you should be familiar with this phrase that is typically used to the main heroine whom the protagonist have a crush on] are now on her way to meet Ranata with two other beauties on her side.

Ouka's beautiful face and magnificent figure elegantly walked full of regal aura commanding respect and admiration from anyone who looked at her.

Rania Layla the Quetzal walks with charm fully exudes from each of her gesture, her rainbow colored plume swayed in harmony with each of her movement, augmenting her appearance and easily catch the heart of everyone who caught sight of her.

Last but not least is Isabell Misha the Holy Elf, whose appearance and beauty looks so sacred that no one among the crowd would even dare to have a dirty mind to tarnish her holy presence.

The crowds, both male and female, who is filled in majority with new students, and thus are easily captivated by the charms and beauties of their seniors are now helplessly captivated with the three senior girl's perks.

But when they see that it is our protagonist again who have gained the attention of the three newly arrived beauties, the crowd fell even more to the depth of jealousy.

Aaaarrrrgggg!!!!! Aaahhhh! Aaarghhhh!!!!

Our Heart !!!! Our Stomach !!!! Our Lungs !!!!

And again, now the crowd felt their heart, stomach and lungs are burned and roasted to crisp with the flame of jealousy.

The searing pain in their heart, stomach and lungs make it so that the only thing they all wanted right now is to rip all of their organs out from their body, throw it as hard as possible to the ground, and then trampled it flat with all the power they have.

Under the glare of public eyes, Ranata along with Kiseki, Chikane and Reina greets Ouka, Layla and Misha who have just arrived on the plaza.

Together, the seven of them then go to the Campus Dining Hall to have their breakfast and buy some more packed food for their lunch before they go up the hill to spend their Sunday in Ranata's Dorm Mansion.





[Author's Note:]

I am currently trying to write a comedic chapter to illustrate how envious is everyone seeing our protagonist surrounded by six Goddess – Tier Beauties.

So much envious that it is pained all of their visceras.

( ^ o ^ )

I know how I write this chapter is far from satisfying, but still, I hope you Dear Readers enjoyed it :)