Sunday Noon Confession

Ranata along with the seven girls enjoyed their time together in the mansion.

They enjoyed the scenery along the way and the overlooking view from high up on the top of the hill.

Layla along with Misha who is excellently connected with the nature felt very happy and satisfied with the place.

Ouka who also enjoys the elegance nature provided also felt captivated by the natural beauty of the place.

And when the three sees that there are exactly three rooms still empty, the three senior girls seems to be seriously pondering about something.

Then, pulling all the three other girls who is their junior, the six of them go to Reina's room and have a private, all girls meeting while leaving Ranata, the only male here, out of the room.

And our protagonist who is absolutely not a dense and dead brained like the typical stereotype main characters from the far east country go along with the flow and give the girls the privacy they needed without any question.

Humming a joyful melody, he even brew the tea from some aromatic medicinal herbs he still have in his storage and prepare them in the living room to be served to the girls when they have finished their private meeting and go out from their cooped room.

It is not a very long time until the girls finished with their private talks.

Unlike a bunch of aunties which can have a session of useless gossip talks that can last for an entire afternoon, the girls quickly conclude their private meeting in less than an hour.

Oh, timing coincide with the lunch time.

And so, the six girls who just get out from the room are lured by the wonderful fragrant of the tea that Ranata brewed and they all walks to the living room to find Ranata who patiently have waited for them to come while sipping his cup of tea on the wide dining table.

With the welcoming gesture, he let the girls sit in any remaining seven seats surrounding the table and served them each with a cup of fresh, fragrant warm tea he just brewed.

And so after that, the one boy and six girls have their lunch together on the dining table in the living room.

They all have a pleasant chit – chat while enjoying their food and tea.

And suddenly, Reina dropped a bomb while smiling naughtily.

"Hey, Ranata, have you ever have a girlfriend?"

"Hm? Not. I never have one. Why ask?" Ranata asked back with a knowing smile on his face.

This time, it is the usually joyful and merry – go – round Kiseki who answered him.

"Then . . . . , How about we have a simulation of love training? Sounds good?"

"Ah!? Pardon?" even Ranata, with all the knowledge under the heaven held inside his mind can not help but caught off guard with the sweet girl's talk.

He felt very flabbergasted as he thought that maybe he have misheard or misunderstood something.

The dignified Ouka calmly answered his query with a clear tone.

"It is a simple matter, really. It is just that, despite each of us being young, each of us turns out to be inexperienced in the matter regarding love."

Her elegance face seems to be too unconcerned with the matter she talks, almost like she non – chalantly talk about picking which cabbage to be picked and bought for dinner.

But Ranata who heard their talks can only think of something that left the inexperienced him to be even more flustered.

And it is Layla who followed up Ouka's explanation to smoothed out things after she felt satisfyingly amused when she sees Ranata's innocent response.

"So it is like this, we girls are all in the age when the other girls are usually have fallen in love with a man. In short, all of us are in the age when normally we are out chasing the boy."

And from this point on, it is the Holy Elf Misha who is talking to straighten things even more.

"However, it is turned out, especially for us the senior students, who have gone so close to the end of our teenage years, that each of us doesn't have any experience in this field of matter."

Ranata can only followed along with the girls and said to them.

"Okay. . . , I understood, so basically everyone now are in the age of falling in love, but even until now, you all have never even have the first experience of it?"

With such a spot on but a bit insensitive question, the six beauties surrounding our protagonist can only nod their head vehemently.

It is Chikane, who have been keeping her silent until now, who finally opened her mouth and talks with a tone that sounds like she is giving timing signals to the other girls.

"Yes, and so with that, we have come to a decision to learn how it feels to fall in love. . . ."

""""By Dating You."""

Right after Chikane have finished with her piece of speech, all the six girls also opened their mouth together.

Kiseki, Chikane, Reina, Ouka, Layla and Misha, all speak together in a chorus to drop another bomb to Ranata.





"Oh, I see . . . ."

Ranata, who is getting confessed by the six beauties surrounding him simultaneously together only answered their confession with deadpan expression, it seems that his brain have been on the BSOD ( Blue Screen Of Dead, try to search the term on Google if you don't know what it is ;) )

And after a long pause .




"Waitt . . . ! WHAT ! ? WhAaaTTTT ! ? ? ? ?"

After keeping silent for a long time as to digest what things the girls spoke that have befallen on his ears, our protagonist here, who finally have the gear on his head clicking again after it got a session of Not Reponding like a damned deadlocked programs, instantly stands up and exclaimed full of disbelief to the girls.





[Author's Note]

Damn you, lucky bastard Ranata!

I, The Author here, am also want to be confessed by six beautiful girls together....

( T _ T )