Confession ? Encore !

Alternative Title: Confession ? Please Repeat Once More !

[A Header Note from the Author's]

Dear Readers, from now on, I will have a heavy usage of slangs and non – formal language in order to further in the comedic feels and spirit of freedom in this story.

I will even add some "breaking the fourth wall " too.

I hope you all can found this work getting more and more enjoyable for you, and bring a good amount of laughter too.

Without any further ado, here is the story!

[End of Author's Note]





". . . . We have come to a decision to learn how it feels like to be falling in love . . . ."

"""" . . . By Dating You . . . """

The sound of six melodies coming out from the mesmerizing lips of the six beautiful girls surrounding our protagonist here make a symphonic concerto that successfully halted his brain from working properly.

Ranata looks up and sees that all of the six beauties surrounding him have now focused their gazes on him.

Sweet smiles formed in their beautiful faces, and expectant looks filled with love are now flowing exuberantly from each of their charming eyes, flooding our protagonist with a doki – doki kimochi, sweet and fluffy feeling.

Ranata looks confused, flabbergasted and at the same time, have a serious throbbing sensation that felt both pleasant and stiffling on his chest. ...

Da Hell, Man! What the.... How in the world did this happen in the first place?

How can such those magnificent, gorgeous, elegant and way over the top beautiful girls are all confessing their love to him?

Those girls are all from renowned family, have extraordinary background, powerful fighting prowess, and on top of that, each have superior charms and beauties on a whole different league than all other girls in their peers.

How can such an exquisite woman have an interest to our protagonist who only come from a normal family with a bit of military background?

And not just one but there is six of them simultaneously confessing their love to him together.

Isn't this plot armor is too Blatantly Overpowered to be used !?

Hey, Author – san ! Are you becoming too lazy to write some love stories !?

How the hell did you dump all of them in one BIG PACKAGE and suddenly throw them all to the protagonist?

Should not you make a story of how each of the girls developed their feelings to our protagonist and then confessed their love to the man in their own time and place?

That way we will have at least six chapters ( one for each girls ) on the story of how they each develop and nurture their feelings in their own way, in their time and place.

Why would you cut it short and dumped them all in an All – You – Can – Eat Buffet to be served in golden plate to our protagonist?

Doesn't that make the story become utterly short, cut from at least six chapters down to only in a single chapter !?

Aren't you being too cheap and lazy here, oy, Author – san !? ...

Okay, enough with the ranting, time to go back to the story. ...

Ranata keep silent for a long time before he hesitantly asked the six girls confessing their feelings to him.

"Uhhh.... I think I must have heard wrong things earlier... Can you.... I am sorry.., can you please repeat once again what you have said? One by one, please, don't said it together... It must have been because all of your voices overlapped that my ears heard some things...."

Saying his own excuse to hear what the girls wanted to say one by one, Ranata made sure to strain his ear to each words the girls will said to him, one girl at one time.

Aaandd. ...

Kiseki said while she is giggling a little,

"Ah, no no no, I don't think you misheard even a single letter wrong, Ranata..."

Chikane then continued the sentence that her sister left hanging,

"Yes, I believe you heard what we said together all right and clear."

Reina then followed along by dropping the first opening bomb while smiling sweetly to our protagonist,

"We all have come to a decision to learn how it feels to fall in love."

Ouka, while her usually cold face and elegance demeanor are colored with blushes and fluster, said,

"And so . . . The six of us have decided to explore this . . . uhm . . . domain . . . while we are still in our youths."

Layla, with her usual attitude that is both playful and charming, continued what her friend have said while smiling amusingly seeing the bashful gestures of both the usually fierce Ouka and Ranata who is now fidgeting non stop after hearing all the thing that the girls have said up until now.

"And what would be more exciting and fulfilling other than having an experience of nurturing our feelings by . . . there, you should say the final piece, Misha . . . "

Misha the Holy Elf who is always keep her cool and elegant demeanor are instantly blushed and flustered the moment she so suddenly have Layla urged her to finish what all the six of the girls want to be said to the man.

Her sacred and unreachably holy appearance crumbled, replaced by the gesture of an innocent little girl cutely staggering while she is bashfully trying to confess her love to her first crush....

Misha finally dropped the final bomb and cemented the confession of all the six top - tier beauties to our protagonist.

"We want to experience Lo . . . Love . . . By. . . By Dating You . . . Avadhi Ranata . . . "

Duaaarrrrrr !!!! KA BOOOMMMM !!!! Je Deeeerrrrr !!!! Bllaaaaarrrrr !!!!

The sounds of heavy explosions and the stampedes made from millions of ferocious beasts trampling on his mind make Ranata our protagonist fall in a moment of complete incapacitation.

It took a very long time before his mind is blinked back to reality, as the gears in his brain groggily started to clink and clank, working back like an old machine that has just been started.

"Ah . . . So it is true . . . you all want to date with me. . . but . . . why . . ? Why only with me . . . ?"