Scrambled Lovers

"Why only me ..? I am only a normal guy ... from a normal family, without any background ... while each of you girls are ..."

Ranata talk in a manner that is like a jammed machine.

He hesitantly looks around him and look at all the six girls in front of him, each are especially unique and magnificently exquisite with their own charms and beauties.

Kiseki the Golden Fox Dragon, Chikane the Silver Serpent Dragon, Reina the bewitching Demon + Mermaid Hybrid, Ouka the dignified Onigami, Layla the seductive Quetzal and the sacred and pure Misha the Holy Elf.

Of course he would be bewildered and surprised as six extra ordinary beauties in front of him suddenly confessed their feelings and asked him to go out with them all together.

"Oh, Ranata... You are so humble. As someone who can defeat me and my sister on a fair duel, you have no need to lower yourself like that, you know?" Kiseki smiles sweetly to the man in front of her and said to him to not lower himself too much.

"Yes, as someone who can fights two dragon descendants and defeat us, it would be an insult to us too if you lower yourself like that." Chikane also added her sister's word, ensuring that they will hammered their values to the man who is now fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat.

"Then.., I would like to hear what each of you like from me? I am happy with all your feelings and all... But, aren't girls as beautiful and powerful as each of you would have a high standard for their man too? Even I myself never dared to even think that I will be together with all six of you. I don't think I will meet everyone's standard."

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that, Ran..."

Kiseki the golden fox dragon answered him cheerfully, while playing the tip of her smooth long golden blonde hair with her finger to hide her embarassment and nervousness fitting for a girl she would be (as this is the very first time she ever confessed her feelings to a man, not to mention in front of her own sister, all other people in her peer and even the seniors too).

"You have already met our standard the moment you beat both of us in a fair duel. We dragons respect the strong, after all."

Chikane the silver serpent dragon added on her dear sister's words, stating the sentence matter – of – factly to express what his value is to the dragon sisters, while keeping a cool front to hide her heart that is beating so fast that it sent a tickling heat which she have never felt before.

A tint of blush can be seen clearly on her beautiful face, indicating her bashfulness hidden in her elegant demeanor.

Reina the bewitching demonic mermaid also didn't want to lose out, she took this opportunity to also talk about what she sees in the man.

"Well, Avadhi, you are young, have a good look and are also so strong, far stronger than your peers. Then, what else a girl like me would want? If it is about wealth or family background , then you don't even need to worry about that. Wealth can be found everywhere. With your power and talent, I am very certain that you are destined to be a great man. So, lift your head high and have a little more pride on yourself. And about your background, I also don't see any problem with that. Even though I am from an aristocratic family, as a girl and even one from the side branch, it is not like I am concerned with my family too much. After all, the only usage my family have for me would only be for being a chip in a political marriage to expand my family connection. Then, rather than being forced in to a relationship with a man I don't even know or would just be met right before the marriage, I prefer to find my own love and ... to nurture my feelings with you..."

Hearing Reina poured out all of her feelings in one go, and thus making a long sequence of sentences that is more than enough to make and fill an entire paragraph, Ranata looked at the girl with a brand new perspective.

And after seeing a lovely, fidgeting gesture that the girl make on the end of her talk that added on her already captivating charm, Avadhi Ranata can help but have her heart taken by Reina for a brief moment of time.

Seeing this kind of development in the situation here, the three senior girls, Ouka, Layla and Misha, who have been keeping their silence for a long while as to give their little juniors the time and chance to speak their piece, finally take their own turns to speak with the man younger than them by two years.

"Have you heard what they all said properly, Ranata? Now please hear our piece of words too." Misha the Holy Elf said, opening their talks.

"Uhm Ehem ehem."

Giving out three little coughs, the dignified and prideful Ouka opened her mouth and begin to talk.

"For me, Ranata, at first I only see you as a cute junior of mine."

The Onigami gave out her rare smile that blooms beautifully on her elegant face, to the younger man in front of her.

"But then, after we meet again in that forest, spending our time in a party, completing quest together..., especially when I see you challenge all the senior students to defend your honor and come out winning gloriously, I don't know from what time it is that my heart began to flutter seeing you...."

Ouka the honor student put her hand in her bountiful chest, make a lovely gesture of a girl falling in love.

She continue her talk while looking at the man in front of her with a gentle, fleeting gaze, like a big sister looking at her lovely little brother.

"Well, like the dragons, we Oni race also valued strength and pride above all else. I don't know when, but I think I have also fallen for you, Ranata ..."





[Author's Note]

- The confession will be continued on the next chapter, please wait patiently for it on Friday, Dear Readers :) -