What's wrong

Su-yeon stayed up all night confused on why ji-hun was acting distant 'Is it because I didn't cook?' 'is it because kazuno was over and I didn't tell him?' 'Was I annoying?' All of those thoughts circled in her head through out the whole night around 4:10 Su-yeon made breakfast and put it in the fridge then she went to her cousin's house kazuno. Once she got there kazuno was up surprisingly and answered the door "I needa talk to u again..." Su-yeon said in a weird sorta voice it was in-between anxious or um sad kazuno couldn't tell and just let her in "what's wrong?" she said and led her to the couch "U know when my husband came home?" Su-yeon said "Yeah?" kazuno replied "Well he was acting distant maybe because I didn't make dinner or because u where over or or..." Su-yeon said shaking her head, Kazuno was in shock and just said "I'm going to drive u home u understand and ur going to sleep because I think ur just over thinking k?" Kazuno said and made Su-yeon get up. Su-yeon kinda blacked out and woke up in her bed "What?" she mumbled she seen min-jun shaking her up "Where's uncle?" Min-jun said well Su-yeon got up and put him on her lap "I- I don't know let's go check" She picked him up and went downstairs and checked around he wasn't anywhere "I'll text Him how about u watch tv okay?" Su-yeon said setting him down, she started texting Su-yeon (here's there chat)

Su-yeon: Where are u?

Ji-hun: Working and where, Where u last night?

Su-yeon: Kazuno's house when will u be back?

Ji-hun: Same time as yesterday

Su-yeon: Did u get the food I left in the fridge?

~Read at 8:47 am~


Su-yeon put her phone away and got min-jun ready and herself. Once they where both ready Su-yeon grabbed her backpack and they drove to the mall, Once they where there she got weird looks for some reason then someone ran up to her "Hey! You!" a voice said with excitement "Um yes?" Su-yeon said and pulled min-jun closer to her "Do u Mind if I take a picture please!?" said the voice "Um no please don't maybe next time u see me?" said Su-yeon and she walked away she went into a sweets shop she picked up min-jun and went to the cashier "Hello there what can I get u" Said a deep voice "Hi! um can I get two macaroons?" Su-yeon said "Mhm will that be everything?" Said the voice "Um.." she looked at min-jun who was pointing at a sprinkled donut "Can I get one sprinkled donut please" Su-yeon said "Mhm is that it?" said the voice again "Yup" Su-yeon replied "Alright that will be 3 dollars and 16 cents" the cashier said Su-yeon handed the cashier the money then played with min-jun's hands. After 2 minutes the cashier gave them there food and she walked out, "Alright wanna go to the park or do u wanna get some toys?" said Su-yeon to min-jun "Toys!" he said excited Su-yeon walked towards a toy shop. She felt like she was in there for hours but she was only in there for like 20 minutes she came out with a full bag of toys "I wanna surprise uncle!" said min-jun su-yeon shaked her head okay but then went towards the boba shop "I'm gonna get him boba real quick okay?" Su-yeon said then went up to the cashier "Hello my name is Lisa what can I get u?" the cashier said "Can I get a mango milk tea?" Su-yeon said "Mkay is that it for u?" the cashier said giving her a dirty look "Mhm also if u give that look of urs to me again I'll make sure to get u fired" Su-yeon said "Um..O-okay that will be 1 dollar" the cashier said and Su-yeon payed. She got her boba and walked out. She drove to ji-hun's work and went up to the secretary and said "Hello! I'm ji-hun's wife can I go to his office please?" "Mhm lemme check in with him" The secretary said and opened a door by her side a little and whisperd after a bit she sat down and said "Go in" Su-yeon walked in "Uncle!" said min-jun and Su-yeon put him down and put his boba and macaroons down "Hey bubba" Ji-hun said and played with him Su-yeon sat on the couch and went on her phone, Ji-hun got up and put Su-yeon's phone down and hugged her "Wifey thank you" ji-hun said.