Can we maybe talk?..

He stepped away from Su-yeon and went back to min-jun "Um..I have to drop him off soon in like 30 minutes.." Su-yeon said and went back to her phone. Ji-hun looked at her confused 'She seems mad?' 'Did I do something..' he thought.. After a while ji-hun suggestd they should leave, "Okay I'll see u at home also I'm gonna order take out for dinner" Su-yeon said and left with min-jun. Su-yeon dropped off min-jun at aunties and went home, (Btw if ur asking why she seems mad it's because she trying to figure out what she did to ji-hun) She sat on the couch and stared at the floor for a bit.. "When was he gonna be home again..?" she said out loud. She ordered take out and put his good in the fridge, After she was done eating she didn't feel like doing anything but sleeping so she did so Su-yeon went upstairs into there room and fell asleep.


All work ji-hun couldn't focus he was thinking about Su-yeon. After what felt like hours of doing work he finally went home, When he got their he found all the lights off expect one in there room "Wifey?" Ji-hun said, He went upstairs to the bedroom and found Su-yeon sleeping he looked at her for a minute or two then went to change, he wore a white crop top (ik idk if I told y'all but he's feminine and masculine!) and put on grey sweats he went and laid by her he soon fell asleep.