Not even a penny.

Despite all the hatred, they bore in their hearts for her, she has not given up. She believes that everything will be fine.

They made things extremely difficult for her.

There were rules set for her in the house which one of which was not to keep friends or invite one home.

She was banned from having meals together with the family.

She was only allowed to eat after the trio must have finished eating.

Sometimes, there would be nothing left for her to eat and would turn to the leftovers in the fridge.

Olivia doesn't allow her to accompany her and Sophia shopping and doesn't buy anything for her during shopping.

She gives her worn-out clothes to her.

Due to their financial instability, she sacked all the house helpers and without a second thought assigned Annabel to do the chores.

Annabel does all the household chores while Sophia does nothing but complain about every little thing her sister did wrong to her mother.

Amidst everything, she doesn't complain nor reprimand her even if she got beaten up by her stepmother whom she still calls 'mom'.

Her monthly income goes directly to her mom's bank account and she doesn't give her anything from the money not even a penny for her upkeep.

Yet, Annabel doesn't contest but accepts it not like she had a choice.

The reason she started working was to help provide for the family. If the money is useful in a way or another it doesn't make a difference if she got nothing from it or not.

Her salary may be small but she loves and cherishes her job.

Annabel was an elementary school teacher. She teaches in a private school very close to one of the best buildings in the city which were a bit far from the house.

You would be wondering how she transports herself to work every day since her stepmother doesn't give her a dime.

Her lesson fees are not included in her monthly income.

At the school, the lesson fees are subjected to the teachers only. So, the students pay their lesson fees directly to their classroom teachers.

Her stepmother wasn't aware of this and she doesn't want to tell her.

She's afraid that she would as well take that from her and there would be no money for her transport and might be forced to trek to work.

The next day, very early in the morning around 4:30 AM, Annabel woke up to do her morning chores because it was only after she finished the chores that she could go to work.

She took the broom swept the entire house, washed dishes, did the laundry, ironed the clothes they're to wear on that day.

She dusted every piece of furniture in the entire house except for the occupied rooms.

When she was done with most of the work, she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and everyone's lunchbox.

Later, she went upstairs to her room to take a bath after she has finished all the chores both inside and outside the house.

She got dressed for work, took her handbag, and was going downstairs when she saw them at the dining table and they were busy gobbling down the food she prepared.

It was only Mrs. Olivia and Simon who were in the dining. Sophia was still asleep and no one wants to seek her trouble by perturbing her sleep. Things would get awkward if anyone dares or tries to do so except for her mother.

But she wouldn't want to disturb her little princess's sleep. Sophia was her mummy's daughter.

She could easily get away with things because her mother dotes on her so much.

So, nobody bothered to wake her up or call her to breakfast.

She can have her breakfast anytime she wants. Even if it turned cold, she can microwave the food.

knowing she was not allowed to dine with them when she reached the dining, she humbly greeted her stepmother and went straight to the kitchen which was not far from the dining room.

She sought for her lunchbox, took it, and left the kitchen. She was walking towards the door but had to stop in her tracks when she heard her stepmom, "Do not forget to give them the account details I gave you. I have opened a new account for your salary, so, there's no need for them to transfer your income to my account."

The real reason she opened a new account for her salary was that she doesn't want to be discovered by anyone.

She was afraid that people close to them might find out and her true colors would be revealed.

By opening a new account with the family name, people won't find out that it's hers' and Annabel doesn't even have access to it.

"Ok mom, I will do as you asked once I get to the school." She said lowering her head afraid to make eye contact with her stepmom.

"And make sure you are on your best behavior at work, hopefully, they might promote or increase your salary due to your hard work and devotion." She says and looked at the dish on her plate before she says in a serious tone,

"If you do anything that would sack you from your job, just have it at the back of your mind that there will be no food for you in this house not even leftovers and I would make things extremely difficult for you that you would wish you were never a part of this family."

"Ok mom, I promise not to give you a reason to complain. And you need not worry about it for I won't do anything that would cost me my job." Annabel said and turned to leave. However, she was stopped yet again in her steps.

"I hope you finished the chores before leaving," she said while coldly staring at her.

"Yes, I'm done with the chores mom." She humbly says.

"Alright, you can go."

She immediately left the dining and reached for the door.