Birthday party

Outside the house, she was at the bus stand hoping to find a bus to work.

Not quite long, she saw a bus not far away from where she was standing, she forwardly extended her right arm and waved at the coming bus.

Soon the bus approached her and pulled over. She stepped onto the bus and took a seat with a few other passengers.

When everyone settled down on their seats, the driver starts the car and left to drop them at their different destinations.

A few minutes later, she got to her destination, paid the driver, and exit the bus.

She goes directly to her classroom when she made her way into the school premises.

In the classroom, she went to her desk and dropped her lunchbox and handbag on her desk. She gently pulled out her chair from the desk and sat on it. She had a good rest although it was abridged.

This was one of the few places she finds peace.

Exactly at 7:25 AM,

A bell sound was heard in the entire school; it was a call for morning assembly which would be starting five minutes from now.

She immediately left the classroom for morning prayer.

The chapel prefect was standing on the stage waiting for everyone to assemble before he could start the morning devotion.

Right now, everyone is present at the assembly ground both teachers and students.

After the morning prayers, they said the national anthem and pledge.

The discipline perfects sought for defaulters amongst the students. They checked for the following.

wrong uniform

indecent dressing

untidy hair

wrong footwear etc.

And the defaulters were severely punished for thwarting the school rules and regulations.

Just then the headmaster made his way to the stage to address the students.

He said a few words of advice and encouraged the students to keep up their good deeds. There was not much complaint from the teacher in the last couple of days against the students.

He left the stage after his speech.

Exactly at 8:00 AM,

The assembled teachers and the students were dispatched to their respective classrooms to resume classes for the day.


At Fazer's residence,

They have finished having breakfast and Olivia has to go to the restaurant before leaving for the office.

Simon had gone for lectures and it was only Sophia and her mother were left in the house.

She went upstairs, freshened up, and prepared for work.

On her way downstairs she heard her precious daughter call out to her, "mom, please wait!" She halted to hear her and know what she needs from her. So, she turned in her direction with a questionable look on her face. "What's the matter?"

"Good morning mom, I want to accompany you to the restaurant today. Since it's a lecture-free day for me I would like to utilize my free time in the restaurant. I would take care of everything at the restaurant in your absence. Please, mom, it won't be like last time, I promise." She says and pleaded with puppy eyes like a child deprived of her favorite toy.

Mrs. Olivia couldn't turn her down when she saw those eyes.

She sighed and says, "okay, I will give you a second chance but if anything ever goes wrong again, trust me when I say you won't get away with it."

Recalling what had happened in the past Sophia lowered her head in guilt and bit her lower lip.

In the past, Sophia was given the responsibility to look after the restaurant since her mother had to take care of an emergency that needed her attention.

She left her in the restaurant to handle everything in her absence, as at that time Mr. Brown was on leave.

And on that same day, one of her coursemates was having a grand birthday party at a five-star hotel located in the heart of the city, and Sophia was invited.

Of course, she wouldn't want to miss the birthday party. She seldom goes to a five-star hotel and now someone invited her to a birthday party in a place like that, why wouldn't she want to go? And everything is for free, no gate fee, drink and eat to your heart's content.

So, Sophia discretely left the restaurant for the party. All the tasks her mom assigned to her were left undone.

Because of it, they couldn't meet up with most of the orders they had that day.

They lost a few of their important customers that were so upset about not getting their orders and encountered severe losses that almost affected the business.

Ever since that day, she finds it hard to let her take responsibility for anything. Most especially now that they are financially unstable.


When Sophia heard her mother and that she agreed to accept her request, she was elated.

She jumps and hugs her mom tightly almost making it impossible for her to breathe.

Olivia who knew she was expressing her gratification inadvertently smiled and joked,

"Young Lady, I am getting old and not as vibrant as you, so, do not strangle me to death because I still have a lot to do, else, my spirit would come back to hunt you."

Sophia laughed at her mom's joke. "Mom, that was lame and besides I am your favorite so, how could your spirit hunt me." She slightly pulled her mum away from her hug and reached for her hands and held them together in her own hands, looked her in the eyes, and says with a faint smile on her face

"I think instead of hunting me, you will protect me like a guardian angel and keep all evil spirits away from hurting me."

"Of course, you're my favorite and I wouldn't want to hurt you," Olivia reassured her of her place in her heart.

Sophia was a beautiful young lady with an average height, fair in complexion, and has long hair that reached her waist-length and it was blonde in color. Her blue eyes enlightened her beauty.