Jealous of her...

She was a hot cake in school, boys chase her around trying their best to curry favor with her.

But she wasn't the only beautiful lady in the school or at home. There were others just as pretty as she was, some were even more beautiful.

She was beautiful in her way. She took after her mother both in beauty, greediness, and jealousy. She has always compared her beauty with Annabel's but the outcome of it saddens her.

When seen with her big sister all attention sometimes were given to Annabel but not completely ignoring her presence. Her greediness always seems to have its way with her.

She wants everything all to herself. This was one of the silly reasons she instigated her mother to prohibit Annabel from keeping friends mostly male friends.

She wants her sister to be seen as a mean person that shoos away every living being around her.

Sophia is paler than her sister Annabel due to the expensive cosmetics she uses to maintain her beauty.

There are many more reasons her skin was fairer. She gets everything at her beck and call but her sister has to work herself out to be able to get a few things she craves for.

Sometimes she gives extra classes after school to make some savings which none of her family members are aware of. Thanks to her daring girlfriend at school, who stopped her from telling them, she made her understand her situation.

At first, she taught maybe her stepmother might consider her and will be very impressed with her when she finds out she makes extra income by having extra classes after school hours.

Victoria told her that no matter how hard she works to impress her stepmother or try to curry favor with her, her stepmother would never be pleased with her.

She made her see reasons and forbid her from telling them anything regarding her extra classes or savings. She even went as far as to threaten her.

But one of the reasons why she relented was when she heard her say. it's for emergencies, if anything were to happen to her family, her savings would be of help.

She has been doing some secret savings, making sure not to leave any clues for her siblings.

Annabel was a gorgeous tall lady. Her neck is slender, beautiful as a swan. Her skin is pale and delicate, her long cascade-like brown hair falls naturally. Her brownish eyes are fascinating along with her pointed nose and a well-defined chin.

She was naturally endowed with beauty by her Creator.

With her slim waist, a flat abdomen, straight and slender long legs. She has a symmetrical body and an hourglass shape.

She was a carbon copy of her biological mother.

But all these features only defined her physical appearance but I can assure you that she's more beautiful on the inside than on the outside.

She doesn't wear her clothing size since it was her stepmother's worn-out clothes.

The good clothes she has that were her size were given to her by her girlfriend as gifts but she convinced her stepmother that they were gifts and prizes she won in school.

Olivia most times has the urge to take it away from her but it's not her size nor her daughter's, so, it would be useless to both of them.

Yes, Annabel is slimmer than Sophia, her clothing doesn't size her kid sister.

Currently, she doesn't take care of herself and doesn't eat well which made her look more thin and worn out in the eyes of the people around her.

She doesn't like dressing fancy. she's simple by nature.

But sometimes her best friend Vicky as she would always call her often compels her to break out of her comfort zone.

She would have no choice but to do as the latter wants in order not to be rude or mean to her.

Because of Annabel's gorgeous features, Sophia has been jealous of her.

When invited to a party or dinner by any relatives or a family friend, they don't allow her to tag along. And would find something to keep her busy with at home. When asked about her at the event, they would cook up a story that she has something to do that's why she couldn't come. As they would put it, "duty calls".

After school, Annabel came back home to continue with household chores and prepared dinner for the entire family.

Later in the evening, they all returned home and had dinner like a family. Annabel didn't face any hostility today, she already knows the reason. Her stepmother was in a good mood. She doesn't need to unleash any aggression on her just as she would always do.

Throughout the evening, she kept smiling nonstop, happy that her daughter is becoming more responsible with each passing day.

Her worries on how to give them a successful future will soon come to an end.

Olivia was still shocked, she couldn't believe that Sophia did as she promised, she took care of the restaurant in her absence, I must say that it was recommendable.

She was so impressed by her daughter which made her feel proud of her grown-up girl. She couldn't deny that she's all grown up now.

Sophia on the other hand was elated that she has succeeded in breaking those barriers set for her by her mother. She has successfully changed her mother's point of view, of her being irresponsible.

And she was so happy that there would be no restrictions again when it comes to the family's business.

After dinner, everyone went to their respective rooms.

The next morning, Annabel woke up very early just, as usual, she did her normal chores, prepared breakfast, and everyone's lunchbox got ready and left for work.

The same goes for everyone in the house, some went to work, the rest to school.

The day was like every other day.
