Annie, I'm sorry.

The next day, the Fazer's family were invited to a banquet party, as usual, Annabel was forbidden to go with them.

In the evening, they left without her. She didn't bother at all because she had a date with her best friend Vicky and a few other friends. More like hanging out with her good friends.

She has already planned a way to sneak out of the house. Victoria has had a great influence on her. she's becoming more like her each passing day.

Everyone needs someone to bring them to reality, that's what Vicky is doing to Annabel. Bringing her to the realization of the fact that she can't please her stepmother no matter what she does and they don't care for her.

Most times, she reprimands her best friend whenever she says that. Annabel has always loved her family unconditionally regardless of how they treat her.

She doesn't like it when someone criticizes her family not even her close friends.

Unbeknownst to her, her family had a banquet party to catch up with leaving her behind.

She was greatly relieved, there was no need for her to plan anything.

Annabel went upstairs to freshen up and get dressed for the date she has with her friends.

She had her shower. Now, she's busy drying her hair in front of the dressing mirror. She didn't waste much time. She went to her cloakroom and took out a dress for herself.

The one her best friend suggested for her. it was a corporate turkey gown, knee-length. Black in a color that has a bold silver Tommy-belt that defined the waist. It's simple but elegant.

This dress was given to her by the latter.

She walked to her dressing mirror to see herself after trying it on.

She was satisfied with the look. she sat down on a stool a few inches away from the dressing mirror and applied light makeup.

She did an easy ponytail undo, wore her shoes and she was good to go.

She left the house for the date, board a taxi to the venue not minding the fact that she was left behind by her family for the banquet.

She does not care. For the first time in her life, she was happy that they left without her, that way she could have a good time with her friends.

As she approached the venue, she stepped out of the taxi and saw Victoria waiting for her outside the hotel they booked for the event.

Her lips slightly curved into a smile. She can always count on her best friend. The latter has always had her back come what may, irrespective of their financial differences. Victoria was financially balanced compared to Annabel.

She was the daughter of Mr. Johnson. a renowned doctor in the city. He was one of the best and he was also good at what he does.

He and his wife were not able to give birth to another child after giving birth to Victoria, this made her be their only child.

They've always ensured that she gets whatever she needs or craves.


When Victoria saw her coming out of a taxi, she strides towards her and gave her a warming hug and says, "Oh my! girl? you look stunning. I didn't know you have a sense of fashion, you even wore a silver shoe and purse to match your dress, wow! that's fabulous." she winks at her.

This made Annabel inadvertently blush.

But the latter didn't stop teasing her, "I am very happy that you made it. I even thought you wouldn't have because it's impossible for the 'old hag' to let you come to an event like this one." she says, ignoring the deadly glare her best friend was giving her. 'Old hag', this was what she calls Annabel's stepmother.

But when she realized how wrong she was to talk about her right now and in that manner,

she apologized, "Annie, I'm sorry. You know that I can't help it. I just don't like that woman not even a bit, that's why I don't like addressing her politely."

"You of all people know how I treat the people I detest so much," she says and shrugged like she doesn't regret giving her the nickname.

"But you know she's my mum. if you respect me just as you said you do, extend it to her as well. Irrespective of what you call her, she remains my mother. so, like my mother, I think she deserves some respect from you." Annabel said with a serious look.

"Alright, I won't call her that right now but not never. This is the least I can do now." Victoria says as she raises her hands in the air which indicates that she can't do anything more than that.

Annabel, who knew her best friend agreed and ended the argument immediately, it was meaningless arguing with a stubborn fly like Victoria.

All of a sudden, a sound was heard.

"Victoria!!!" someone called the latter's name from behind. She turned to know where the sound was coming from and who it was.

When she saw who it was that called her, she realized that they'd been outside all this while bantering.

This made them grow tired of waiting and came looking for her. It was her friends she came to the hotel with that called.

She exchanged looks with Annabel and apologized to them as soon as they came closer to keeping them waiting.

But her friends stopped in their tracks when they saw a gorgeous lady standing beside their friend. Awe was written all over their faces.

One of them exclaimed, "Annabel?" She's not sure if it was a dream or reality. She asked again, "Is this you?"

She slowly approached her, put out her hands to feel her, that way she would be sure it's their friend Annabel.

But she was pinched instead by Victoria, "Ouch!!! why would you do that? It hurts." she exclaimed.