Excuse me, miss.

"To bring you back to reality, it was like you were fantasizing." She poked the latter's head and continued

"You fool! Of course, it's Annabel who did you think she was? Well, I don't blame you, I was stunned when I saw her first."

"Right? She's pretty tonight. I couldn't recognize her for a second."

One of the friends named Victor walked up to the trio and says "Annie, you look beautiful, I would have made you my girlfriend if I didn't have one and I wouldn't have given it a second thought." He joked but was still punched across the face by Victoria.

"Stupid! Do you think you deserve someone like her? You must be dreaming." She says and was deadly glaring at him.

The latter was still in pain. He grits his teeth and says, "Alright Tigress. I was just kidding, I didn't mean it. I swear."

"Even if you didn't mean it, do not joke about things like that. She deserves someone far better than you." She said.

The rest laughed as they watched the scene, including Annabel.

After all, was said and done, they went back into the hotel. They booked a private lounge just for the event.

They were five in number. Victoria stopped and told them to carry on while she gets their orders. She immediately left. She was accompanied by Annabel.

Not quite long her friends got to the lounge and settled down, and were now busy swaying their bodies to the rhythm of the music being played for them.

Minutes later, the duo walked in with their desserts and the room servers.

The lights in the room were dim more like a disco room that was decorated with party ribbons and balloons. Writings were inscribed on carbon sheets that were posted on every corner of the walls in the room. Loud music filled the entire room.

Of course, Victoria was the host. Why wouldn't it be fancy? This was why Annabel has to make herself available. Had it been anyone else, she wouldn't have bothered herself or even taken this risk. knowing how difficult it is to leave her home.

Meanwhile, Olivia was having loads of fun with her children at the party. She was so busy establishing a new relationship with the guests present at the banquet. She wants to curry favor with anyone she knows that would be of help to them. While Sophia was busy making herself a center of attraction to attract a decent man. She wants a rich man by her side especially now that they are experiencing financial crises.

She has tried but nothing was happening in her favor, just as she was about to give up, a young gentleman approached her, "Excuse me, miss." He said.

Chills ran down her spine as soon as she realized that she was the one he was talking to. She decided to hide her excitement and act naturally. "Yes? How may I help you."

"Hi! I'm Robbin Sport. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said with a smile and stretched forth his right hand for a handshake. He was holding a glass of wine in the other hand.

"Hi! I'm Sophia Fazer. The pleasure is mine." She says and gave him a handshake with a faint smile as if she was not pleased to meet him.

The lad was optimistic, didn't at all want to end the conversation just like that.

"I saw you from my table over there," he said while pointing towards a table with two seats at the corner not far from where they were standing.

"I couldn't let this beauty keep waiting all night. At first, I thought you came with someone that's why I relented."

"I hope you're not with anyone and you don't mind talking to me." He said with an enticing smile.

This made her heart skip a bit. She couldn't believe that this charming lad walked right into her traps. She continued acting naturally.

"No. I mean I came with my family, my mum and my brother." She said and gestured to their directions, where the two were.

"Oh! I must be so lucky to have bumped into this gorgeous lady tonight."

"You sure have your way with words. Not bad." She says and smiled. Deep in her heart, she's so happy that her efforts paid off.

"May I know what this gentleman wants from me."

Just then the master of the ceremony spoke from the stage. "Excuse me, extinguished ladies and gentlemen. Please, may I have your attention?" And all eyes were on him.

He announced that it's time for the dance.

Robbin, who was still with Sophia, turned to her and says.

"May I have the pleasure of this dance with you?" As he puts out his left hand as an offering.

Sophia was flabbergasted by his sudden request. But she composed herself and accepted his invitation.

"Yes" was all she said with a nod.

Robbin took the lead and escorted her onto the dance floor.

Meanwhile, her mother was inspecting them from where she was standing. Just then her son came to her and asked for a dance. And she accepted and went to the dance floor with him.

But she didn't flinch, she kept her eyes on her daughter and the stranger. Her curiosity grows stronger and more when she sees how close they were to each other and the unending smile on her daughter's face.

Her son saw what was going on with her and said, "mom, please give them some space. Your endless glare must have been felt by them by now."

"You are talking rubbish, of course, I'm not staring at them. I'm just not comfortable with their closeness. How can you trust a stranger with your sister?" She said with a frown.

"I didn't say that, it's just inappropriate for you to stare at them like that. if not that you're old, people would think you're jealous of her."

It then occurred to her that some people have seen her. She was embarrassed and averted her eyes immediately.