Goodnight My Love...

She might even lose herself completely at the sight of her mom and get her in trouble.

She was banned from making friends, if they find out that she made friends irrespective of her being prohibited, things would get ugly and that's the last thing she wants right now.

She got home not quite long ago, snuck into the house, went straight to her room, freshened up and laid down on her bed, and covered herself with a quilt.

Luck was on her side, as she was not noticed by anyone when they returned home from the banquet.

Sophia was humming all through their way home. She met a guy, a charming one at the banquet, she even exchanged contacts with him.

Now she was having a bath in her bathtub, her phone rang, she reached for it and picked, "Hello my beauty, have you reached home successfully? You know I would have loved to take you home myself but your mom refused." a voice came from the other end.

She giggled and says, "Yes I know. I'm home now, not quite long we came back. Currently having a bath. And yes, you need to give my mom some time to accept you. She's a mother and that's how all mothers behave."

"You're right, she needs time to accept and entrust me with her daughter's safety. And I can't wait for that day to spoil you rotten my beauty," he says.

"Hmm? won't your girlfriend be mad at you? Don't need a rival, it's the last thing I want right now." she teasingly said.

"Girlfriend? whose girlfriend?"

"Of course yours. I am talking about your girlfriend or don't you have one?" she queried.

"Can you smell that?" he asked.

"Smell what? I can't smell anything from here. it must be in your apartment not mine." she said to him on the phone.

"Really? I can perceive jealousy. Someone is jealous and doesn't want me to have a girlfriend." he says from the other end.

"Hey! I didn't say that. You can have as many girlfriends as you want, it doesn't bother me." she faintly said.

"Wow! Someone is being so generous. But since you have no problem with me being in a relationship with another girl, then I don't mind. Presently, I don't have a girlfriend except you. I hope to find someone else tomorrow." he said with a smug.

"Don't you dare! Or I will scrape her skin. I don't mind if you have before but I should be at your last bus stop. And that's it." She jokingly threatened him.

"Easy Tigress, you're unnecessarily being ferocious. Calm down, you don't have to because you've won my heart already. I'm all yours Sophia."

"Let me leave you to have your bath, I wouldn't want you to catch a cold. But I have something to say to you before hanging up," he said.

"Please, go ahead," she said.

He took a deep breath before he continued "Sophie, When I met you today it was love at first sight, I was driven insane by your beauty. Just can't wait to lay my eyes on you, my love. Will you be free tomorrow? I would love to have a coffee with you only if you don't mind."

Sophia almost screamed, she has been contemplating whether to ask him out or not. Afraid he might take it the wrong way and see her like a cheap woman. She wouldn't have believed it that he would take the initiative to do so and so soon as if he knew what she was thinking.

She didn't even realize how long she has taken to think it through until he says again, "Hello? are you still there?"

"Yes. Sorry for keeping you waiting. I would have loved to but..." he had to cut her off without letting her finish her 'but' statement.

"I understand that it's so sudden but please just this once, I will be traveling for a business trip the day after tomorrow, not yet certain when I'll be coming back. I just want to see you for the last time before leaving, please Sophie."

Is he traveling? why now? why won't he stay to get acquainted with her before traveling?

He might meet another pretty lady, she's not the only one and he would be taken away from her. That's not what she wants.

she will have to meet him tomorrow to persuade him to stay a bit longer before going on his business trip whether her mother agrees or not. she thought.

"Alright then, send me the address, I will meet you tomorrow," she says.

"Really? Thank you, my princess. You're the best. Okay, I'll have to go now, see you tomorrow. Goodnight my love." he enthusiastically said.

"Yes, dear. Goodnight to you too. bye." She said.

"Bye." was the last word he uttered and hung up.

Sophia didn't seem to be happy with the fact that he will be leaving her side. So she's thinking of a way to make him hers forever. She doesn't mind what it would cost her but as long as he becomes hers, it is worth it.

She came out of the bathroom when she was done having her bath, wore her nightgown, and went to bed.

She was lost in her thoughts, didn't know when she fell asleep.

The next day, she woke up early, it was so unlike her, all thanks to her alarm clock.

She freshened up and checked if she had classes today, luckily she doesn't.

She went downstairs to have breakfast with the family. But her presence startled everyone including her mother.

She knew why they were shocked to see her. But she ignored them and greets, "Good morning mom, how was your night? And you to brother, I hope you had a good night's rest."

"Yes, I rested well last night. But what's up with you?" he says to her.

"My princess, Are you feeling alright? I hope you're not sick." her mom says as she puts out her hand to check her temperature by touching her forehead.