Please, Take Care.

"Mom, you don't have to worry, I am fine," she reassured her.

"Really? What happened then? Did you have a nightmare?" She asked again.

"Of course not. I didn't have any nightmares. It's just that I have to see a friend this morning and we must meet, that was why I had to set an alarm clock to wake up on time." She said.

"Oh! Alarm clock. Now I get it. You were woken up this early by your alarm clock." her mom now understands it all.

It was very hard to believe because Sophia can't be up very early in the morning on her own accord. Sometimes when she has early morning lectures, she asks for her help.

"Mom? what's with that expression on your face? Do you think I can't wake up on my own?" she queried, they were indirectly making fun of her.

"Come on princess, you know mom doesn't mean it that way. I know you don't want to be late for your meeting, so, you better hurry up not to keep your friend waiting. And besides, who is this friend you're talking about?" she asked.

'Oh no. I feared this question, what should I tell her now, if I say I met her at the party she would be suspicious and more alert and might even stop her from going. It's very important to meet Robbin today.' she thought.

"Uhm, mom, it's my friend Alex, the girl I once told you about, that I met in school. Do you still remember?" she asked.

Her mom struggles for a while to remember this lady she's talking about.

"yes yes, I remember, the one you brought home with you the other day," she said

"Exactly, she's the one. We will be working on a project together, so, we want to plan on how to go about it."

"Is that so? Why don't you invite her home and do it at home then..." she was cut off by her daughter, "of course not, she wants us to do it at her place, she has been to my place. so, she wants me to know her place too." she said.

"She's right, I think I will have to let you go then, don't want to be unfair to her. But please be careful."

"Yes, I will and I won't give you a reason to worry so much at this age," she reassured her mother.

"Okay, can we now have breakfast, so you can go to your friend." she smiled at her daughter.

A few minutes later, they were done with breakfast and Annabel has gone to school. Simon has left too, remaining Sophia and her mother.

Sophia went upstairs to get ready for the date she has with Robbin while her mother was also getting ready for work.

She took out one of her best dresses and puts it on. Did her facials and applied makeup. She has to look her best to enchant Robbin and facilitate her plans.

Her phone chimed during her preparation. She brought it out from her purse and saw it was a message from Robbin that contains the address of the venue. It was one of the five-star hotels in the city. This made her more determined to make him hers.

'If Robbin arranged our date in a five-star hotel, it means he's filthy rich. He would be my savior and can fulfill all my crazy fantasies.' she thought.

She was happy to have lied to her mother, or else, she would deprive her of this wonderful opportunity. And she might even forbid her from meeting Robbin ever again and that would cost her a lot.

She replied to the text message, "okay, I will be there."

'Wow! I have stumbled upon a treasure and I won't let go. Robbin is my life now.' she thought.

To clear the coast, she dialed Alex's phone number, the latter didn't waste time in picking up.

A voice came from the phone, "Hello? Sophia." she called her name.

"Hello Alex, what's up babe? Please I need a favor from you," she said.

"Favor? I hope all is well?" the latter said.

"Yes, all is fine. I just told my mom that I will be coming over to your place to start a project we were assigned to," said Victoria.

A rebuking voice came from the other end of the call. "What? You did what? Why would you tell her that? And when did we have a project we both need to work on together?" she flocked her with questions out of shock.

Victoria couldn't refrain herself and burst into laughter.

"Calm down, don't rain questions on me. I will tell you everything later but not now, I have a date to catch. Bye." she said and hung up.

She placed her cell phone back in her purse, wore her shoes, and went downstairs.

Olivia was already waiting for her to give her a lift. Her face lit up when she saw her coming downstairs. To her mom, it's usual to see her dress fancy, so she didn't suspect a thing from her dressing.

"my princess, let me drop you off at your friend's place on my way to walk. That will spare you the physical discomfort you would experience in public transport." She said

Sophia thought about it and says, "Alright mom, let's go then."

Her mother was right, it's better to go with her, and besides, Alex already knows the situation. So, she is on the safer side, Nothing is going to implicate her.

Her mom will be at peace as well when she sees her off.

They only have two cars. One belongs to her mother and the other belongs to her late father which Simon mostly makes use of.

She plans to persuade her mother to allow them to take turns in the future.

Her mother successfully dropped her at her friend's place and bid her farewell with a kiss on her cheek.

"Goodbye mom, please take care," she said before she went inside with Alex who came outside to greet her mom.

On their way, she sent Alex a text to tell her about their visit to her place.