And Do You Think He Would Allow Me Inside?

"Haven't you been kissed like this by a man before?"

"No, I haven't," she said.

"That's true because I could tell that you are not experienced in it." he shamelessly said.

"If you already know, why ask?" she queried.

He smiled and decide not to tease her anymore when he saw how uncomfortable she was. He apologized instead, "I'm sorry, my beauty," he said whilst holding his ears.

Sophia felt awkward to see him apologize to her. Was she transparent that he could see through her? He is a gentleman.

"It's okay, there's no need to apologize, we are friends remember?" She says.

"Friends? Is that what you take me for? Do friends kiss? What exactly do you want from me? Friendship? Is that it?" Robbin was hurt by her words. He bid her farewell and left in anger.

Angry that he couldn't win her over, he couldn't make a special place in her heart for himself.

On his way back to his apartment, he kept thinking about what had happened a few minutes ago and the kiss.

"Couldn't she see that he likes her as a man and not as a friend would?" he asked to no one in particular.

He accelerated so fast that he almost collided with an incoming vehicle. The owner of the vehicle rained abuses on him. "Hey you dumb jerk, watch where you are going." the man said and by then, Robbin was a few meters away from him. He snorts and ignored him.

Sophia couldn't help but despise herself for being such a dummy.

Things were going smoothly but she messed it all up in just a minute.

She cupped her face in shame and went inside.

Alex who saw the sad scene, came running towards her to know what happened? What exactly did she say to Robbin that upsets him so much. She saw how angry he was when he left.

Sophia was still shedding tears. Alex soon approached her and try to comfort her before asking her what happened.

She took her upstairs to her room and made her sit on the edge of the bed and left to go get her a glass of water to help calm her down a bit.

After having water, she dropped the glass on the small table close to the bed. She turned and hugged her friend who was sitting next to her.

Alex stroke her head and says, "Calm down Sophia, it will be fine."

"Nothing is gonna be fine, I messed up a big-time, Alex." She says.

"Please tell me what happened out there. I might help you find a way to fix it." Alex requested.

Sophia took in a deep breath and told her what had happened.

"What? Why did you say that? you're dumb. You ruined everything before it even started. I can't believe I have such a person as my best friend."

"If not for the relationship we share, I would have beaten you up and knocked some senses into you," she said to her friend.

"Why would you do that?" Sophia asked in shock, she couldn't believe that her friend could do that to her.

"Because that is what you need, darling. You are such a jerk," she answered.

"Don't make things worse than they already are. Let's look for a solution, I love Robbin and I can't afford to lose him." she pleaded to her friend.

"Alright, I guess you're right this time." Alex said while pointing her index finger at her friend and continues, "But that doesn't mean you don't deserve a beating."

The latter could only bite her lower lip and endure her friend's abuses, besides she's a fool to have sabotaged her relationship with Robbin.

It's not yet official but they could feel how attracted they were to each other.

She feels bad for Robbin because he was hurt by her stupidity. She hopes he could give her time to explain herself.

She and her friend kept thinking, searching for a way to clear her misunderstanding with Robbin.

Alex who kept wandering suddenly has an idea, probably a way to make things right again.

She asks her friend to call Robbin but the latter refused to take her calls and puts his phone in a busy mode.

Sophia couldn't feel more ashamed of her actions and words. She shook her head and says, "He's not taking my calls."

"Just as expected. Send him an apology message and see if he would reply."

She did as she was told and waited for over thirty minutes, still, Robbin didn't reply to her text.

"He's not replying to my text either." She said.

"Now you only have one way to appease him," Alex said.

"And which way is that?" Sophia queried.

"First, do you know where he lives?" Alex asked.

"Of course not. I've not been to his place and I do not know where he lives. I only have the card he gave me at the banquet party, the day I met him. I believe his house address might be there." she said.

"What are you waiting for?" Alex says and excitedly took her friend's purse to search for his card.

She found a blue card and showed it to her friend and asks, "Is this the one?"

"Yes! that's the one. Check if it contains his house address." Sophia said.

Alex immediately read through the card and found his house address inscribed on it.

"Sophie, why don't you use your phone's GSM to know where Robbin is, if he's at home or not. And if he's really at home, you can go over to his place and cook a meal for him to pacify her."

"And do you think he would allow me inside? Of course, he wouldn't do that. Why would you even think he would do so? You can see he's neither taking my calls nor replying to my texts, so, there's no way he would let me inside."