A Visit To Robbin; Do Not Stop Me Please...

"Baby, we have no other option and besides we can't rule it out without giving it a trial. We have nothing to lose, he's already upset with you, right? So, let's just do this and hope it works."

"Just do as I tell you and everything will be fine. Trust me, will you?" she says with pleading eyes.

"Alright, I guess we have to do it then since there's no other way," Sophia said firmly.

She took her purse and the card from Alex hugs her, and says, "wish me luck, girlfriend."

"All the best Sophie," she says with a thumbs up and a wink.

With Alex's guidance, she managed to locate Robbin's apartment but with so much difficulty.

Now, she's standing outside his house, she tried to ring the doorbell several times but couldn't bring herself to do that, she's extremely anxious and she doesn't know how he would react if he sees her here.

Somehow she gathered the courage and rang the bell, his bodyguards came out to see who it was.

"Miss, what do you want?" one of the guards asked when they saw it was a lady.

She hesitated before answering, "Uhm..... I am looking for your boss, Mr. Robbin Sport. I hope he lives here? " She asked.

"Yes. Who are you? And why do you want to see him? You can go and come back later, our boss is not in a good mood. Someone angered him." the guard said.

"My name is Sophia Fazer. Please, I must see him. The thing is, I am the one who got him upset. All I ask is an opportunity to revive him from his sad mood. Do not stop me please."

She pleaded for them to give her the chance to fix everything. The guards are confused, they exchanged looks with each other.

They thought about it and decides to let her in. If she was the one that got him upset without their boss ordering them to deal with her or maybe get rid of her like he always does with anyone who steps on his nerves and bore the anger, she must be very special to him. They thought.

Robbin was an ill-tempered man and he could make mountains out of a molehill. He's very arrogant and possessive.

He has been masking his true nature to woo his prey. But along the line, he realized that he likes the young lady and he couldn't carry out his earlier plans, afraid to hurt her feelings.

But that was it, he couldn't bear the humiliation she bestowed on him.

In his entire life, he has not been rejected by any girl and no girl dared to anger him or resist his charms.

He couldn't believe his charms didn't work on her or 'maybe she didn't mean it that way and it's all a misunderstanding.' he thought.

Now, he's trying to calm himself down on the balcony of his house. He's sitting all alone, lost deep in his thoughts.

But was brought back to reality by a female voice. He looked around but couldn't see anyone. Just then, one of his guards came to him and said that he has a visitor.

"Master, a lady is waiting for you downstairs. She said her name is Sophia Fazer and she's here to see you."

Robbin was shocked to hear that name and ask the guard to repeat the name to be sure he's not mistaken.

"What did you say her name was?"

"Sir, she said her name was Sophia Fazer." said the guard.

"Alright, I will be there," he said and dismissed him.

He quickly went downstairs to meet his guest. As soon as he saw her, he pretends to be very angry with her and asks her to leave his house.

"What are you doing? How did you find my address? Just leave and let me be, I don't want to see you. Guards!" he said and called out to his guards to throw her out of his house.

Sophia who was afraid that she would be thrown outside by his bodyguards ran to him and pleaded for a second chance and an opportunity to explain herself.

"Robbin, please do not do this, what I said earlier, I didn't mean any of it. The truth is that I'm shy to call you my love and I don't know how you would react to that. Afraid of upsetting you, I called you a friend without knowing that it's even worse to address you as such." she said and continues...

But before she could utter another word, two guards arrived and were ordered to throw her out by their master.

They held both arms each and gradually drags her out of the house.

She amplified her voice as she was being dragged out and says,

"I care for you. You mean the world to me, Robbin, please do not throw me out like this." Now she was about to break into tears but then she heard him order his guards to release her and they adhered and left.

Robbin couldn't believe she came all the way here to clear their misunderstanding. That means his instinct was right and It means she has feelings for him after all and cares about him.

She ran towards him and hugs him tightly as she says, "thank you, I know you care about me just like I do. Let me make it up to you. I'm so sorry about what happened between us."

Robbin didn't return her hug but when he heard her say 'let me make it up to you', his lips slightly curved into a smirk and he hugs her in return.

'She didn't know she's digging her grave by making such a statement.' He thought.

He can't believe that she's here in his house and his arms. Dreadful thoughts kept flocking into his mind.

"I'm also sorry my beauty for treating you this way, could you please forgive me? You know I wouldn't hurt you deliberately. I was just angry that you called me a friend when I have feelings for you. It hurts so much." he said.