Do Not Be Afraid, I Don't Bite.


"It's okay, you don't need to apologize, I am the one that owes you an apology for hurting your feelings. I'm sorry Robbin, I'm sorry," she said.

"It's okay baby, I understand now, and besides I'm happy to know you feel the same way too."

Gradually Sophia released him from the hug but he refused to let her go.

"Please do not leave yet, I want you around. You could see I live all alone and have no one to talk to, please keep me company for a while before leaving." he requested.

"Come on, I'm not leaving yet. I also want to spend more time with you. So, just chill because I'm still around." she smilingly said.

"You have a chef right?" she asked.

"Yes I do, but why do you ask?" he queried.

"I would be needing his help to cook something for you. I want to prepare lunch for you," she answered.

Finally, he decides to release her from the hug and showed her the path to his kitchen. "That's my kitchen you're seeing from here. But why do you want to cook for me all of a sudden? I have already ordered takeaways for lunch."

"I wanted to eat out, so, I asked my chef not to prepare anything for lunch and gave him a leave." He said to her.

Sophia became anxious again, she knows she can't cook. The reason she asked for his chef was to seek his guidance. If he was around he would have helped her prepare something for him but he isn't.

At home, Annabel does all the household chores and she does nothing. Now she regrets why she didn't at least try to learn how to cook.

"I won't accept it if you are trying to pacify me with a meal you prepared. So, do not waste your time. Baby, all I want is your company nothing more." he said.

Annabel was elated. He doesn't allow her to cook not because she doesn't know how to cook but because he wants to eat out today, from home though.

"Alright, if you insist," she said indifferently as if she wasn't happy.

"That's my beauty. Now let me show you around my home while we wait for the parcel," he said and took her with him to show her around.

While looking around the luxurious furniture in the living room and expensive portraits on the walls, Sophia, could affirm that he's a wealthy lad. She was more determined and would do anything to make him her man.

She has seen the dimensions of his house including the backyard but except for his room.

He wanted his room to be the last place they would see. So, right now he's taking her upstairs to his room.

Not long enough, they arrived at the room entrance. With his right hand, he slightly turned the doorknob and pushed it open.

He took her inside and closed the door behind him.

Sophia was marveled when she saw his opulent room, she couldn't help and said, "Wow, I like the room, it's extravagant and beautiful. May I look around?" she requested.

"Of course, you can, and you don't need my permission to do so. Please go ahead dear," he said.

She slowly walked around the room and scrutinize every corner of the room and was extremely pleased with what her eyes have seen.

Abruptly, she ran towards the bed and sat on it feeling the softness of the bed.

As though she's not satisfied, she took off her shoes and jumped on them, bouncing on them and asking him to join her. Robbin refused at first but later agreed and joined her when she insisted.

"This is silly, you know that right?" he asked.

"Of course not, aren't you having so much fun? Well, if you are not, I am. Please excuse me for behaving so childishly." she harrumphed.

"You know your happiness is mine too, my beauty. I would do anything for you even if it's silly or childish," he said.

They kept bouncing until they were out of breath and flopped down onto the bed. That was an awkward fall, she fell on top of him, their bodies pressed against each other as a result of the pressure from the fall.

They were lying on the edge of the bed. Due to their body weight she slipped and almost fell off but he caught her right in time.

Now, they are on the bed and she's beneath him. Their eyes met and locked. He slowly lowered his head and kissed her on the lips. It was a short kiss.

This action hastened her breath. As if he knows what she was thinking, he says, "Do not be afraid, I don't bite. You said you have feelings for me and want to make it up to me for hurting my emotions earlier."

"I would want you to do it in this way, I don't need anything else from you. Prove to me that your feelings are genuine," he said.

"Isn't it too early for this, let's give it more time, I want.....mhmm...hmmm..." she hummed as he shut her up with an aggressive kiss while supporting her head with his left hand.

The other hand trails beneath her legs and pulled her dress upwards, exposing her white delicate thighs but she reached for his hand and stopped him on time but she still couldn't free herself from the overwhelming kiss.

He kept kissing her. As soon as he saw that her protest was becoming weak, he deepened the kiss and unzipped her dress. She was wearing a fitted gown.

When he saw that he has achieved his aim, he broke the kiss and says. "Do not fight it dearly, I promise not to hurt you," he reassured her.

Sophia was panting heavily, she looked directly into his eyes and tried to say something but her words were muffled again by him with another kiss but this time it was a gentle smooch and he slowly deepened it.