That's not what I want right now.

Recalling the bad dream she had, her whole body starts to tremble again.

The worst thing that could ever happen to a mother is to see the corpse of her children before her.

No mother would ever wish that for her children.

Olivia harrumphed when she saw her princess was safe. She embraced her so tightly and kissed her all over her face.

"Mom please calm down. You can see all is well. Don't get yourself so worked up it's not good for your health. Now you have to go home for you not to get them worried since you left without telling anyone."

"I also have to go back inside before Alex wakes up and starts looking for me. We will talk about this later when I get home mom but not now, you have to go home please."

Olivia agreed with her, she was right, she did leave home without telling anyone, if they wake up and could not find her, they would panic because it's so unlike her.

"Okay, I will leave now but promise me you will be careful and take proper good care of yourself." She puts out her hand for Sophia to promise her.

"Alright mom, I promise." She shook her hand with her mother's, as a sign of an affirmation that she would do as she asked.

Sophia left the car after she bid farewell to her mother. She went back inside ensuring not to wake her friend up with her footsteps.

She tried to sleep for a while before the sun rises but couldn't. It was already too late.

She groggily walks to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for lectures.

Some minutes after, she was done. She woke her friend up and asked her to go get ready, "Alex! Wake up. It's almost time for school, go get ready. I will be waiting for you in the living room. Please do not waste time because I'm starving."

"Okay! Stop shouting I have heard." She replied with a frown. "And don't be under the delusion that I will be making breakfast for us because such a thing won't be happening." She said.

"Really? Is that how you treat your guests? Don't forget I am a guest in this house, you have to treat me like one." Said Sophia.

But Alex didn't bother to listen to what she has to say and dismissed herself.

Sophia wants to smack her right now but couldn't do so, she knows her friend would retaliate in one way or the other.

So, she sheepishly went downstairs and waits for her in the living room just as she had said.

Not quite long, Alex was ready. She went to the kitchen and made breakfast for them.

She was not ready to starve herself just because of her over a pampered friend, who doesn't know how to cook.

In a jiffy, breakfast was ready. She called her friend to the dining room to come and have breakfast. Sophia appeared instantly like a phantom without waiting for a second call. She was so excited when her friend served her toast bread with tea.

"Don't think I did it for you. I couldn't stay hungry that's why I had to make breakfast," said Alex. She doesn't want her friend to think she did it for her.

"I know, there's no need to say so. Thanks by the way. It was a good thing; you couldn't stay hungry because I benefited from it." Sophia teased.

"Oh please shut up before I change my mind."

Sophia didn't utter a word again and stayed put. She ate her breakfast calmly.

"How're your legs? I hope they are fine and it doesn't hurt." Alex queried.

"Yes, they are alright now, if not I would have been in trouble." She said.

"Trouble? What do you mean by that?" Alex asked.

"Hmm, my mom was here this morning."

"What? What happened? Why was she here?"

"She said she had a nightmare where we were both shot by a strange man," said Sophia.

"We!? What are you saying? I am right here before you and I'm not shot."

"Not you, she said it was my brother and me."

"Why do I have a feeling that it's a warning, not just a nightmare. What was the reason behind the gunshot?"

"She had to go back home because she didn't inform anyone of her whereabouts but she promised to tell me about it in detail when I get home today."

"Okay, it means it's very important that you go home today."

"Yes," Sophia said with a sad face.

The only way she could meet Robbin is when she's away from home. From now onwards her mother will be monitoring her every move; to prevent the nightmare from manifesting.

Her relationship with Robbin will not progress if that happens.

"Why that face?" Alex questioned her friend when she saw the expression on her face.

"It's about Robbin, how do I build a relationship with him if my mother keeps her eyes on me like a hawk. Of course, she won't like to see me with a man without her permission especially after this nightmare. You know she hates Robbin for some reason I don't know." she sighed and continued,

"is this karma? I instigated my mom to stop Annabel from keeping friends particularly male friends. Is nature fighting against me for her?" Said Sophia.

"Are you not happy to have a mother that cares about you and ensures your safety at all times? Some people pray for this every day but it was offered to you in a platter of gold and here you are complaining." Said Alex.

"That's not what I want right now. And of course, I love my mom, she's the best. But I need some space."

"Really? Then, go find a job and live independently, that way she won't boss you around. But as far as you are living under her roof and she takes care of all your expenses, you have to abide by the rules she sets whether you like it or not." Said Alex.