That's not enough Vicky, you have to promise;

"That's right. Now, I comprehend how it feels to live by so many rules. It must be torturous." Said Sophia.

Alex irked when she saw how her friend was displaying penitence. "Hey! Get up, let's go to school. And stop blaming nature or yourself for anything. You did nothing wrong to Annabel, she brought whatever that is happening to her by herself and not you."

"But if I let her keep friends maybe I will be repaid in return besides she hasn't done me any wrong. I was the one that got jealous of her beauty." Sophia replied.

"Snap out of it girl, there's no ifs and buts. You had better let things remain the way they are. What if you decide to support your so-called big sister who kept on robbing you of your happiness. And somehow you successfully convinced your mother to let her keep friends. Instead of thanking you for your generosity, she snatches Robbin from you, then, what would you do?"

"Can't you see it's because of those rules; you were able to meet Robbin. If she had gone to the banquet party with your family the other day, Robbin would have chosen her instead of you."

"You wouldn't have been recognized in the society and you wouldn't have met Robbin. Whenever you're around her, what people seem to see is your sister and not you. She's a complete obstacle to your success." says Alex.

Sophia affirmed with her, "you have a point. Fine then, I won't do what I had planned to do. I will have to look for another way to solve this problem."

"Thank goodness you understand. Now, can we leave for school?"

"Sure," Sophia said and they went to school.

Olivia arrived home on time before her son woke up but Annabel saw her when she came back. She was concerned and wants to know why her stepmother was worried and also where she's coming from so early in the morning.

But she doesn't know how to do that without making her more upset. It was clear to her that her presence annoys her to a great length.

At last, she decides not to intervene, not because she was afraid that she would be beaten up or humiliated but because she doesn't want to endanger her stepmother's health.

She quietly carried out her daily routine and left for work. It's best to pretend that nothing happened at home.

Soon, Simon left for school and his mother left for work. She counterfeited as though nothing happened in the office.

She didn't share it with anyone not even her close friends at work, she kept it all to herself. Waiting for the right time to share it with her children and caution them.

At school, during the lunch break. Annabel was with her best friend, they were having lunch in the school canteen. She told Victoria what happened this morning and how disturbed her mom was.

"You know I hate that your stepmother, so, I don't like to discuss anything that has to do with her but if she was terrified of something only God knows what, then, that must be to your benefit."

"What! Why would you say a thing like that? This is not the time for jokes, I am serious."

"Babygirl, I am serious too. Anything that brings her sadness and pain brings you happiness and pleasure. I wonder what she must be plotting right now. Something didn't go as she had planned that must be the reason she was perturbed."

"And I have to stop her before she plans another one. She's a venomous snake. But why do you even care about her feelings? What are you made of? Even, after all, she did to you, you are still concerned about her?" She queried.

"No one is perfect, besides who am I to judge her? She may not be the best stepmother but she's a good mother." Said Annabel.

Victoria applauds and says; "Wow! What a great line you have there bestie. I never knew you're a good philosopher. You said she's a good mother, to who exactly? To you?"

"Not me, to Sophia and Simon. She always stops them from doing something wrong. I have seen how she panics and fights for them when they are in trouble and how restless she becomes when they are perturbed. And I know her... "

"Hold it there. Did you just say 'not you'? So you affirm with me that she's not a good mother to you? If so, why do you still call her 'mom'? She doesn't deserve that name in any way."

"I chose to call her that, I don't see any reason why you should be uncomfortable with it. It's my decision to make and not yours. Respect my wishes please." Said Annabel.

"Calm down Annie, and of course I respect your wishes. Fine, I won't say that again about your stepmother. But I hope I can make my own decisions?" She asked.

"Of course you can," Annabel said.

"Best friend, remember what you said." To seal it all, she made Annabel promise her that she wouldn't interfere in her future decisions unless she permits it.

"But don't spy on her because I know what you can do and what you are like when you are suspicious of someone," Annabel warns her.

"Okay." Said Victoria.

"That's not enough Vicky, you have to promise; that's the only way you can be stopped."

"What's this? I am tired of all these promises, creating more avowals might make me forget the first ones. That's enough please." She said and ignored her friend's keen eyes.

"But be sure not to involve yourself in this and stay out of it. Also, let me know any latest updates with regards to the situation." Said Victoria.

"Alright, I won't meddle in their affairs unless they want me to," Annabel promised.

"That's a good girl. Let's finish our lunch and leave for class, the break will soon be over."
