It's time to go fishing...

"What's the meaning of this? Why didn't you apply a makeover on your face and also why didn't you style your hair? Don't you know it berated the quality and worth of the dress? I really can't put my fingers on what you were thinking." Victoria complained.

"I don't understand what you mean by you are not satisfied with my looks. Have you forgotten that I don't wear makeovers; I prefer it simple and elegant. And also that I am not allowed to wear much makeup." Annabel replied.

"Just shut up and corporate with me. Because I can't handle any fuzz while fixing the mess you created."

She immediately gets on with the makeover. She restyled her hair into a half-up fishtail braid; she made a fishtail braid and connects them into a flat bum riming a flower and then, let's the rest of her hair flow down like a water wave. Few strands of hair near her face; both sides of her face were curled.

Calmly, she sat down and applied makeup on Annabel's delicate foreside. The makeup was neither heavy nor light, just normal.

Right now, she's extremely pretty. Her face features have been highlighted. She's difficult to resist.

She's like a dazzling diamond one would treasure for eternity.

Victoria gave her a nice pair of shoes and a hand purse that matched her dress. She adorned her with ornaments.

Annabel rejected all these items but she was made to shut her mouth.

She couldn't refute again, because her friend seems to have the upper hand and she doesn't want to trouble or upset her in any way.

'It's just for today and nothing more. You can do it, Annie, you can pull this off.' She thought.

She was making some efforts to motivate herself. She was perturbed by her looks. She doesn't want any problem and wishes that things go smoothly for her best friend.

She finished right in time. The MC has started calling everyone to gather so that he can officially start the event.

"Come on Annabel, we have to go downstairs, it's almost time. And let me take you to my parents to meet them. But I must say that you look truly beautiful bestie. May no one cast an evil eye on you."

She took out her phone and took a handful of pictures of themselves.

They have surfaced at the party, all eyes were on them especially on Annabel. Who appeared more beautiful than her best friend.

"Mrs. Johnson is that not your daughter and who is that girl with her? They also happen to wear the same outfits as they were twins." Said a woman that was close to Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Olivia was also within the same circuit, she heard what the woman said.

She was about to reply when Mrs. Johnson spoke up. "Oh! That's Annabel Fazer, the daughter of late Mr. Fazer. She's my daughter's best friend and they are very fond of each other."

"Wow! She has taken second place at this party. She's extremely beautiful." The woman said.

"Yes, she is." Said Mrs. Johnson.

In a jiffy, Annabel and Victoria are standing in front of her parents. She excused them from the people around them.

"Hey, mom! I would want you to meet someone special." She brought Annabel forward and introduced her to them.

"This is Annabel Fazer, my best friend." She uttered these words with undeniable emotions of excitement on her face.

"Oh my! What a beauty, she's extremely gorgeous. See how she has been basking in the lights like a diamond." Mrs. Johnson complimented.

All this while, Annabel has been facing downwards, she's embarrassed by the unending compliments people have been giving her.

She buried her face downwards out of shyness. But right now she has to face her best friend's parents.

Somehow she mustered the courage to face them.

Mr. Johnson has also heard of her relationship with his daughter. He says, "My dear we are happy to have you at our party. And thanks for the friendship you had given my daughter. I wish you both the very best."

"Thank you, sir. I am indeed lucky to have your daughter as my friend and thanks for inviting my family to your wife's birthday party." Annabel said while she bowed her head.

"Dear, you know this my daughter here can't stop talking about you. And thank you for coming into my daughter's life." Said Mrs. Johnson as she stretched forward her arms to ask for a hug.

The latter happily hugged her affectionately. She gently trailed her hands down from her head to her shoulder as though she was soothing a crying child.

Mrs. Johnson softly pulled her out and smooched her on her forehead. There was so much motherly love and tenderness, Annabel felt it.

"Come on girls, go and enjoy the party. And let us the elders do our thing." Said Mr. Johnson.

"Yes my sweethearts, go on and have fun. I can see a handful of handsome bachelor's at my party. It's time to go fishing, don't you think so?"

Annabel shyly gulped down the drink she took from a servant. She's feeling awkward. She has also solved the puzzle; Victoria took after her mother, they are both the same.

Victoria was stunned, " OMG! Mom, you shouldn't be saying all this stuff, it doesn't suit you. And you are embarrassing me before my friend." She giggled.

She left them in peace after a few bantering.

It's time to officially begin the party. The master of ceremonies (The MC) called the birthday celebrant to the stage, there was a big round of applause for her as she walked up to the stage.

She gave a speech full of thanks. "Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! I want to especially thank God for today, I am happy to witness a day like this. And it's indeed an honor for me and my family to see a huge turn up for today's event. All I want to say is thank you to everyone who made it to my party and for your good wishes. Thank you all... "