Vicky, let me go alone...

She gave a speech full of thanks. "Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! I want to especially thank God for today, I am happy to witness a day like this. And it's indeed an honor for me and my family to see a huge turn up for today's event. I want to say thank you to everyone who made it to my party. Thank you all... "

It was indeed a long speech. She was so happy that they took out a moment from their busy schedule to be here on her day.

At the end of the speech, she was applauded by the crowd. Her husband was standing beside her all this while, he approached her and gave her a hug and a cheek smooch.

They walked down the stage together as a lovely couple. Amidst the crowd was Victoria their daughter who kept shouting on top of her voice, "Bravo! Mom... Bravo!"

She's with Annabel beside her. Her friend supported her with a louder clap.

She kept shouting and showering praises to her mom until her voice became the only one that can be heard, she stopped when people started gawking at her and saw that she was unnecessarily drawing attention to herself.

"Oops! Sorry." She muttered unknowingly.

Annabel couldn't refrain from the impending laugh. She knows her friend too well.

But somehow, she's feeling awkward because of her silliness.

After Mrs. Johnson's speech, the party continued; people started to interact with one another. Many people congratulated her and wished her well.

As we all know it's a big man's party for you, people get to meet some business associates. Not all that came there, came for the birthday. Most of them came in the hope of finding a business partner or investors, to promote their business.

While some young ladies came with their parents to find a better boyfriend for themselves except for Sophia who already has one.

Sophia has been alone from the time they came in till the time the celebrant rendered her speech. She became bored and decides to go outside to receive some fresh air, she took a glass of wine with her.

She has been outside for a while now, and it's extremely cold, she's shivering and has been rubbing her arms with her palm. Afraid not to catch a cold, she stood up and was about to go inside when she felt warm hands around her from behind.

She was being covered with a suit jacket. She turned to know who it was, she was startled when she saw the person.


"Ro...Robbin! It is you! What are you doing here?"

"Yes, it is me my beauty. And I am here for the birthday party. What about you, what are you doing here all by yourself?" Robbin queried.

"Well, I am here with my family. We also came to the party. The thing is that Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's daughter is my sister's best friend and she invited us all to the party. My mom is busy with some of the guests, my brother is also somewhere inside." She replied.

"And your sister?" He asked.

"She's with her best friend, miss Victoria. But why do you ask?" Sophia gave a questionable gaze.

"What is it now? Is it because I asked about your sister? Trust me when I say that I am not interested in her..." He still couldn't get rid of her jealousy, so, it made him ask, "Babe, won't you introduce me to your mom, I would love to meet my future mother-in-law you know." He gave her a wink.

This question pulled her out of her jealousy and she became frightened.

'What if mom decides to come looking for me and finds me here with Robbin, this will be the end of my relationship with Robbin. Of course, I can't let her do that, but I have to be careful' She thought.

Sophia has not seen Annabel recently, she's unaware of her appearance. She only knows that she wore an expensive dress for the party and nothing more.

Right now, what came to her mind was how she would flaunt her new boyfriend before her big sister to make her jealous. And also how to do it without her mom seeing them.

As if the heavens heard her cry, Annabel and Victoria came outside in search of her friends and a few guests.

The people she invited from the school she works came. Victoria got a call from them telling her that the security men couldn't allow them inside, she and Annabel came outside to fetch them and invite them in.

On their way to their friends was when Robbin saw them and he drew Sophia's attention.

"Is that lady with miss Victoria, not your sister? " He asked.

Robbin has not seen Annabel before, and he couldn't get a good dekko at her because of the distance but he sure knows miss Victoria.

The Johnson's are very good friends to his parents as far as he could remember. He knows the Johnson's, that was why he could recognize miss Johnson from afar.

Sophia looked in the direction Robbin was pointing at and saw her sister with her new friend.

She called out her name as she waved to her and asked her to come here through hand gestures.

The duo heard the call and scrutinized the environment to see where it's coming from that's when she saw her sister asking her to come over. She was the first to see Sophia but she made Victoria see her as well.

"Hey! You should go and get our friends, let me go and find out why she's calling me and what she's doing outside here with a man."

Victoria refused to let her go alone, she dragged Annabel towards her sister's direction. That action alone conveyed her message to her friend.

But the latter tugged her and pleads, "Please Vicky, let me go alone, go and get your guests and meet me there...