See! I think the police are here.

Robbin wasn't paying any deep attention to be able to see her uneasiness, as the latter's eyes were fixed on Annabel's. Luckily he wasn't drooling.

Annabel decides to hasten the introduction and leave from there, "Hi, it's nice to meet you mister" she puts forth her right hand for a handshake.

Back to his senses, he shook hands with her as he replied. "The pleasure is mine miss Annabel and I must say, you're beautiful."

On hearing this, Sophia's anger became like a volcano that would erupt at any moment. He sensed it and covered things up, "It seems beauty runs in your family lineage, I must have been fortunate to have one of this family's daughter as my girlfriend."

Sophia was excited to hear this from him. And these words did the trick; it nullified the volcano that about erupted.

Inadvertently, a smile surfaced on her lips. She clung to Robbin's left arm even tighter than before.

"Thank you, Mr. Robbin. But I have to go now, my friend must be waiting for me. Let me leave you both to enjoy the party. Bye, see you some other time."

"So soon? Can't you wait for a little longer?" Robbin requested.

Annabel took a secret glance at her sister, she saw Sophia's rage. 'Does this man want to get me in trouble or what, why is he so bent on angering my sister?' She thought.

She attempts to say something but shut up when she heard Sophia speak. "Come on, let her go, it's her newfound best friend's mom's party, her presence and help are historic. We can't keep her here and let the poor girl do all the whole work by herself, she needs her best friend."

"Sophia is right, on my way here, I had told her that I would join her as soon as I'm done here, so she's expecting me and if she doesn't see me, she will come looking for me. Please let me go for now."

"Okay, if both of you are insisting so much, then you can go. See you later." Robbin finally gave in.

"Thanks for understanding, I am leaving now, bye sister, do take care of yourself," Annabel said and left.

Among the shadows, there's a young lad that has been standing in the corner, watching the two girls. He kept his eyes on one of them like a hawk. He's also a guest at the party.

Annabel went inside the house to look for Victoria but couldn't find her. She came outside again to search for her but still couldn't find her even after going outside the villa in search of her.

She brought out her mobile phone to give her a call but her phone battery was low so she couldn't get through to her.

Just right then, it dawned on her that she's outside the villa and needs to go back inside because it's hazardous for her to be where she is. In her pursuit to find her friend, she ignored the warnings the guards gave her and came outside.

The guards were on shift, the ones that saw when Victoria went inside with her friends had gone on shift, the new ones don't know if their young miss is inside or not.

Upon hearing that their young miss has gone missing, one of the guards left his duty post in search of her. The rest refused to let Annabel go outside since she's their young miss's friend. They would lose their job if anything happens to her, so they obstruct her from going outside.

Somehow, Annabel tricked them and sneaked out without them knowing. They thought maybe she had gone back inside.

Tired of calling out to her, she turns to go back inside but was hindered by thugs that have immersed themselves in alcohol. They are completely drunk and want to take advantage of the distressed lady in front of them.

Annabel tried to take another path but they still blocked it, this gave her fear. She knows their intentions can't be good. She tried again but this time the thugs surround her, making fun of her by mockery and harassment.

"Please excuse me, you're blocking my path, and I need to get back inside...they mu... " She couldn't complete her sentence when one of the thugs mocks her, "Come on sweetie, we can't let you go and we are not fools to let go of a beauty like that."

"Chuks, why are you scaring the poor girl, just be honest with her. Of course, we will let her go but she will have to entertain us before we can do that." One of the thugs said, addressing his partner in crime's mockery.

Already, she's covered in fear, she could only beg and plead for mercy but that didn't make them change their mind.

"Please spare me, I will give you money or any material things but don't hurt me. I'm begging you please." She has broken down in front of them while pleading. Tears kept dropping, she regrets not listening to the guards. The worst part was no one knew she's outside here and in a pathetic and miserable situation that would come to her rescue.

And it's so late at night, there are no passerby or a vehicle. No hopes of her being saved from these monsters. She has never imagined she would be a victim of such circumstances.

"Why are you crying dear, we won't hurt you if you comply and willingly offer yourself to us but if not, I can't guarantee that you would leave here in one piece."

She was shocked by their words, how can she offer herself to someone let alone thugs; she had rather die than commit such a heinous crime.

Somehow she summoned courage and tried to outsmart them by diverting their attention, then run away from them. "Please spare me, don't touch me; I promise to give you all I have. See! I think the police are here..."