Please someone should help me!

Somehow she summoned courage and tried to outsmart them by diverting their attention, then run away from them. "Please spare me, don't touch me; I promise to give you all I have. See! I think the police are here" She said pointing behind one of them, as soon as they looked in that direction, she picked a run and ran for her dear life.

"Hey! Catch her, she's running away!" One of the thugs who saw her shouted.

She ran along the lonely road hoping to see someone that would help but she didn't find a soul.

She has lost all hopes. She has seen that only she can save herself from the impending doom.

She hid behind a store not too far from her friend's villa. She hopes to take a step closer when she's sure that they are not looking in that direction.

She's currently panting and sweating profusely, she's having difficulty in controlling her breath. In the lonely and calm night, any sound can be heard. She stiffened when one of the thugs draws closer to where she was, scaring the life out of her.

She knows that if she gets caught they won't spare her and will make her pay for the trouble she caused them, she's cautious not to make such a mistake.

Having searched and couldn't find her at the place, the thug left to search other places within the vicinity.

But then, Annabel accidentally knocked over a plank that gave a loud noise exposing her hideout, they all ran towards the direction of the sound, on getting there, they still couldn't find her there.

"There she is, she's getting away. Hurry! let's catch her before she escapes." One of them shouted, pointing towards her direction. She ran off from the place, she knew they would probably catch her if she remains there.

While running she tripped and fell, this gave bruises on her delicate skin and a pair of her heel broke, she immediately took them off, stood up and continued running towards the villa.

She's in a lot of pain but can't express them because of the state she's in. All she could think of is how to free herself from the thugs.

They are so close to her right now, this was due to the fall. They were running just right behind her. She has thrown away both her heels and purse, and her dress has been a thorn in her fight to escape from those demons.

She's not a good athlete but at that point, she has to be one. She ran towards the gate and shouts for help; she heavily banged on the gate before the thugs caught her and took her from there. "Please someone should help me! Help me!" She kept screaming atop of her voice but they gagged her mouth with a handkerchief, so she couldn't speak again.

Annabel struggled to free herself from their grasp on her but their strength is no match for her even in their drunken state.


Inside the villa, the party is going on smoothly, everyone is happy, celebrating, dancing, and chatting. Nobody knows that she's gone or let alone in a critical situation except for two persons.

Victoria has been looking for Annabel when one of the guards who left to search for her as well came to her. She was in a room with her colleagues from school where she teaches with Annabel. She stayed with them to keep them company.

She thought Annabel might still be busy with her sister that's why she did not bother going to her. But when she saw Sophia with her boyfriend alone, she approached them to inquire about Annabel, but the latter told her she left them long ago.

Victoria searched the entire house but couldn't find Annabel, this made her worry. She informed her colleagues about Annabel's disappearance, they also joined in the search.

Victoria doesn't want to ruin her mom's party, so, she didn't perturb them with the news and seeks Annabel alone.

She gave orders to the guards to find her best friend.

At the time Annabel knocked on the gate, they heard it. But when they opened the gate to see who it was, she was gone and no voice was heard again.

But they swiftly reported it to their young miss.

When Victoria heard this, she was worried sick, she was convinced that Annie is in trouble and needs help.

Everyone went outside the villa to look for her; Annabel's colleagues as well, whilst the party was rocking.

At that time, Annabel has been taken far away from the villa by the thugs. There's absolutely no hope for her again.

Now they are finally going to molest her. She found herself in an uncompleted building with them; they tied her both hands behind her back.

They took her to someplace that looks like a room in the uncompleted building and ruthlessly threw her on the floor. Annabel hasn't stopped crying, her eyes and cheeks are swollen and her dress got wet from the uncontrollable tears that kept falling down her cheeks.

Knowing what they are about to do to her, she began to crawl backward evading their closeness to her. But when she reached the edge of the room, she saw there was no place for her to crawl to again. with her legs lose, she managed to stand up on her two feet. But her feet couldn't support her body weight again, they have been broken by fear and pain. She stumbled and fell again.

"Come on baby, why are you causing yourself so much pain, relax and lay still on the floor, we are not going to kill you, we just want to have fun with you tonight." Said one of the thugs.

She pleaded with gestures since she can't talk because of the gag on her mouth.

Now, they are asking themselves who should go first, but one of them that seems to be their boss said, "Why would you ask a stupid question like that when I am here? I will go first." He said with utmost temerity.