I am on my way to you...

She pleaded with gestures since she can't talk because of the gag on her mouth.

Now, they are asking themselves who should go first, but one of them that seems to be their boss said, "Why would you ask a stupid question like that when I am here? I will go first." He said with utmost temerity.

"Sorry boss." They said in unison while lowering their gaze in fear.

Their boss walked in and asked them to wait outside until he's done and they comply. It is just the two of them in that room.

Annabel struggles to stand again and succeeded; she tried to run but he grabbed her hand and forcefully pulled her towards himself. This took her unaware so she fell on top of him. She couldn't block the collision even though she wanted to; she never wanted her skin to rub against this demon's skin but it did.

She quickly moved away from him but he refused to let go; the more she struggles the tighter his grip on her becomes.

He doesn't want to play anymore, he means business now, so he grabbed both hands and unfold them, then he flipped her and unzipped her dress.

Her skin was so enchanting in the moonlight, the sight of her fresh and delicate skin intoxicated his lust even more, then, he forcefully gave her a smooch on her bareback and threw her on the floor again. Annabel clutched her dress so tightly while weeping.

He leisurely removes his belt and unzips his pants. As he strides towards her, somehow a current of courage flicked through her veins.

There's always a weakness in a man's body, she kicked him right under his crotch and ran off again. She escaped through the back way, she took off her gag as she ran.

She wishes for this nightmare to end soon. She misses her friends and family. And wants to get back together with them. She's praying for a miracle right now.

Already the rest of the thugs have found out about her escape and are now searching for her.

She's lost and doesn't know where she is and there is no single soul on the street. She kept running in a direction that she doesn't know where it leads to; all she cares about at this moment was how to free herself from their clutches.

She found hope again when she saw a shop on the same path she took and it was an electronics shop and the man was about to close but she called out to him, "Please wait! Wait, sir!"

This draws his attention to her, she scurries towards him and asked him for a favor. She took a while to control her breath, she's completely exhausted and drenched in sweat "Please sir, could you lend me your mobile phone, some goons are after me, I need to inform my family about it, please help me."

The man first scrutinized her and saw a bit of truth in what she said. He gave her his phone to make the call, but she doesn't know who to call, she's afraid that if she called her stepmother she won't be taken seriously, so at last, she called Victoria.

"Ring ring... "

"Ring ring... Hello?" A voice was heard. When Annabel had a familiar voice, she burst into tears right there and then.

"Annie? Why are you crying? Where are you? We have been worried sick about you. Please tell me where you are." Said Victoria.

But a panicking voice was heard instead, she uttered within her sobs "Hello Vicky. Please help me, I am in trouble, I do not know where I am as we speak. Thugs are after me and they want to rape me, I don't know what to do... " She started crying again.

"First calm down Annie and tell me whose phone is this maybe I could find your location with his help."

"Yes, a second please, let me ask him," Annabel said.

She turned and asked the man beside him, the name of this place "Sir, what's the name of this place?"

He gave her the name and she conveyed it to Victoria.

"Okay. You have to try not to get caught by them, I am on my way to you, okay?"

"Okay. But please hurry up. I won't be able to tolerate it if anything happens to me. I can't live with myself if they ever succeed in their evil plans..."

"It's okay. Nothing's going to happen, I will be there before you know it. Just stay safe until my arrival."

"Alright, just come soon." She hung up and returned the phone to the owner. Afraid of being alone, she asked the stranger if she could go with him. "Sir, let me go with you please." She pleaded.

"Dear, I can't take you with me, I don't think you will be safe there either. My house is at your left towards the direction you came from. Just keep running forward, there are some shops I think that may still be open by now. You can wait for your family there."

He took pity on the poor girl, he only wished that she never sees the thugs again. "Do take care dear, I have to leave you now." He said and left.

Annabel picked up a run towards the direction he gave her. Just as the man had told her, she saw some shops that are still open at that late hour.

Victoria is now on her way to save her with a few of her family bodyguards and school colleagues. She's driving at full speed to get to her on time before it becomes too late.

As fate would have it before her arrival, Annabel was caught yet again by one of the thugs; they had split themselves in search of her, so they are searching in pairs.

He covered her mouth with his hand and muffed her. This time around, she's tired and didn't have enough strength to fight back.