Besides, who is she to you?

He covered her mouth with his hand and muffed her. This time around, she's tired and didn't have enough strength to fight back. She's no superhero and her body is not a robot either, so she's bound to get tired. This thug brought out his phone, called the rest of his gang, and told them that he has found her.

Of course, he gave them his location.

Within a short period, they all gathered at the said location and took her away from there.

"It seems she's exhausted after running around for so long, she's not giving troubles anymore." The boss said.

"Now, she's such an obedient girl, let's hurry up and get done with her before she regains her strength and starts throwing tantrums here and there." Said one of the thugs.

Where they are taking her, Annabel does not have any idea it's the least of the things she's thinking about at the moment. She just follows them in into anyway like an obedient lamb.

While walking down the road with her, they were suddenly stopped; a stranger obstructs their path with his Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita. He majestically opened his car door and stepped down.

He took out a stroke of cigarette from its pack, straight into his mouth, and lit it up while leaning against his car as if he's waiting for someone.

This scene alone sends a terrifying shock on a few of the goons but the boss was an exception.

They couldn't help but wonder who he could be? And from where he comes from. It's obvious that he's a wealthy lad but what could he be doing out here so late at night, remains the question.

The route they took was a very narrow road, they took this path because they were afraid that they might be discovered or seen by someone but by taking this route they somehow minimized the danger of getting caught by any passerby that's why they couldn't help but wonder from where this man in front of them came from.

The boss walked up to him and calmly asked the stranger to move away from their path "Mister, could you please move your car away from the road so we could pass." But the latter didn't budge, instead, he did as though he wasn't the one that's been addressed.

One of his followers came forward and pleaded with the latter to clear the way for them but still, nothing happened.

The boss being someone with a very short temper couldn't condone this act of insubordinate lost his cool and decides to explain it to him in a hard way that he thinks would be clear to him by tugging him on his tye, looked him straight in the eyes and asked him to move away for them to pass with a deadly aura that emanates from him but still, that yielded no result. He refused to listen to him and blew the cigarette smoke on his face and says, "First, take your filthy hands off me, and second, let the girl go." He said with a terrifying vibe that emerges from him.

This sounds like a joke to the goons and they laughed over it. "Hey mister, you must be joking, right? Unless you want to leave here in pieces."

"I am not leaving this place without the lady; I am here for the girl, hand her over to me and I will clear the path for you."

The gang leader spoke again, "And what if we do not agree to your demands? Besides, who is she to you?"

They are so curious to know about his relationship with her, for him to be so audacious, and willing to endanger himself for her, they must share some bond.

"I don't think that would be of any use to you, moreover it will be best for you not to know. Just be an obedient boy and hand her over to me before things spiral up and I know you wouldn't want that." He boldly replied.

On the other hand, Victoria has long reached the location of the place she had asked Annabel to wait for her. But she got disappointed about not finding her there. She could not help but think of the worst things that could have happened.

'Could it be that the goons caught up with her friend before she could? No! That can not be, I should have been here earlier than this, what have I done? I wonder what condition she could be.' She trailed in her thoughts whilst searching for her friend. She was accompanied by her school friends and bodyguards.


At Johnson's residence.

Mrs. Johnson has been looking for her daughter at the very least she got to know about her absence, but one of the bodyguards Victoria left behind came to her and told her everything that had taken place just as he had been instructed by his young miss.

"Ma'am, young miss also told me to tell you not to disclose the current situation to anyone especially miss Annabel's family to avoid havoc." He deeply bows and left when he was dismissed.

Mrs. Johnson was worried about her daughter's safety as well as Annabel's. She took out her cell phone and called one of her contacts, the police commissioner to ask for his assistance, she gave him detailed information about what took place in her home abs her daughter's whereabouts.

Just as her daughter had requested, she ensured that no one gets a glimpse of what's happening tonight including her busy husband. The latter has been interacting with influential people to further strengthen his relationship with them.

The same goes for Mrs. Fazer. She was also busy with prominent people in the entire city that was present at the party. She is a businesswoman, so, she also wants business associates and the acquaintance of rich people.

While her daughter was busy with her lover boy, it was indeed a cozy night for both of them, and her boyfriend's arms made it cozier.