Hi, I'm Vivian Stone. Are you looking for someone?

Samuel has long found out of his crush disappearance and has been discretely peering for her. He kept looking here and there hoping to find her soon but got disappointed when he couldn't find her at the party just then he realized that the celebrant is also missing." Ooh, maybe she left with her mother to obtain privacy. I think they will be back soon." He softly murmured to himself.

Just then, a pretty young lady on a pink fitted dress that decently discloses her perfectly curved body approached him from behind, "Hi, I'm Vivian Stone. Are you looking for someone?"

She was a beautiful lady, some men at the party steal glances at her. Her appearance alone makes the hearts of most young men at the party skip a bit but unfortunately for them, she's not interested in any of them except for one, and that is Samuel Fazer but the poor girl does not know that his heart has been stolen by someone else.

When she saw him at the spot he is currently, the thought of having him as her boyfriend kept popping up in her mind. She was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stone; one of the city's best businessmen. Many are terrified upon hearing his name, he could go to any length to get what he wants, either by hook or by crook. In the business world, he is analyzed to be a heartless businessman. He can do anything for money, and it's the only language he understands. He values money than human life.

His horrifying nature forced people to be submissive to him, he has taken many lives in the past to attain his current position in the business realm and it's no secret. He has been jailed several times for heinous crimes like murder, extortion, drug dealings, etc. but he always gets himself released the next day. He has dirt on most of his competitors and often threatens them with it.

He has not been proven guilty of most of the crimes he has been accused of in his recent days. He is a powerful man and with his contacts, he easily gets acquitted of all the charges even when guilty. His family is fully aware of his domineering personality, he doesn't spare anyone when enraged including his wife but he has also made sure that no one harms his family.

People struggle to be in his good books because the worst nightmare that could happen to anyone is when he portrays you as his rival or enemy. Being in his good books somehow ensures your safety.

His daughter is no less like him, she takes after her father, and this made her his favorite. She's the next thing he cares about after wealth. He consistently fulfills all her wishes whether good or bad. She invariably gets what she sets her mind to regardless of the consequences.

Having an interest in Samuel could be a pending doom or blessing for the Fazer family.

"Hello pretty one, I'm Samuel Fazer, how can I help you?" Samuel has been a Casanova right from high school and has broken many girls' hearts and dreams. He's blessed with good looks that fascinate every girl he comes in contact with and Miss Vivian has as well fallen for his looks.

His drawback is a woman. Most of his free time, he spends in a bordello.

You can imagine how he feels when a pretty lady reached him in her own accord. He is so pleased with his features and was ready to flirt with his prey.

As she was about to reply to him, he spoke again, "I must say you are incredibly gorgeous and pink seems to fit you best. Those glamorous eyes of yours can easily kidnap a man's heart and he wouldn't want it back because he thinks it has found its rightful caretaker."

She couldn't stop blushing, compliments and gifts have eternally been what women love the most.

He reached for her left hand while her right hand was holding a glass of wine, and he continued, "And this alluring hand of yours are so special that one can be a proud ghost when stabbed or killed with it. So, Miss world, what can this gentleman do to earn you happiness?"

"Oh my! You are so good with words, see I can't stop turning red at your utterances. Just stop it already. I must announce that I'm a fan of your words." She giggled in her remarks.

"But I speak of the truth, some of the young men here are jealous of me, I can feel it. I would have been dead; if eyes can kill."

"You need not worry, no one would dare cause you any pain as long as I am with you and it's a promise."

"Wow! My Miss world is not only beautiful but a heroine as well, interesting. Please pity this impoverished soul, and stop before this soul enthusiastically falls in love with you."

"I can see you won't end your flattering so easily, right? Should we keep bantering or should we go out there and claim the dance floor?"

"Your wish is my command, my lady." He bowed and put out his left hand as an offering and asked her for a dance as a gentleman, "would you bestow me the honor of having a dance with me?"

"Of course I will, prince charming." She kept smiling incessantly from ear to ear as she accepts his request and walks onto the dance floor with him.

Unbeknownst to Samuel, his attention has been diverted. Earlier, he was eager to see his so-called crush, who had gone missing from the party but here he is flirting and dancing with a woman he knows nothing about.

On seeing both of them together, many hearts were broken, it's the hearts of her admirers who had wished they were chosen instead.

Outside the birthday hall, Sophia and Robbin were lost in each other's arms.