And if we don't do as you say, what would you do?

Outside the birthday hall, Sophia and Robbin were lost in each other's arms. The ambiance surrounding them was so romantic that Robbin couldn't resist the temptation to kiss her on the lips.

Sophia had long expected this from him but bottled it all up to hide her shamelessness.

"Robbin, you will never leave me, will you?"

"Never, I will not leave you. You will ever be special to me my beauty. What are you thinking? Get rid of this negative thought for I will perpetually be with you."

She affectionately embraced him. His words dug through her veins. She was completely mesmerized by him, she has fallen in love with him all over again.

Nobody knows where their relationship is heading to but she really wishes to be with Robbin for the rest of her life.

Robbin, on the other hand, is pretty much in love with her right now and he truly enjoys her company.

At the party, Samuel and Miss Vivian were rocking the dance floor, their extraordinary dance moves stole everyone's attention. In the excitement many were drawn onto the dance floor, people with incredible moves wants to showcase their dance mastery and now made it a dance sport.

At that moment, Mrs. Fazer became a proud mother and was so pleased with her son. She kept telling people, "Did you see that? He is my son. My son!" She proudly declared openly to everyone around her.

Comments start coming in, "He is such a good dancer."

"You must be proud of him."

"He is such a gentleman with great moves."

"Just look at those features, he is so handsome, no doubt that he took after you..."

Olivia's head has long swollen up and at the edge of bursting.

Samuel was not the only one being complimented, others that prove themselves to be great dancers as well were applauded along with him including miss Vivian.

Inadvertently, the competition installs time for the situation that cropped up to be resolved and kept everyone busy.

The police are on the search for the missing persons and so was Sophia and her escorts.


In the perilous night, the atmosphere keeps rising with fury, but it does not seem to affect one person in particular.

The pretty helpless girl in their custody began to feel drowsy, she only knows that they stopped but has no notion of what could be the reason for it. All parts of her body were sore from running thus far.

She had long wished for the nightmare to be over and hope for a miracle.

A domineering angry voice was heard again, "Young man, kindly move away from here or it will be your worst agony, you wouldn't want to be beaten up by my men. Just be a gentleman and flee from here and save yourself from my wrath."

The latter ignored him and strides towards the two men that hold the poor girl, he threw cigarette smoke at them as he says, "You might want to put her down..."

"And if we don't do as you say, what would you do?" One of them said.

He smirked and turned to leave. He took not more than two steps. They thought he was about leaving for good, after all, he is not some hero but unknown to them, he was countering. He swiftly turned towards the two just like in action movies, and right kicked the other and at the same time his left hand countered provokingly at the other, in a flash, he adjusted himself and caught Annabel in his arms before she flops down. He carefully laid her down somewhere safe, so, he can finish what he started.

The rest of the thugs counter-attacked him, but he thrashed them all up as if it's a piece of cake.

Right now, they are all on the ground, wallowing in excruciating pain, growling and gnashing their teeth. They didn't expect him to be a good fighter, they really underestimated him. Their hands, limbs, and legs were broken, some were even bleeding while others ran away with their boss.

He went back to where he had left the girl, picked her up, and took her to his car.

At the time, a few of the thugs ran off, they took the same path they had come from, and one of them was caught by Victoria and her escorts, and immediately got interrogated.

At first, he didn't speak up which costs him a pile of his blood; he was brutally beaten up by the bodyguards. Afraid of death, he told them what had transpired.

"Really? What did he say that he wants with her!? And where has he taken her to?" Came Victoria's furious voice. "Ma'am, I swear I don't know. I swear! He got us all beaten up and took her with him. Please let me go, I won't ever again resolve to this." He pleaded with her.

Victoria laughed boisterously at his beseech and mockingly says, "Really? Do you want to go? Poor thing, I also don't want to keep you here you know? But I'm helpless, I will have to keep you with me until I find her."

They tugged him and took him along with them but before they could go any further, a black Koenigsegg stopped few miles away from them.

At the sight of him, the thug shouted, "That's him, he was the one that took the girl." He managed to say with a mouthful of blood.

"Annie? My Annie? She must have suffered so much. I can't even imagine what she had gone through." Victoria cried out.

The thug tried to take advantage of the situation and escape from there, discerning that they were all distracted but was grabbed by the collar by a bodyguard who had seen him at the time.

He tied him up and ensured he does not attempt to escape again.

They all looked in the direction of the stranger. The street lights gave him away but still, they couldn't see him clearly because of the distance between them.