You came to her rescue just when she needed one...

The guards wanted to rush him but Victoria stopped them, she doesn't want him to inflict pain on unconscious Annabel due to their recklessness, she chose to deal with the situation carefully.

But before she could come up with any plan, the stranger came down from the car and meticulously carried Annabel out from the car.

Victoria and the rest became spectators of what he's doing. He ambles towards them with Annabel in his arms; he carried her in a bridal style.

When he reached the middle of the distance between them, he halted and signaled one of the guards to come forward for her.

The latter looked at his young Miss to seek approval. Victoria nodded as a sign of her consent.

Then, he walked slowly towards the stranger. Victoria could not deduce what this man's intentions were. What he wants with her. And what he will benefit from helping her friend, she doesn't even know him.

'From his adequate code of dressing, you can tell that he is a gentleman but how can a man so decked up, thrash all the thugs and still looks as though he did nothing.

His tie was still in place, his suit coat has no dirt on it and his hair, well kept.'

When her eyes fell on the fragile body in his arms, she could no longer hold back her tears, gradually it began to drop.

It didn't take long for the guard to catch up with the stranger and the latter carefully handed Annabel to him. "There is no need for her to be taken to a hospital, all she needs is rest which she can do at home. I believe your boss is her friend, tell her to take care of her."

"Okay sir, I will do as you say. But sir, do you know her? You came to her rescue just when she needed one. You must be an..."

The atmosphere immediately changes, a toxic aura was emanating from the stranger, this inculcated fear in him. He knows he has said more than enough and he is no match for him if truly he single-handedly thrashed the hoodlums. He admitted guilt and instantly apologized to him, "I'm sorry sir. I will take my leave."

"Next time, speak when you are spoken to." Came his deep fearsome voice.

He retreated to his car and drove off without sapping time. The guard returned to his young miss with Annabel in his arms.

He conveyed the stranger's words to her, exactly as he had instructed. She upheld the idea.

Victoria was delighted to have found her friend, although she's feeble at least nothing horrendous happened to her. The thug told them the whole truth and she's cognizant that they couldn't accomplish their bizarre scheme, thanks to this mysterious stranger.

As they were prepared to leave the place, a police siren was heard not far from behind them. This was the police commissioner and his officers coming in squads. She had already laid Annabel down at the back seat of her car. They took two cars, one for the guards and a few of her friends, the other for her and her closest friends about two of them and are all ladies. The other car was full of men as though they had planned it all; a car for the males and the other for the females.

The police cars stopped at their sight, Victoria came down and so did the police commissioner; to interact with the other. She told him everything that took place ranging from the tiniest to the biggest. She also handed the thug to him and requests him to severely punish him until he uncovers others' hideout.

The commissioner wanted his men to accompany them home to guarantee their safety but Victoria thoughtfully declined the offer, she doesn't want anyone to have a peek of what happened tonight.

Discerning a police officer with them could arouse suspicion from people. That's the last thing she wants right now.

The commissioner, being an elderly and understanding person obliged to her plea and allows them to go. He took the hostage to the station for proper interrogation.

On their way back, Victoria's mobile phone chimed; it was her mother, who has been worried sick of her. She was deeply troubled, she kept pacing up and down in her room, hoping to get a call from her daughter or the commissioner but neither of them phoned her, so, she called her up instead.

Victoria knows her mom too well, she picked up, "Hello mom, sorry that I have not called you ever since to update you, I was so entrapped in the whole mess but we have found Annabel and we are on our way back home. I will tell you everything in detail when I reach, see you soon, bye. " She didn't give her a chance to speak, knowing that she will be scolded for not doing the needful. She hung up at her very last word.

Not long after, they arrived home and she discretely took Annabel upstairs, so she can rest. After tucking her in, she was summoned by her mother, who has been impatiently waiting for her arrival.

At her mother's room entrance, she was hesitant to go in. She somehow calmed her nervousness, she took a deep breath before permeating.

Just like she had visualized, her mother looks very upset, her fury kept soaring up, as she paced up and down. At the sight of her, she bursts. "What will I do with you? How could you be so irresponsible? You left me perturbed throughout your departure, no single phone call or text message to at least inform me where you are..."

Victoria ran towards her and passionately hugged her, "Mom, you are upset, right? But nothing happened to me. I am sorry that I did not call as I should have but mom, you need to see the condition Annie is in, she has fallen unconscious..."

"What are you saying? She was not harmed, was she?"