After The Birthday Party (1)

For some reason, Olivia wasn't knowledgeable of Mr. Stone's true nature and how dangerous it is for them. She's cognizant of his son's passion for women. What she truly wishes for them right now, is for their affair to yield an infinite positive result that would benefit her family.

You can't blame her for her selfishness, her family's business is likely to crumble someday in the future, and the debt that they owe the bank won't pay itself. Having so many responsibilities can often make one insensitive.

Truly, it has been so tough for her to care for the children and handle the family business, as well as her work. Yes, she will indeed be retiring a few years from now but that does not in any way curtail the stress.

The load on her shoulder seems enormous for her, as a mother, she doesn't want to give up, her children's future relies on her ability to handle things. She's vulnerable to taking the opportunity when she sees one.

Taking care of three fully grown adults is not a small job; where two-third of them are women. It costs more to raise and care for a female child than a male.


Everyone has left the party, it's just Olivia and her two kids that are still left. The celebrant accompanied them outside to the parking lot, where they parked their car. Noting that her sister is not with them earned her curiosity. She asks, "Mom, I can't seem to find Annabel, where is she?"

"Dear, your sister won't be coming home with us, her friend is ill, so, she needs her around. She will come back when she has recuperated or tomorrow maybe." Olivia lovingly answered.

"What!?" Both twins replied in unison. That captured Mrs. Johnson's interest, but Olivia knows the reason for her kid's perplexity.

She discreetly pinched Sophia, she's somewhat embarrassed by their abrupt outburst. "You heard me, right dear, Annabel will be spending the night here, her presence is crucial. And she has my ratification."

Mrs. Johnson came closer to them while placing her right hand on Olivia's left shoulder. "Yes dear, your mom allowed her to stay and take care of my sick daughter. But if you have an issue with it, no problem, she can go with you guys."

"No ma'am, we have no problem with it. We have no idea, that explained why we were stunned." Samuel answered with a pleasant smile.

Amidst their chat, someone passed by, Olivia suddenly called out, "Doctor?"

"Doctor?" Reiterated by Mrs. Johnson bewilderedly.

"Yes, a medical doctor, is it that severe that the presence of a physician is required?" Asked Olivia.

"Yes it is dear, I wouldn't have perturbed you if it was casual." She called out to the doctor who was on his way out of the premises to inquire about Annabel's condition. She excused herself from them and went to him, "How is she? What's her current condition? I hope no profound harm came to her?"

"Not at all, she will be fine. I have dressed her physical wounds and given her some pain-relieving medicine, so, she's resting now. I believe by tomorrow morning she will be okay. She needs the love and tenderness of her loved ones to hasten her healing process, I said this because she's psychologically disturbed by the whole incident, but with your loving care, she will get over it soon. Alright, I will take my leave now, I will come back tomorrow to check on her."

"Alright, doctor, you may leave now, and thank you." Mrs. Johnson was grateful that he made it here on very short notice, he's always reliable.

The Doctor evacuated from there. As soon as he left, came Olivia and her two kids. They barely heard what they talked about, "So, how is she? And what did he say was the cause of her illness?" Said Olivia.

During the conversation, she has been straining her ears to hear what they talked about but couldn't due to the distance and she doesn't want to be caught if she attempts to get closer.

Mrs. Johnson turned as soon as she heard her voice. "He said she had a bad fever and needs a lot of rest" she painfully replied.

Seeing her condition, Olivia tried to give her some comfort, "Hey! you do not have to feel dejected over it, she will be fine by morning. You have to be strong for your daughter." She said.

The latter gave her a slight nod. She was grateful that she bought the whole idea. She was determined to keep the awful event that happened tonight a secret for now until the time is right to inform her family. Right now she hopes Annabel recovers as quickly as possible.


The Fazer's had gone home after the party. Although Olivia was successful wearing a facade she was troubled within. What if her stepdaughter sells them out, and tells the Johnsons how she is been treated at home? That would taint the good image she has created for herself.

She was well aware of how badly has has treated her stepdaughter but she could not help it. If her late husband has been fair to her children things wouldn't have turned out this way. If she can't fight for her children's right then who can? It is a mother's place to fight for her kids and that's what she is doing, there is nothing wrong with it.

After a long thought, she believed that Annabel wouldn't hurt her like that, she's not that type of girl. So, she chose to worry about other things than that. Sophia was also worried. Her mom has sacked all the helpers at home, and there are none now. Annabel has been the one managing all the household chores. In her absence who will do them? ' I hope mom does not expect me to do them because that's not going to happen.' She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not know when they arrived home.