After The Birthday Party (2)

All three of them are deep in thought. Simon is thinking about many things which Victoria was his top priority but he planned to have fun with Miss Stone while pursuing his love. For some reason, he couldn't stop thinking about Miss Johnson.

That night Olivia regretted her decision of letting Annabel stay over at Johnson's residence because upon their arrival she had a heated argument with her daughter just because she asked her to run her bath water for her. Sophia has long decided not to do a thing at home else she would be turned into a servant in her own father's house just like Annabel.

It was a good day with a bad night for the Fazer's.

The next day, every left home without having breakfast, no one was ready to prepare a meal for the family, so, they ate out. And as usual, Olivia left for the restaurant while Sophia left for school and so was Simon. And they all wore long faces. A terrible way to begin a day.


Annabel was recuperating physically but troubled mentally. She is scared when left alone in a room or a place. Last night's event has taken a toll on her.

Victoria was miserable, she blamed herself for everything. If she had gone back to her after she received her friends, she wouldn't have had any reason to go outside in search of her. It all happened due to carelessness.

Seeing the state their daughter is in because of her best friend's condition, her mother decides to do anything to make things right again.

She called her husband and told him everything, they need his help now. There is no need to keep him in the dark anymore besides he might be the right person to treat Annabel, it's his profession after all.

Mr. Johnson was abashed by the revelation. Of course, he was not happy that they kept it away from him but he calmed down after much persuasion and begging.

As always he happened to have a solution to the problem, though temporarily one but it's better than none.

He booked a flight for the girls to go stay at their farmhouse until Annabel recovers completely. At first, his wife objected to this decision but after much deliberation on it, she concurred.

Knowing how desperate and greedy Fazer's are, he can buy them with money in the meantime.

"Giving them a loan to pay for their debts in return to let Annabel stay with us for a few days, is not a bad deal. We can tell them, Victoria's health has deteriorated so much that she has been hospitalized. It's not entirely a lie, they will buy it. The only difference is, it is not Victoria but Annabel that is ill." He said to his wife.

"And our farmhouse is not far away from my hospital, I can always go there to check on her. I will make fake papers to back up these actions to make them more convincing."

He did just as he has said, he sent the two girls with some servants to the farmhouse. Victoria was confused with the whole happenings but her mother explained it all to her daughter and the latter understood at once.

This might shock you but it did happen. Olivia accepted the offer the Johnson's presented them with later that evening. He showed them the fake medical report of his daughter and Mrs. Johnson put on a good act as a devastated and desperate mother who is willing to do anything for her unhealthy child.

'It is a petty request for the exchange of such a huge amount of money. It will be enough to clear their bank debt and hire a new servant to replace Annabel.' Olivia thought.

Afraid that they might change their mind, she accepted the offer, "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I am truly sorry for your predicament. She will be fine. I do not know much about your daughter but a couple of times she has come to my house I can see that she's a fighter. Do not lose hope and let me know where I can assist as well, I will be more than willing to do so."

"Well...all we want from you is to let your daughter Annabel stay by my daughter's side at this time of need, she seems to like her a lot. I know her presence will make a difference in her recovery, we do not want anything more than that." He pleaded.

"If that is all you want, then I will let my daughter Annabel be by your daughter's side until she recovers fully." She declared.

Mrs. Johnson, who has been sobbing on her husband's shoulder all this while bucked up to look at her, "Really? Mrs. Fazer, you do not know what you have done for us, we are indebted to you." She said in-between her sobs.

The couple left the Fazer's residence that evening with a cheerful heart. One of the problems has been taken care of, treating Annabel is next.


It has been a week since that dreadful night.

Annabel is gradually recovering from the trauma with the help of her best friend; Victoria.

Her whole world was shaken that night, it has given her a new resolution. She blamed herself for being so weak and pathetic. If she had been more resilient, and strong she would have dealt with them.

As part of her exercise since she doesn't do anything but rest, she does morning and evening workouts with Victoria to keep fit.

Victoria's parents are elated to see so much improvement in her. She also does other activities like reading, fishing, shopping with her friend, swimming, etcetera. to keep herself busy.

She has been craving to see her family, but whenever she raise such a topic, Victoria would dismiss it with "Only when you have fully recovered can we discuss it."

The farmhouse is a two-story building surrounded by lots of greenery and landscaping.