
It's for the best.

"Let's break up." Seunwo finally said it.


"I can't keep that promise, Lei. I'm sorry."

"Is this about what Kai's father said about marrying me? Han, its fine-"

"How sure are you? Your family wants you to and honestly I don't see our future." Seunwo said cutting her off.

Leira felt her heart shattered as those words came out of his mouth.


"I thought about it and I don't think I can make time for us anymore. I too have problems to faced."

"Why did you never tell me? I could always-"

"Help? What can a girl that had a perfect life like you do for me? We are not the same, Lei."


"I have made-"

"Stop cutting me off!" Leira snapped. She sighs briefly as the room turns quiet. "You had known me for a year and that's what you think about me? Perfect life?"

"I can't keep up."

"Who asked you to? I thought we were fine, Han. Why suddenly..." Leira asked. Her voice came out breathy as she held back her emotions.

"I'm getting busier."

"Bullshit. Can you for once tell me how you really feel? Look at me and say it to my face." She snapped.

"I...I'm not interested to be in a relationship at the moment." Seunwo clenched his jaw and looked at her in the eyes. His thoughts wavered when he saw the hurt in her eyes.

"I'm not capable of loving you anymore, Lei. I can never be the boyfriend you wanted."

"What do you mean? I never asked anything from you."

"I'm sorry. You're holding me back. I hope you understand." Seunwo looked down to his hands. Leira winced at that.

She stood up from the bed. She wiped off her tears that nearly fell and gave him a final look.

"I guess you made up your mind. I'll take my stuff when I.. I'll just have someone take them for me. Thank you for everything."

Seunwo's grip tighten on his mug when she walked to the door and left.


"Drinking with you is unhealthy, dude. I almost lost my chance to send-"

"Chae, use your eyes to find Lei." Dohyon threw his arm around her shoulder as they walked into the airport.

"I wonder if Seunwo's really okay with long distance relationship. That guy never show his true feelings." Hwiyun said finding the girl.

"They survived not acknowledging each other so distance ain't shit." Chae sighed letting the male drag her. Hwiyun hummed.

"Some people call it toxic."

"Meh, they're not really a typical couple so maybe that's what makes them different."

"There she is....Is she okay?" Chae asked and jogged to the girl.

Leira was staring off place with her phone ringing endlessly when they reached her.


"Oh. Hey bros."

"You okay? Where's Seunwo?" Hwiyun sat beside her.

"Huh? Why?" Leira blinked, snapping out of it and looked at her phone before answering.


"Where are you?" Her mother said instantly. Leira sighed.

"What is it now, mom? "

"I had an intel saying that the doctor you're seeing has someone else!"

"He's not seeing anybody-"

"What are you thinking? If this got out, you will be tainting the company's name! End your relationship with him right now. "

Leira rubbed her temple, starting to feel dizzy as her mother continue yelling at her ears. She leaned back to her chair, tiredly.

"Mom please not this talk again. I really can't deal with this right now-"

"Do you have any idea what your brother will go through-"

"We're over mom. We broke up. So you can rest assured and stop calling me." Leira said flatly and ended the call.

"What is exactly Wushin going through?" She spat annoyed.

Her friends looked at each other with widen eyes.

"Omg" Chae mouthed.


"I don't know what I'm feeling right now Hwi, if thats what you want to ask." Leira stood up as her flight call.

"Thanks for sending me off." She smiled at them. Chae wasted no time hugging the girl.

"I'm going to miss you, cool woman."

"Have fun digging, Lei." Dohyon hugged them squishing Chae in the middle while Hwiyun was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Hwi?" Chae looked around. Leira shrugged.

"If my dad calls any one of you, be the most airheaded person ever. Just say I'm out travelling spending his money like a typical chaebol because I have a very perfect life. " Leira said chuckling.

"Blonde Chae, check."

"I'm just going to tell him you're working." Dohyon hummed. Leira made a thumbs up at him.

"But Lei, you're going to come back right? "

"I..to be honest, I'm not sure. Maybe its better if I'm there than here. My mom is becoming scarier and I don't have a good feeling about that."

"How about-" Chae closed her mouth when Dohyon nudged her. Leira shook her head.

"I'll explain soon. I love you guys. Coming here definitely the best decision I ever made."

"You're going to make me cry, dumbass." Chae groaned and cling to her even more.

"Are you leaving or not? It's their last call. " Hwiyun said as he came back with his passport in hand. Dohyon was already making an amused face to his friend.

"Where did you- aigoo." Chae said after realizing it.

"Bye babes." Leira laughed and went ahead with her bags.

Hwiyun saluted at them playfully with his passport and jogged to Leira, hooking arms with her.

"He can't never let Leira be sad alone."


"Seunwo finally let her go huh." Chae sighed.

"I'm sure they had a good reason but I'm not sorry if I accidentally punctured his car tyre."

"Wow, didn't know you're childish enough to do that."

The latter shrugged.

"He's lucky, he's our friend. I'll beat him up if he ain't."

"You're kinda hot right now." Chae said nonchalantly making him chuckle.


A week went by and Seunwo had been warming himself up at his new workplace. Focusing on his true purpose, he had built quite a reputation in the hospital as the ace surgeon.


"This is my own choice, mother. You know how important my job is to me. I want to be better."

"But Somteul Hospital?"

"Why? Is there something wrong with the hospital I chose?" Seunwo asked, sitting on the bench in the doctor's locker room after he changed out of his lab coat to his green surgical uniform.

"Well- no." She hesitated making her son smiled solemnly.

"Then there's no hurt for me to work here."

"Sigh, I can never reason with you. Anyways, I called to invite you for dinner. You can bring your girlfriend too-"

"Ah, I.....broke up with my girlfriend and I'm afraid I have some things to do tonight mom. Maybe next week?" Seunwo cleared his throat. His mother hummed questioningly but chose to not say anything as it is his private life.

"Next week it is then. Take care of yourself, my son. "

Setting his phone back in the locker, he walked out of the locker room and went to the surgery room. Behind him, stood a girl that had just went out of the women's locker room. She took in the news she gotten while he was talking to the phone.

The locker rooms was positioned right besides each other making it easy for people to overheard whatever they were saying even when they were speaking normally. Dialing the number quickly, the person answered after a few rings.

"Yah, Naeun. It's not even lunch time. I'm still work-"

"Han Seunwo broke up with Lara Croft!" Naeun said cutting her off but closed her mouth after when she realized that she had spoken a bit too loud.


Elaine walked looking happy as ever unlike the atmosphere around her. There was a huge fatal accident of an oil truck that lost control, crashing into the back of a worker's bus. Being rushed to the hospital all at once, every personnel were busy handling the wounded.

"You look awfully happy. Who did you sabotage this time?"

"W-What are you talking about?" Elaine snapped out of her trance when Kai stopped by her looking at her coldly, sidestepping her to check on the patient.

"If you're going to just stand there doing nothing, might as well give up your internship."

What Kai had said coldly and clear sent shivers to the personnel nearby them. They straighten their back and worked even more focused.

"Shouldn't you be happy too? You can finally take her." Elaine said annoyedly.

"Shut up and move."

Kai brushed passed her making her staggered back a bit. She hurriedly went over to her seniors to help. A smirk appeared back on her face after.

"I always knew they won't last long."


Kai cranked his neck as he felt the sore after being requested for an emergency surgery that lasted for 3 hours. Even the doctor himself didn't expect the surgery to be that long. Upon getting inside the house, he suddenly thought of the lady that still occupy his heart even though she had rejected him.

And what Elaine had said earlier made him can't help but to wonder.

"I should give them a call, later."

Seeing the picture frame was laying flat on the side table, he scrunched his nose while putting it back up.

"Where can you get a nice friend like this, Han Seunwo?" He thought to himself and went upstairs to his bedroom.

What he didn't notice is the picture had been put in that way on purpose.


Seunwo sighed again as he leaned back to the hood of his car. Lighting up another cigarette, he smoked for a while enjoying the night breeze on the mountain that overlooked the city. He knew coming there won't change anything but he can't help it.

"What am I doing?" He chuckled bitterly. Pushing the thought away, he set his mind back on track.

"It's for the best."