
Thankfully but She Knew Better.

Bright white ceiling.

It didn't took him long to realise where he was.

The smell of antiseptic makes him recall the incident that happened to him.

Pushing himself up to sit, he noticed the warm hand that held his, sleeping with her head resting by his side.

He stroked her hair gently, easing the frown on her temple.

"You must be worried."

Stirred by his touch, Leira woke up from her uncomfortable nap position.

Seeing him awake and gazing at her, she didn't hesitate to engulf her arms around him.


"I'm so glad, you're awake." Leira sobbed. Seunwo brought his hand to her back, returning the embrace.

The hug didn't last for long to his dismay as she pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Did it hurt?"

Seunwo simply shook his head.

"It's fine."

"Thank goodness." She sighed. "I should-" Leira felt her wrist being pulled, stopping her from standing up.

"Where are you going?" Seunwo asked.

"To call the doctor. You're awake so they need to check on you..right?"

"Yeah." He nodded, letting go of her wrist. She just smiled and went out of the private ward.


Leira wiped her tears away from her cheeks as she waited outside the door when the doctor went in. It took her a couple of breaths to fully regain herself.

"Are you the friend of his who called me just now?"

A strong woman voice took her attention, straightening her up.

"Yes. My name is Kim Leira, Mrs Han." She shook the woman's hand politely. "Go on in. The doctor is in there with him."

Mrs Han nodded, walking to push the door but she halted just before she step in.

"Are you not going to come in too?"

"Ah, I already talked to him earlier. I have to get back to my work. I'll take my leave now." Leira bowed.

Mrs Han watched the girl walked off to the elevator.

"Mom?" Seunwo called out, seeing her standing in front of the door. Mrs Han turned back to her son.

"Han Seunwo, what do I say about taking a call while driving?" She said sternly.

"Stop the car before answering the call, yes mom." He sighed.

"Tell me what's his deal." Mrs Han asked the attending doctor.

A smile crept up his face hearing his mother work tone.

"He's lucky. Aside from the minor injuries, the impact was undoubtedly harsh. He should avoid doing things that require him to use his brain that much. Avoid stress. " The doctor said looking at his file.

"Most people with his injury would have suffer memory loss but he remembers just fine."

"Concussion isn't fun like I thought it would be." Seunwo joked but just smiled when his mother narrowed her eyes at him.

"Maybe having your genes makes my brain strong, mom."

"Seems like the accident did something to his head." Mrs Han shook his head. The doctor laughed.

"We recommend him to stay for another one of two night before he could be discharge. Just to make sure, doctor."

"Yes, that will be better." Mrs Han said taking a seat beside the bed. "It's been long ever since he's taken a vacation."

"It's just two days though-"

"Who said I'm going to let you get back to work after that two days?"

Seunwo adjusted his bed back to laying position with a sigh.

"Dr Han, I-" The doctor paused when both of the Han looked at her.

"I mean, sajangnim.."

Seunwo turned back to the ceiling when his mother let out a chuckle.

"Yes, what is it?" She asked walking out with the attending doctor.

"Of course she admitted me in her hospital." Seunwo muttered to himself.



"Huh yeah?"

Kai took her hand into his rubbing it gently.

"He's going to be okay."

Her tears started to pool, bitting her lower lip rather harshly.

"Hey, hey." Kai said holding her face to stop her before her lips bled.

"Do you want to go back now? I'm sure he doesn't mind you taking care-"

"No." Leira cut him off, shaking her head.

"I'm just- I'm just taken back. Car accidents are scary." She forced out a smile. Kai frowned.

Before he could say anything, Leira unbuckled her seat belts and squeezed his hand.

"Thanks, Kai. I mean it. If you weren't with me yesterday, I don't think I could stay calm."

"Of course, I'm the caring second lead after all." He joked, wiping her tears with his thumb. Leira let out a chuckle.

"You're such a weirdo."

"And that's-"

"My type, yeah yeah whatever Kim." She sniffed. Kai smiled gently at her.

"You're coming again tomorrow right?"

"Yeah. Of course I would." She stepped down from his car.

"Do you want me to pick you up?"

Leira held the door briefly before looking up at him. She nodded.

"Yeah. Um, I don't think I can drive so.."


"I'm bored."

"There's nothing fun to see in your phone anymore?" Dohyon snorted while putting the book back to its place. Chae looked at him, slowly plastering her mischievous grin.

"What now woman?"

"Can I go in there?" She said hopping off the comfy black leather sofa and head straight to the bookshelves.


Dohyon held her back from going nearer to it. She squirmed in his arms despite knowing well she would lose to him.

"Guh. Boring."

"Have you eaten dinner before you came here?" He chuckled, letting the girl off.

"Yes duh- Oh!"

Chae gasped as she was lifted off the ground and carried like a bag of rice. He stopped her easily even though she had moved unpredictably.

"Geez, fine. I won't try to go to your secret door, put me down Dodo bird."

"This is oddly calming so nah. Let's have a walk around this house shall we? Since you're so bored." Dohyon said keeping the girl slumped on his shoulder.

"And my only view for this tour is your ass, sure Dohyon. That sounds fun."

"Would you prefer this instead then?"

He changed her position to a bridal carry style. Chae lifted her eyebrow at him as he smirked.

"The only thing that change in this position is that my view is your face. Still fun." Chae wrapped her fingers to his chin. Dohyon's eyes narrowed at their proximity.

"I have a better idea though." She grinned turning his face away from her.

She wiggled herself off him and jumped behind his back.


"Piggyback ride!"

"You and Lei are very much alike, seriously." Dohyon sighed securing her legs safely.

"Lei made you her bitch too? Wow."

"Aren't we all her bitch."

Chae started laughing wholeheartedly when he said it flatly.

"I'm saying you both know how to get away with things." He said bringing her around his huge backyard.

"Its a cruel world we live in, Dough." She leaned by the side of his head, hugging him.

"Just how many nicknames you made for me, kid. "

"Don't know. I don't count it. I just say whatever comes in mind. Oh apple!"


"This old man. You didn't even know you have fruits grown in your own property? Poor trees."


Wet hair dripping down her skin, she walks mind full of thoughts until she reach to the foot of her bed.

All of the emotions starts to flood in as she laid down on the bed.

"I'm so tired." She said breathlessly. The cold air made her shivered a bit but she made no effort to dress more warmly.

Her loose white t-shirt were damped by her hair and made it stick to her back uncomfortably.

"She would not do that..."

Before she could get lost to her bad thought, her ringtone snapped her back to reality. Seeing the caller id, she sat up and answered it right away.


"Did I wake you?"

"No. I'm still awake..but shouldn't you be resting at this time?" Leira asked sounding like her usual tone.

His voice brought calm to her that she can't help but to feel warm all over despite being cold physically.

"I would if I can. I am resting 24/7 after all." Seunwo said chuckling lightly. A small smile crept up her face.

"What's up?"

"...I just wanted to call you. You didn't say you were going earlier."

"Oh? I uh, Wushin suddenly asked me to help him at the office so. I'll come visit you again tomorrow, don't worry."

"That's good to hear." Seunwo said.

"Well, you should go to sleep Leira. You must be tired sleeping here yesterday."

"I do feel like my neck ache a bit, haha. Then, see you tomorrow." She said pushing the back of her hand to her lips.

Seunwo kept silent briefly before humming in return.

"Night, Lei."

As the call ended, Leira tightened her grip around her phone.

"I love you."