In a certain place at Yamanashi Prefecture.
A child with Golden Fox ears and tails walking alone. Despite with his good appearance people looked at him in fear. He is Gray Kitsune with the age of 6 year old. He was reincarnated in this world with two different soul. A, soul originated from another world at the Age of Mythology and another soul was from the another modern Earth.
Since, he was born with Golden Fox ears and tails, his parents decided to leave him behind and he grow up alone with another group of children. Since, he was adopted by the Orphanage at his infant days until the age of 4...
"All Might!" "All Might!" "All Might!" "All Might!" "All Might!" "All Might!" "All Might!" "All Might!" "All Might!"...
The people around him looked at the big screen chanting 'All Might' the symbol of peace. Gray, looked at him and with a blank face. He didn't hate or like him, but he can't understand why they're eager to sacrifice themselves for others even he read all books available around him as the reference of their actions and perspective.
He shake his head and passed the crowd. He smiled for he saw a women with a named brand. He passed her and *swosh~*
When he entered the alley. He smiled and opened the wallet. He said "Jackpot! with this 10,000 yen. I can have a good dinner."
"Returned the wallet kid or else I will capture you."
"Who?" Gray respond and looked at the old man with 'G' attached at his belt. He know this guy was a hero and he replied "Old man! don't accused someone or else I will shoo you in the court!"
"Good! you have guts and I changed my mind I will capture you." The old man replied and he was vanished. Then, he kicked Gray at his back.
"Owh~! Old man don't destroy my day! --- Gah~!.." Gray coughed and looked at the old man who keep floating he know this person Quirk is Jet. "I will capture you and beat you old man!"
Gray throw a fireball and manipulate the flames around him. Since, having his Quirk from the time he was born. He was able to control everything if he wanted especially his both Quirk awaken. The Old man laughed at him and he become more faster as time passed by.
"Gah~! This is unreasonable I will let the cops to capture for harassing a child, Old man!" Gray yelled and keep throwing the fire ball around him and he felt his vision become black. He cursed and whispered "damn!"
Once, Gray lost his consciousness. The old man wearing a yellow cape with 'G' attached at his belt smiled and whispered "Interesting! to shoo a former hero for harassing a child from stealing, huh?"
"Urggh~ where?" Gray opened his eyes in confusion. Since, he found himself not at the alley nor at the jail.
"You're awake kid! Do you want Taiyaki?"
"Old man?"
"Call me! Sorahiko... Sorahiko Torino and my heroes name was Gran Torino. Kid what is your name?" Sorahiko introduce himself while wearing his hero uniform.
"Gray... They call me Gray Kitsune. Old man where are we?" Gray looked at him. He didn't doubt his introduction, but he was confused. *Bam!*
"Call me, Sorahiko! Gray we are at my apartment and answer me, Gray you didn't live at Orphanage for the last two years, right? Why?" Sorahiko looked at him Interest since he found out from his investigation. He escape and live alone over the year. Since the orphanage he was adopted face bankruptcy two years ago for unknown reason. Also, he found a strange event take place last two years even science can't explained those phenomenon. Which every event Gray was directly or indirectly involved.
*Sigh~* Gray looked away from Sorahiko. He didn't say since he can't say the misfortune he encountered was due to his Quirk. Then, he felt his gaze and shrugged his shoulder. He explained everything.
"HAHAHA~!! This Quirk was strange..." Sorahiko laughed upon hearing his explanation, but he can't imagine Gray was able to live even he the effect of his Quirk.
"Do you want to be adopted and train you? or I will send you to jail?"
Gray looked at him in determination. He nod his head in agreement. Since, he know to survive in world must be stronger and he looked at Sorahiko.
"Yes! Gramps I want to be your Grandchild." Gray yell in excitement. "Also, Gramps I was wandering about something?"
"Go! ahead... I will answer your questions."
"If, you become a hero. Do they have wages from government? Do they have insurance? Do they have bonus?13th month pay or pension once they retire?"
"Ungrateful Child..." Sorahiko looked at the unconscious Gray. As, he regret his start to regret his decision.