Main world: MHA
Crossover world: Mob Pyscho 100, One Punch Man, Detective Conan, Amagi Brilliant Park
World concept:
• The story focused at superheroes and super villain.
• Three types of superpower:
1. Mutant Power, this kind of superpower awaken at infancy and toddler phase stage around 0 months to 3 years old.
Mutant power has a small.side effect every time it's used. Also, it's rare around 3 to 6% percent all over the world.
2. Quirk Power, kind of super power awaken at age of 4 to 5. Has a special effect once it was awaken.
Has the largest percentage around 90 percent all over the world.
3. Unknown (Inhuman Abilities) the rarest among the superpowers. It's was believed inhuman abilities awaken randomly all over the world with less than 1 percent to awaken it's power and awaken. Once, the person entered teenage phase to adult phase. Has no side effect and moderate special effect. The only risk of Inhuman Ability was death.
Because, inhuman ability was a gift and cursed by the Gaia.