Bali, Indonesia.

Roxanne and Felix are relaxing by the pool. Roxanne is drinking her orange juice, while Felix is ​​eating the coconut that is in his young coconut ice. Roxanne doesn't really like the young coconut ice drink, because she thinks it's not sweet. Felix doesn't give sugar to the young coconut ice so that it tastes young coconut water, maybe that's what Roxanne feels and doesn't like it.

This is their second day in Bali. Just as Felix expected, Roxanne looked very happy the moment she set foot in this city.

"Are you sure you don't need to tell him?" Roxanne asked for the umpteenth time.

"Honey, it doesn't matter. Let's just say we're giving arthur a surprise. " Felix answered, still the same as the previous answer.

"But, what if he's still busy?"

Felix laughed. "Unfortunately I'm not sure." Felix had a lopsided smile on it.

Roxanne tilted her head. "Is there something funny?" he asked.

"He - you know - was close to someone."

Roxanne gaped. Of course he was surprised. Given that Arthur never once discussed women's issues - except when he lost a ski race - to anyone. Oh, Roxanne is very curious right now.

"Is it true?"

Felix nodded his head. "So, this is the perfect time to visit arthur in London."

"Of course." Roxanne is glad to hear that too.


Roxanne just came out of the bathroom with her white bathrobe.

"Honey?" call Felix. he was observing Roxanne who was changing her clothes after taking a bath.


Felix approaches Roxanne from behind and hugs Roxanne's body. As usual, Felix rubbed Roxanne's stomach which already looked like a small lump. Yes, Roxanne's womb is almost 1 month old.

"What's the matter, Mr Spoiled?" Roxanne asked again.

"Don't wear that bikini again." Felix said quickly before giving a few small kisses to Roxanne's neck.

Roxanne frowned. In fact, Felix has allowed her to wear any bikini. In fact, Roxanne has chosen a few bikinis that are not very revealing in some parts - which, Felix says, some of them belong to Felix alone.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Roxanne asked. her hand rubbed the back of Felix's hand which was wrapped around her stomach.

"Make you expose your sexy belly."

Roxanne chuckled. Gosh, that was another ridiculous excuse. And he said this big belly is sexy? Oh, how sweet.

"Don't go overboard, Felix." Roxanne chuckled.

"I'm serious, honey." Felix rested his chin on Roxanne's shoulder.

Roxanne laughed again. One hand tried to rub Felix's cheek. "Very well, mister spoiled. Whatever you want. "

When Roxanne complies, Felix immediately shows a satisfied look and kisses Roxanne's cheek repeatedly.

"I'll be waiting outside." Felix says before letting Roxanne get ready. This afternoon, they will go around the city of Bali and have dinner at a restaurant whose owner is Felix's friend.


Sacred Mandala Wenara Wana –Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.

The sacred mandala wenara wana is a nature reserve and temple complex located in Padangtegal Village, Ubud, Bali. Felix invites Roxanne here to freshen her eyes with green trees after a day in the city.

Felix continues to hold Roxanne's hand. The two of them walked while enjoying the view of the shady trees. Many monkeys hang around and walk along the road there. Every now and then, they also capture the moment with a group photo, selfie, or just take photos of the scenery.

"Are you tired?" asked Felix when they had walked long enough. Roxanne is very excited this afternoon.

"Not really." Roxanne shook her head.

"Let's go back to the car."

Of course Felix would have done the opposite. Felix is too worried about the excited and exhausted Roxanne. Roxanne shook her head with an understanding smile, but still obeyed what her husband said.


Roxanne and Felix are on their way to the restaurant that belongs to a friend of Felix. He is the owner of one of the big and luxurious restaurants in Bali. Felix said that his friend was an Italian-Indonesian crossbreed. So that now the man decided to start his own business in Indonesia, to be precise in Bali.

"Honey?" call Roxanne. Roxanne's position was now resting his head on Felix's chest. The most comfortable place.

"What's the matter, wifey?" Felix plays with Roxanne's loose hair.

"Have you thought about our child's name? You want a girl or a boy? Roughly, he will look more like you or like me? " Roxanne attacks Felix with questions without pause. Made Felix chuckle.

Felix kisses Roxanne's forehead exasperatedly. "Well, if he's a boy I wish he looked like me of course, if a girl I wish he looked like you of course. I just want to see our children born in the world healthy, be they girls or boys. Hm, a name problem, huh? Do you have any suggestions, honey? "

"I have not think about it. Let's name it when we know the gender. How?" Roxanne looked up at Felix with sparkling eyes.

Felix smiled, kissed Roxanne's sharp nose, and said, "Of course, honey. We'll wait until later."


"Welcome, Mr and Mrs Herbert." Felix's friend, Daniel Pratama, welcomed Felix and Roxanne with his fluent English.

"You're too formal, Niel." Reply Felix, who then hugs each other with Daniel.

"Just be professional as an owner who welcomes the arrival of the new bride." Daniel's chuckle. He turned to Roxanne and stretched out his hand.

"I'm Roxanne. thank you for welcoming us here. " Roxanne said kindly.

"No problem. Make yourself comfortable where I work. I'm so happy for your marriage and at the same time I feel guilty for not being able to come to your wedding. You know, work and stuff got in my way a little. " Said Daniel regretfully.

"Hey, there's no need to feel guilty. We have received your prize. " chuckled Felix. He embraced Roxanne's waist and walked together.

As they chat, Daniel leads them to the dining area for Felix and Roxanne. A cozy romantic place for dinner. Daniel resigns, making room for Felix and Roxanne.

"You like this place?" asked Felix.

"Of course. Very comfortable typical of bali. I like the designs. "Roxanne replied as she rounded her gaze.

Roxanne turned her head when she felt Felix's silence. A moment later, she found Felix staring at her closely. Roxanne smiled, tilting her head.

"You're going to say I'm pretty tonight?" Roxanne guessed.

Felix laughed lowly. "Needless to say, xyxy. You're always beautiful all the time." Felix answered. Roxanne felt her cheeks turn red that fast. Very embarrassing.

"I just –I didn't think we'd come this far. Well, I think about it all the time. I can't feel happier than this, Roxanne. Really. Sometimes I think about whether this is all real." Said Felix. Roxanne is touched to hear that.

Roxanne's two hands tried to reach out and grabbed Felix's hand which was on the table. "There's no need to tell whether it's real or not, Felix. The moments we make every day, they are all real. As long as we are happy together, then all of that is real."

Roxanne was surprised at her own words. How could ahe say such a poetic sentence. It seems that after getting married Felix passed the virus to Roxanne.

Felix smiled. "I love you so much, Roxanne." then, grabs Roxanne's hand and kisses it.

Roxanne smiled shady. "I love you too, Felix."