Still with his cell phone stuck to his ear, Felix paced back and forth waiting for someone he called to immediately pick up his call. In fact, Joanna looked very nervous and worried about the way she bit her fingernails. Finally, someone Joanna called answered the call.

"Yes, Joanna? What's up so late at night-- "

Not having had time for Agathe to finish her question, Joanna had already hastily interrupted her.

"Roxanne, looks like she's about to give birth soon!"

So, the sentence succeeded in making Agathe wake up while digesting the words of her son-in-law.

"W-what? Is it already? Gosh, I should have spent the night there. I'll be right there now. "

Without further ado, Agathe woke her husband up to immediately go to the hospital where Roxanne had spent the night there for the past week.

During this week, Felix has been really worried about Roxanne's growing pregnancy. Every night, he did not sleep well and used his sleep time to watch Roxanne sleep comfortably. Somehow Roxanne was able to sleep soundly like that with her stomach already enlarged as if Felix was afraid that the stomach would explode in front of him. Because of that, Felix decided to take Roxanne to the hospital. Also anticipate if Roxanne feels contractions before the day their child is born.

Joanna returned to Roxanne's ward, where there was already Felix who was still calming Roxanne and helping her through her contractions. Joanna cried seeing Roxanne looking in pain, as did Felix.

"Shh, breathe. Okay? I am here. Just hold on. I'm sure you can make it through. Hang in there, okay? " Felix continues to calm Roxanne by holding her hand tightly.

The pain caused by Roxanne's grip could not beat the pain when she saw Roxanne struggling to survive in this bed. Seeing that, really made Felix cry and pray for the safety of Roxanne and her child.

Before long, a midwife along with several of her nurses came in with the equipment they would use for labor. One of the nurses asked Joanna to come out. Just as the nurse was about to ask Felix to come out too, Roxanne stopped her.

Roxanne shook her head violently. "Let…. he…. I… .. need my husband. "

It was grateful that Roxanne asked her so that the nurse immediately complied with Roxanne's wishes. Because, if Felix had asked for a wish like that, he was sure that he would make a scene in the room as a result of his rejected wish.

The midwife and several nurses prepare their equipment and ask Roxanne to prepare. The midwife said now was the right time to give birth to her child. Hearing that, Roxanne prepares to push with all her might.

A few moments later, the midwife gave a signal to Roxanne and right at the count of three Roxanne seemed to be pushing with all her might. Roxanne continued to push along as the midwife led her. Seeing the many sweats surrounding Roxanne's face, Felix wiped the sweat with one hand and continued to give words of encouragement.

Meanwhile, from outside Roxanne's delivery room, Joanna could only see Roxanne struggling to give birth to her first child. In earnest, Joanna put her hands together in front of her while reciting a prayer for the safety of Roxanne and her grandson.

Shortly thereafter, Ferdinand came along with Agathe and Adrien. The three of them looked like they were humbling with breath.

"Oh, Roxanne. My daughter. My daughter. Hang in there, honey. Mom knows you must be strong. You're strong." Agathe seemed to be channeling her prayers for Roxanne from behind the door.

Joanna also put her arm around Agathe's shoulder and waited hopefully for Roxanne's delivery. Likewise with fathers who are still silent with the millions of prayers they recite in their hearts.

Before long, a loud baby crying filled the room, making the two parents gasp and look at each other. Agathe and Joanna embraced each other feeling grateful that they officially had a grandson.


After cleaning the baby, the nurse handed the baby boy in the arms of his father, Felix. Ah, yes. Felix is ​​already a father. He is the luckiest and happiest father here. Felix smiled as he fondled his son. Then, Felix took a step closer towards Roxanne who still looked tired. However, Roxanne slowly shows a sweet smile seeing her son in Felix's arms.

"Look, Roxy. Our children. Ah, he's so cute, right? I think he has my eyes and my nose?" chuckled Felix after observing his little son's face.

Roxanne chuckled. One hand reached out to rub his son's chubby cheek. "He's so cute. Hm, he almost has everything yours, Felix." Roxanne also agrees with what Felix said.

The door to the room opened, and Roxanne and Felix's parents seemed to walk into the room with full smiles. Agathe and Joanna approached Felix with their little son. The two of them both praised their grandchildren's handsome faces with chubby cheeks.

Adrien walked over to the lying Roxanne, smiling. "You did it, honey. Congratulations." Said Adrien, the father, then kissed Roxanne's forehead softly. This time, it was Agathe's turn to rub the top of Roxanne's head affectionately. "Mom knows you are a strong woman. Congratulations, honey. You are a mother now. I am proud of you." then, kiss Roxanne's forehead. Likewise with Joanna and Ferdinand who congratulated Roxanne.

"So, have you guys thought what his name is?" asked Joanna.

Roxanne and Felix looked at each other, smiling knowingly.

"We've been preparing for a long time." Roxanne replied, smiling.

Felix smiled, kissed his son on the cheek and lifted him up.

"Let me introduce you all. Meet our beloved son, Reynard Jullien Herbert."


The next morning, Roxanne's VIP ward becomes crowded when Laurence, Jeanette, Orson, Victorina, and Victor visit. Edrci, Arthur, and Dennis could not return to Paris due to their work problems so they only had time to use the previous video call. Meanwhile Justin can't come now because he has to go out of town. Likewise with Roxanne's friends who were only able to visit Roxanne the next day. Roxanne and Felix are fine. At least, they had already shared this happy news with their friends and they all seemed happy and eager to meet Reynard junior.

"Ooohhh, he's so cute. Hi, little Rey. I'm Victorina. Look at your cheeks are so chubby. " chattered Victorina to Reynard junior in her arms.

Roxanne chuckled. His little son has indeed attracted the attention of many people and said that his cheeks are very adorable. In fact, they also said that Reynard junior was very similar to Felix. Okay, Roxanne admits it.

While everyone gathered with Reynard junior, Felix walked over to Roxanne who was conscious of the head of her bed.

"Are you feeling better, honey?" asked Felix attentively. Roxanne nodded, smiled, then accepted Felix's kiss on the lips.

"They really love Little Rey, don't they?" said Felix, staring at his son in the crowd of his family.

Roxanne chuckled. "Of course. I guess our son has some kind of aura that makes them all attracted to him. You know, that kind of aura where you can't even take your eyes off him. " Roxanne explained, making Felix come up with his new ideas.

"Ah, this is new. I think we found 1 thing from our son who looks like you. " said Felix enthusiastically.

Roxanne raised her eyebrows. "What is that?"

Before answering Roxanne's question, Felix gave Roxanne a long look. So deep. It was as if Roxanne was the only one she could stare at all this time. The only sun that can't even turn the earth.

Then, Felix took one of Roxanne's hands, grasping it.

"As I am your gravity, your earth. You are my sun. Earth needs the sun, right? Everything on earth always needs the sun as a light and guide for its path. Earth always revolves around its sun, honey. That's why I never got away from you. You understand?"

Roxanne gaped. Either amazed or surprised by Felix's explanation. Unable to hold it in, Roxanne laughed.

"I'm sorry, but, oh, you're so cute. Are you going to teach our son with poetic science like this? " Roxanne chuckled.

Roxanne couldn't laugh any longer when suddenly Felix stared at her silently. Roxanne cleared her throat, trying to calm herself down, afraid that Felix might feel offended by her words. Then, she smiled sweetly.

"I know, hubby. I know it. thanks. Besides, I am sure that if our Little Rey will grow up full of love and incomparable happiness." said Roxanne sincerely before pulling Felix and giving him a sweet kiss.

Felix smiled after that.

"Of course. And as the name implies, he will be a wise young man who can enlighten everyone. Our hope."