New Friends

After returning from the Everlost Rin's senses were enhanced, unlike before his chakra was fin rhythm instead of uneven distribution in the body. This was the result of his visit to the land of the dead where the mana is highly concentrated in its pure form but it has an evil nature.

His demonic cells were greatly affected by the evil natured mana (magic particles) resulting in increase of his animal instincts up to such extent which exactly was equal to one fourth of the demon lord or you can say same as the other normal demons. But if it is compared to the humans then it sure was a tremendous rise, all of his senses were on high alert.

(clomp... clomp.... Clomp….. )

Footsteps approaching towards Rin, it was a soft quizzical sound. He could sense it for less than that of a sec and then it was gone, he looked around but no one was there.

(clomp…. Clomp….. clomp….)

It was very peculiar, he sensed it again but this time he was also able to hear a dim noise just like someone was moving still no one visible in his sights. He went near the stairs to check if anyone was coming upstairs, it was completely empty.


A chilled passed through his skin making his body shiver. Something entered in very quick but very swiftly in a split second. Something was closing towards him from backside, it was about to grab his shoulders when in an instant Rin held it tightly bending towards his front and smashed it on the floor.

It was a girl in black fitting ninja clothes, with a sword attached to her waist, another pocket bag attached to her back which was filled with shurikens and paper bombs clearly visible as some of them fell out when he smashed her on the floor.

As the cloud cleared the way, the rays of the setting sun fell on her face. She had a cute face which overflowed with pure emotions, blushing while seeing Rin's face so close to her.

(aaaaaaa.... Get away from me)

She closed her eyes in shy and pushed him hard. While falling backward he tripped over her leg and hit his head quite hard on the balcony pillar.

(ouuuch... my heard hurts, are you out of your mind)

(I am sorry)

saying this she ran away downstairs.

Rin-: hey wait....

but she had already gone very far for his words to be heard.

Rin-: what a weird girl she is?

Rin noticed the sun had already set, it was growing dark. "it's getting quite late, I should head back to the room, that tsundere must be waiting worrying about me after all I was nearly unconscious for the whole day" saying this he left for his room.

Rin enters the room, after seeing the scene his eyeballs fell out. what he was feeling currently was beyond recognition, with a bit of shock + unhappy + depression + anger + wish to die + my friendship is over + his mouth watered in hunger.

He saw kyoko and haruka having a party, kyoko was taking a big bite of chicken burger while haruka was cutting the double layered cheese pizza with two other guys each holding a cola can while gulping down fries and macaroni.

Kyoko noticed rin standing near the door while she ate half of the chicken burger in a single bite.

"ooye hin, coge aa engoy ho aarcky wig ooo"

{Subtitle only for you guys}

"ooye rin, come and enjoy the party with us"

Rin-: what???????????

Haruka-: ohh you have arrived, you look fine.

Rin-: do I? I am sure you guys don't even know what had happened to me.

Kyoko-: kagaga hengei...

Rin interrupted in between "eeeii you, shut up, don't talk while chewing the food"

Haruka-: she meant that kagami sensei told us about you. You woke up after an hour you collapsed on the training ground. You were feeling down as you were unsuccessful in the training so Mariko sensei took you out to refresh your mind.

Rin murmured-: why did that basta** lie to them?

Haruka-: what did you say?

Rin-: nothing, just talking to myself. By the way you all seem to enjoying a lot in my absence.

Haruka-: We got these from kagami sensei, he gave it to us and said to eat with you when you are back. You may be feeling hungry because all of your chakra had drained in that process.

RIn-: I wasn't but after seeing you eat, I feel like starving from days.

Kyoko-: kagami sensei told us to wait until you arrive but we couldn't refrain our self from eating those delicious food.

Within a few minutes, they ate all of the food.

[Author's comment-: seriously!!!! It was enough to fill ten persons belly and these four kids ate it all.]

"aah, I can't move an inch"

"me too, I think I overate"

Rin-: yeah, me too..... wait a sec, who are you guys and what are you doing in our room.

One of them-: I am Ethan hunt.

The other one-: and my name is Tess McMellan .

He said in an American accent.

Rin-: Okimura Rin, nice to meet you.

(Thinking to him) "I think I have met them before"

Rin-: I remembered.

Ethan-: what did you remember?

Rin-: I was getting a feeling that I met you before and se I was correct. Aren't you two the genius kids who had perfectly able to use chakra in the training. You with the fire and him using the lightning chakra.

Kyoko-: yes they are the same guys, dumb. Took you quite a time to realize.

Ethan-: no no, we are not some genius, it's just that we had been training long before we joined this academy. That is why we are a level ahead than some of you guys who are beginners.

Rin-: still it is very cool doing things like that when other couldn't. By the way how come both of you are here?

Tess-: ohh, we are staying in the next room, We are your closest neighbours. No doubt you didn't know as the class starts very early, you didn't get a chance to meet everyone and afterwards that accident.

Rin-: I see, um.... Can you teach me to how to use chakra correctly.

Ethan-: don't worry Kagami sensei asked me to help you in your training. So from today I am your training partner.

Rin-: I am so happy thank you Ethan.

Tess-: I think we should leave, it's getting late. Everyone take a good nap, we all have to wake up early for class.

Haruka-: I should also go.

Ethan, Tess and Haruka were leaving the room. While entering their room Tess turned back at Rin and said "I have heard that tomorrow's training is going to be tough so be prepared"

Saying this he winked at Rin and closed the door.