Secret of the amulet

The large blue stone changed its color into red but as soon as the contact between Major and the box broke it's color again changed back to blue.

Everyone stood at their place awestruck and within a moment they ran towards Major Giant to check his condition. Major Giant grunted with pain but eventually everyone's attention turned towards the box.

They helped Major Giant stand up and slowly started moving towards the box to take a closer look at it.

Major Giant ordered everyone not to touch the box but Irene didn't pay any heed to his words and she too met the same fate as Major, she couldn't handle the shock and collapsed as she hit herself on the hard wall.

This thing is too dangerous, since it opened up when you put my DNA sample in it I think I can absorb the shock, it will not harm me so let me try it, said Aurel.

Dr. Tressa-: NO, I can't let you take the risk alone.

Aurel-: Try n understand, we don't have any choice and besides that it's too late to return so I'll see the box and you take care of Irene, she has collapsed.

Aurel slowly moved forward and moved his hands towards the box. With every inch moving closer towards the box Aurel's heart was pounding very hardly and at last he slightly put the tip of his index finger on the box and then his hand, it was exactly just as he had expected it to be, nothing happened, he did not receive any current. It was like he was touching a normal box.

He took the box in his hands and immediately opened the box.

Everyone was waiting impatiently, as soon as he opened the box Dr. Tressa was the first to ask what was inside, but Aurel stood their completely still with a blank expression on his face. He slowly took out the thing from the box.

Dr. Tressa-: What is this, a sundial.

Major Giant-: No, this is not a sundial, it's a transposition meter.

Irene (scratching her back)-: Now what type of shit is this. What transmoni..... pono... potis…... what meter!!

Major Giant-: It's a transposition meter. It will show us the exact location of the hidden amulet.

Dr. Tressa-: Then, are you saying that all these things were not a hoax but a truth.

Major Giant-: Yes, it's a top secret classified information. Only a few people knew about the existence of the amulet, it's key and this box. But no one knew what was there inside this box.

Dr. Tressa, find out all the information regarding it's location and how to reach the destination but keep this information confidential, you cannot tell this to anyone, not even Dr. Serene.

I'll meet you tomorrow.

Dr. Tressa-: Major, can you tell us what are you up to these days. It's getting harder for us to see you nowadays. Is there anything that we don't know.

Major Giant-: Yes, there is something that you all don't know but once I gather complete intelligence, I'll tell you everything. But first, let me make sure of everything.

Aurel-: What about my parents, do you know anything about their death?

Major Giant-: I think you'll get all your answers when you reach the amulet.

Aurel-: Until when can you find out about the location, if you can find now I'll set out on it's search right away.

Dr. Tressa-: I can't find anything about it immediately, it'll take some time, but there is something else you need to know. Follow me.

Base 97,

Do you remember this green sticky liquid that you found at the backyard, we have found out about this.

Irene-: Is this some kind of dirt that the zombies excreted out?

Dr. Tressa-: No, this is an alloy of Trinitium, prenteese and tornium. This alloy is present in it's molten form now so it looks green in color, it would turn into amber red in it's solid state but it's condition for solidification is that the temperature must remain below 0 C.

Aurel-: Which type of elements are these, I have never seen these elements in our periodic table.

Are these from any other planet and what is it's use.

Dr. Tressa-: These are rare earth elements. They are not shown in the periodic table doesn't necessarily mean that they're not present in earth's crust.

It's the main substance with which the dead persons are being turned into zombies. When we were testing it's structure we also found out some other elements but those were not found in earth's crust, they were from other planet.

We can reverse the effect of this alloy, if we can find out those elements. These alloys are being given to the dead with a mixture of chemicals, so you have to find out those.

Irene-: What about the zombies that you brought from the warehouse. You can still find that chemical from their body.

Dr. Tressa-: It's not possible. All the traces of the chemicals have vanished. We don't know the reason but we'll find out soon.

Don't miss out your school, attend your classes regularly.

Aurel-: Do I need to carry a spying operation at my school?

Dr. Tressa-: I'm saying this for your sake. Once I find the location of the amulet you'll not be able to attend your school anymore and I can't guarantee you that you'll be able return back to a normal life once it's all are over.

Aurel-: I don't care about those things anymore. My life has already been too far away from being normal.

Alien, haan...!!!! And above that ...… those bloody zombies, fuc**** shitholes. I'm off to my home, see you tomorrow.

He went to his home blabbering nonsensical words.

Irene-: I'm completely sure he needs a psychiatrist. He has really gone crazy.

Dr. Tressa-: Well, he isn't wrong though. For once, put yourself in his shoes and look what your life has been through these days.

Irene-: His point of view, my foot.