
It was the first period of the school, boring as usual. The math teacher was teaching integration when a deep sound of snoring filled the classroom.

The math period was usually always quiet due to the fearsome nature of the teacher, this time too it was totally quiet so due to this the sound of snoring was distinctively audible to everyone.

The teacher stopped her chalk on the blackboard midway and turned towards the sound, along with her every student also turned their head towards the sound.

The teacher went quietly towards him, but what is this she started stroking his hairs lovingly. Everyone were surprised by the teacher's behaviour and then suddenly she grabbed his hairs with so much force that he shrieked with pain.

AHHH…..AHHHHH....AHHH....Oww…..Owwwww...AHHHH!!!!! This crazy butt hole, I'll just beat the crap out of thissssssssssss...…

Aurel stopped cursing to the teacher midway when he opened his eyes and saw who was grabbing his hair.

You little brat, you dare to sleep in my class and now you swear at me. Today you are going to die, come here, come here you little piece of...….. trash. The teacher was in her full rage mode and it seemed like Aurel would be eaten alive.

It was a golden opportunity for everyone to see a cat and mouse game in the middle of an ongoing class session, everybody were glued to their seats as if the football world cup was soon to be held. The classroom was filled with vigor, excitement and laughter.

The teacher dragged him towards the principal's office holding his ears and everyone sighed deeply with disappointment as if their favorite team had been knocked out in the final match.

4th period,

The door of the classroom opened slowly and Aurel came inside with his head down, covered with sweat, panting. He ran on the field for almost 3 hrs. Everybody anticipated his return in a bad condition but nobody expected his return to be this bad.

Aurel had no interest in looking at his classmates reaction on his return but when he saw Irene laughing her heart out, his whole body was filled with rage. He was again the dumbest boy in the whole school.

Aurel could barely walk after a hardcore session of the class was over. By far, it was the hardest day he had ever experienced in his whole life. He had no energy left in his body then suddenly his artificial eyes started malfunctioning, he felt dizzy, his legs felt weak and a voice startled him- "You'll be teleported to Chronos."

After this voice he knew nothing that happened, when he opened his eyes he was at a place which he had never seen. He stood up gathering all his strength and looked around. It looked nothing similar like earth. He felt like he was in some other world.

When he was able to stand up properly and looked around, a text appeared in front of his eyes.

Status-: level 1

Power-: 100

XP-: 100

Strength-: 40

"you'll meet your adversaries very soon."

"For the battle to begin, walk 33 steps forward towards the blue arena."

He couldn't understand what was happening with him, but he was not anymore surprised with all this stuff. He walked 32 steps and on his exact 33rd step he stepped inside a blue sparkling circle. He stood at the center and again the text appeared-

"you'll be equipped with lv.1 armor and lv.1 weapon."

As told by the text he was automatically equipped with an armor and a primitive looking sword appeared on his right hand.

"Your quest begins now."

The text disappeared but there was no one whom he could begin his quest with. After a few moments, a high pitched squealing sound attracted his attention. He could hear the sound but was unable to tell which direction the sound was coming from, he looked here and there but there was nothing and then at a distance he saw something vague but as that thing approached closer the image became clearer.

He was standing still holding his sword when a large black beetle appeared in front of him. He had never seen such a large beetle in his entire life. It was over 2.5 high m and 3 m long. Its claws were as large as Aurel's entire height. He was terrified at the scene. The creature made a scary squealing sound.

Without any warning, the creature suddenly started attacking him, he fell down on the ground but was able to avoid the creature with a very small margin.

His hands were shaking and his sword fell down. The creature continued his attacks ferociously but he was barely able to avoid. One of the claws hit his body and his XP, power and strength was down by some points.

Status -: level 1

Power-: 67

XP-: 74

Strength-: 22

As his points declined he felt weakness in his whole body. He somehow reached his sword and picked it up. With all his might he was able to give a blow to the beetle but it's points declined very less.

Status-: level 1

Power-: 94

XP-: 97

Strength-: 92

The creature became more aggressive and he had to suffer 3 blows in a row. He was now at the very lowest points.

Status-: level 1

Power-: 7

XP-: 11

Strength-: 2

He literally had no strength left in his body, he was very badly injured. The creature seemed unstoppable and he thought today he will die for sure. The creature once again attacked him and he closed his eyes but this time the creature flipped over. Aurel couldn't believe his luck. He mistakenly hit the creature with his sword which he held out when he panicked and closed his eyes.

The creature was unable to move over as it laid over it's back. He sat down there panting not knowing what to do when he received a notification-

"push your weapon inside the stomach to gain extra points."

He immediately stood up, held his sword and with all his might he jumped from over a rock and with one blow pierced his sword through the beetle.

With a loud squeal, the beetle disappeared from the ground and he fell down. He looked everywhere but it was nowhere. He received a notification.

"you've defeated your enemy, your health points will be restored."

Status-: level 2

Power-: 100

XP-: 100

Strength-: 100

With this he again felt dizzy and this time when he opened his eyes he was at the same place from where he was teleported.