Deadly injury

He looked around himself, it was the same place where he was last seen before being teleported to Chronos. He was dead tired, he had no strength to stand up anymore. He crawled towards a tree and sat down resting his back against the tree trunk. He opened his school coat and he saw he was bleeding heavily.

He survived all those blows but it was now taking a toll on him. People were walking past him but nobody seemed to notice him. The night life was quite amazing in the city of Xenville. Tall skyscrapers marked the landscape. The colorful city lights gave off an attractive look.

He tried to teleport but he didn't succeed. He tried again and again but it didn't work. He tried his telepathic abilities but it also did not work. He grunted with pain and at last sat down closing his eyes.

Blood was overflowing from his torso, he pressed on there but the blood was still flowing. At last a woman noticed him and came there. She was shocked to see a teenager in this condition. She was terrified on seeing so much blood. She was confused what to do next and then finally picked up her phone to call the ambulance but he held her hands and asked her not to call the ambulance. She tried to call for help but her voice was not coming out, she felt like she was being choked.

She then took out her scarf and tied it on the injured part. She asked him to stay there for a while so that she could bring some first-aid. The woman brought the first aid in a very short time but to her surprise, Aurel was nowhere to be seen but he had left a trail of blood behind him.

Irene-: I knew you'd be at your home right now. Are you crazy, do you even know how much time we had searched for you today.

She was speaking but there was no response. Aurel was lying on his bed with his back facing Irene. He wasn't moving nor saying anything.

Irene went towards him and tried to wake him up and this is when she noticed something was wrong. She moved him and in shock fell down. For a moment, she lay there frozen unable to think or move, then she checked his pulse, it was very weak. She quickly called Dr. Tressa and in a few seconds she was there.

Next morning,

Aurel was lying on a hospital bed unconscious with IVs connected to his body, next to her was Irene and Dr. Tressa, but it seemed like they were in a heated argument.

Irene-: Now, will you explain me?

Dr. Tressa-: Explain what.

Irene-: Why did you admit him in a hospital?

Dr. Tressa-: Then, should we have left him to die there?

Irene-: That's not what I'm saying, I want to know why did you bring him to the hospital when you could have treated him at the base. He could have healed until now.

Dr. Tressa-: Just because.

Irene-: Hey, is this a time to joke. A person's life is at stake and you.....

Dr. Tressa( cuts her in between)-: He could have died at the base.

Irene( confused expression)-: What ..... are ...….. you talking…

Dr. Tressa-: When you found him, he had already lost too much blood and we don't have any blood at our base. So even though, I might have been able to operate on him, he still would've had very little chance of surving.

Irene-: But he has got so much power inside him, then how can he be like this?

Dr. Tressa-: he has achieved only some of the ability not the whole and that wouldn't have affected him in any way if he had received each and every ability we have.

Irene-: Enough of that complex stuff, just say it clearly what you want to say.

Dr. Tressa-: Looking at his condition, it seems like when he was attacked he didn't use any of his abilities and why did he do that, we can only know that when he wakes up.

Irene-: Attacked, how can you say that he was attacked?

Dr. Tressa-: You can easily tell it by looking at his wounds and should I tell you a more fascinating fact.

Irene-: What is that?

Dr. Tressa-: He wasn't attacked by any earthling, it was from any other planet- the attacker.

Irene-: You're joking right now, does that make any sense. Then from any other planet do you mean the Terrians?

Dr. Tressa-: This is not their work, it's somebody else's. because if it would've been them then it's highly possible that we could've found his dead body without any injuries.

Ah, probably he would've been a zombie right now, but as you can see he is completely normal and more importantly, there are physical wounds.

Irene-: How is it possible to kill anyone without any physical harm or poison?

Dr. Tressa-: You're too naïve. I told you, our whole galaxy is much more advanced than milky way, so it's not possible for earthlings but we can do it very easily.

We can even kill a person while he is breathing.

Irene-: What do we do now, he still hasn't regained his consciousness.

Dr. Tressa-: We can only wait, if you have any other plans then you can go ahead.

Irene-: Eheh, you're too mean.

Dr. Tressa-: It's already your school time, are you not going to go?

Irene-: I don't want to, there is a pervert in my class who keeps asking me out for lunch. I'm just sick of that bastard.

But this person behind me is no better than a jerk. He is...…

"Woah, you're really something, you can even cuss someone who is on his deathbed." A sudden voice startled both Irene and Dr. Tressa. They looked behind and Aurel was conscious.

Irene-: Hey, it's not like that,..... it's just,... I was .... Just,...…. EH, what's that, you...…your tat,..... tatt….. tattoo is glowing.