First Day

Aurel, are you still asleep, wake up, it's time to attend the class. You'll be punished for being late on the first day. Wake up."

Continuous calls woke him up, he rubbed his eyes to see the one waking him up clearly, it was Kris.

"Hey, how can you be so lazy to sleep so comfortably at this time," said Kris. "If you'll waste even more 20 seconds then we both are dead. General Aeson will tear you apart, he is very strict with his discipline. So go and wash up."

"Um, who is this General Jason," Aurel asked.

"It's Aeson, not Jason, he guides the new students who gets recruited and can you please not ask any more questions, we'll be late for the class."

Aurel, seeing his anxiety quickly stood up from his mattress and ran to the washroom to wash up as fast as possible.

After a quick washing up Kris showed him his way to his class and ran to his class.

Aurel just reached in perfect time. The whole classroom was buzzing with students. There were more than 30 students in the classroom, 32 to be precise including him and Irene. They were also new recruitments just like him.

Just like Kris had said a very strict looking person entered the room and walked through the crowd, his hands were folded back with a small black stick. He was not too tall or short and had a stern expression in his eyes.

He observed each and every one while passing through the students. As soon as he stood in front of the students everyone became quiet. He shouted at the top of his voice-


Everyone changed from a relaxed position and stood firmly as if they were interviewing for military.

"My name is Aeson, you all can call me General Aeson and I'll be your teacher for today." He then took out his stick and pointed out at the students, "Everybody, straighten out your right hand."

Everybody did as he said and straightened out their hands, within a few seconds a watch appeared on their wrists out of nowhere. The sudden appearance of the watch even startled some of the students that they freaked out.

"Don't shout," the general said. "This is a quantum watch- you can use it to communicate with everyone including the teachers, we can also get to know if you are in some kind of danger, this will also display which tier you're in and the level which you're in."

"Tier-1 and Tier-2 are basic abilities, Tier-3 is the intermediate level ability and Tier-4 is the highest level ability that anyone can acquire but I want to make clear to this everyone that no student has ever reached the Tier-4 level."

"You'll get the important notifications through the watch. Although, there are much more uses of the watch you'll slowly get to know them. Now, all of you one by one come to the front and introduce yourself."

Everyone looked at each other as who will introduce themselves first and then the general called the student standing on the first row. Everyone started taking turns and introduced themselves but no one grabbed his attention.

A boy at no. 23 or 24 walked in front of them, he was the first one who had grabbed the attention of Aurel. He had a very charming personality and had a mysterious aura around himself, he introduced himself as Alex Hamilton. He was probably the most handsome guy in the whole classroom, towering over 6 feet height and a symmetrical jawline, he had slicked back brown hairs with blue edges. He was not exactly muscular but had an attractive physique.

Irene was the attention grabber, while she was introducing herself everyone were gossiping among themselves how beautiful she was.

At last it was Aurel's turn, he felt quite nervous but managed to give a decent introduction of himself.

After the introduction all the students were required to choose a class on their own according to which abilities they wanted to specialize in. They can also take multiple classes according to their wishes but if they fail to impress the teachers they would have to leave the class and that would be an embarrassment, so most of the students only took one class that they were confident in.

The quantum watch displayed a number of classes but the one which Aurel chose was the weapons class, because with this he could learn pretty much everything and he never knew what type of situation he could face so he thought that it would be best if he chooses the weapons class.

He entered the weapons class but the sight of it nearly shook him, it was nothing similar to his expectation like a high tech weapons room where many different alien technology related weapons would be kept rather it was an open field where traditional weapons like swords, scythe, spears, whips, hook swords, daggers, katana, Gladius, Scimitar, etc. were kept along with their armors.

But the sight which fascinated him the most was the sheer no. of students, they all looked like they were earthlings but he couldn't understand how can there be such large numbers of students from earth.

He first noticed that there was Scarlett who was practicing with her whip all alone and then there was Kris who was practicing blindfolded with two students.

"Is this really an alien planet, hmph or did Dr. Tressa bluff me. Is this really an alien weapon room, it looks like I have come to ancient war zone," he thought to himself.

He was busy looking at the room when somebody hit him on the back of his head.