Weapons Hall

"You look quite unusual,"

Quinn turned his head back to see who it was, it was Alex who had hit him on his head.

"Hi, I'm Alex.... Alex Hamilton," Alex said stretching out his hand for a handshake.

"Why did you hit me," Aurel asked.

"Ah, sorry about that, I didn't mean to, my shoelaces jumbled so I rested my hand on you," Alex said. "Would you like to become my friend."

He found it very weird that such a boy would ever ask him to become friends with him but nonetheless he accepted his offer and shook hands with him.

"Hi, I'm Aurel.... Aurel Cage," Aurel introduced himself while shaking his hand.

A voice turned everyone's attention towards the field front. A Japanese man wearing a war suit with a katana attached to his waist and 1 dagger each on both of his legs stood in front of them. he had a short bun with long white moustache and beard. He was a very tall and slender figure reaching almost 6'7" in height.

A deep long scar on the right side of his face made him look very fierce. He didn't look old for his age but a man with experience.


"My name is General Arashi and I'll be your weapons teacher. All those newcomers who are interested in this class come up to the front and choose the weapon of your choice, rest others will give the judgement."

"If you're here for learning the art of weapons technique then you're welcome but if you're not then get out now," the deep stern tone of General Arashi made some students to back off a little.

A total of 9 students came forward including Aurel, Alex and Irene. Among the 9 students, only two were females and the rest were males. All the students stood behind each other in a vertical line.

"Each student will pair up with the student behind him. Now choose your weapons," General said. "Think of your weapon as your own body part and try to use it naturally as you use your body parts, else you'll die. Is that clear."

All the students answered "Yes" in unison but General Arashi didn't seem to be satisfied by the intensity of the voice.

"I don't hear anything, do you not have the power."

Hearing the stern voice of the General led the students to let out a "Yes" at the top of their voice.

The students then rushed towards the wall where different weapons were kept.

Aurel kept on looking at the weapons and picked out a longbow but he found it quite heavy to use, he then took out the katana but it was too long for him and then finally he picked up the scimitar. It had the ideal length, weight and height but the most interesting part was its curved edge at the top, so he chose the Scimitar.

He left out the other best weapons like scythe, hook swords because they required both hands to operate but the Scimitar could be used single handedly and moreover his agility would not be affected.


He found it strange since he received the same type of notification when he was teleported to other planets.

After selecting the weapons they were required to pair up with each other but since they were 9 students, Aurel was left out with no partner.

"You, you don't seem to have any partner," General Arashi said. "Ok, I'll pair up with you."

All the students present in the weapons hall looked at him, but he expected that since General said that he will pair up with him.

"Now we will have a duel among the partners," said Arashi. "I don't expect you to do something out of this world, if you are able to show some of the basic combat skills then you're in, if not you'll be sent to any other class. Now, show me what you've got. So, which team will be the first."

In an instant, Irene raised her hand and headed to the arena with her duel opponent, Kelly Adams, a blonde Swedish.

After entering the arena they were asked to bow before each other.

"Are you both ready," Arashi asked. "Now, as a warning to both of you, there are no rules in this duel. You can fight anyhow but be careful not to kill."

Irene took her stance, she held a katana while Kelly held the Roman Gladius. Kelly charged forward and with great speed swung it towards Irene's head. Irene moved to the side and landed a kick to Kelly's left leg.

Kelly stumbled but soon recovered her stance using the Gladius. This time Irene dashed forward in an attempt to attack her before she recovered but Kelly was too quick and avoided it and at the same time landed a blow at Irene's hand, her katana went flying yards away from her.

"Still want to fight, blondie," Kelly asked her in a mocking tone placing her Gladius down.

"You bet," Irene said and took her stance again. Kelly dashed forward and attacked her from the side. Irene already anticipated this, to confuse her she first attempted to dodge and then in a flash jumped over her sword and landed a kick on her face.

Kelly fell on the ground and Irene placed the Gladius on her neck with a grin.

The whole lot of students applauded on Irene's win. The group continued to watch the other two pairs fight but none of them was more interesting than Irene and Kelly's duel.

Next was Alex's turn with his opponent, a fat muscular guy Ben Carlos. He was bigger in size than Alex and wielded a two handed axe.

Both of them bowed before each other and then the match started.

"Don't worry kid, I'll go easy on you," Ben said.

"I'm so thankful," Alex said with a smile on his face.

Ben started to take each of his steps slowly and within a short distance charged towards Alex. Alex didn't move an inch and with his gauntlets hit him on his forehead and neck.

In an instant, the duel was over as Ben fell on the ground unconscious.

The duel lasted for less than 10 seconds. Everyone present inside the class were amazed by Alex's combat skills.

Next, was Aurel's turn.