Chapter 04

Dragon-sama was showing me the facilities at the base. When he said that he would make me the next 'Dragon', the others kept their mouths open, even Goat-san, who for some reason I found that reaction funny.

First he showed me the area where everyone slept, I saw twenty doors, the rooms were simple, at least the ones that were empty, they all had a bed, a closet, a desk and a shelf. Some doors had the head of an animal, like the vacant ones, in addition to the six heads I had already seen, I also saw that of a pig, a rat, a goat, a rooster and a monkey and that of a dragon.

Dragon-sama stopped in front of an unmarked door.

(Dragon): "This is your room."

I opened the door and the room was like the other empty rooms.

(Dragon): "You have the right to decorate your room however you want, if you want to add something more, if you find a hobby, just talk and we'll see what we can do."

I left my backpack, which was all I had at the moment, on the bed.

(Dragon): "We will provide the clothes and hygiene products for you."

He nodded and I left the room and followed him, before we got to the other area he spoke to me.

(Dragon): "Now that I stop to think... I didn't hear your name..."

(Ichika): "My name is Orimura Ichika."

(Dragon): 'Orimura Ichika... Orimura Chifuyu's little brother... how do you plan to hide it from your sister? "

(Ichika): "She had to travel for work... she said she would be gone for a year or two."

(Dragon): "Very well... I believe you did something about your school... but I will send Goat to talk to them until the exams are held here, as well as an email for Goat to get your lessons. "

(Ichika): "Thank you very much Dragon-sama."

At that time we arrived at the library. It was a huge area full of shelves, there was even a second floor for more shelves. It was obvious that this was the field of study. There we met a girl a little taller than me, with gray hair that went to her shoulder and gray eyes, she wore a shirt with horizontal blades and a white coat that hit her heel and a black shorts, which was focused on the book that she was holding, one that I couldn't read the title.

I wondered why there was another child here, after all Rabbit-san and Snake-san had been very indignant when Tiger-nee-san said that I was going to join the group, it was when it became clear that she must be older than it looked.

(Dragon): "Mice..."

She took her eyes off the book for a second and when she saw it was Dragon-sama, she closed it quickly with a surprised expression on her face and bowed to him.

(Mice): "Dragon-sama, what happened? You don't usually come to the library anymore..."

Her voice seemed to be emotionless, which made me wonder what happened to her to make her look like this.

(Dragon): "Just showing the recruit the place. Ichika, this is Mice."

(Ichika): "Nice to meet you, my name is Orimura Ichika."

She stared at me for a moment, and I had the impression that I would get this reaction from each member of the group.

(Mice): "Are you sure about that, sir?"

(Dragon): "I am."

(Mice): "If you say so. Nice to meet you, Ichika-kun, I'm Mice."

(Ichika): "Why does everyone identify themselves by nicknames?"

Mice sighed, as if she couldn't believe she was hearing such a dumb question.

(Mice): "Because if we use our real names, we can be targeted in our daily lives ... at least those who insist on having daily life."

(Ichika): "That I already knew, I wanted to know is why to do this at the base."

Mice's eyes widened a little and then she was thoughtful, it seems that even she wasn't sure why.

(Mice): "Good question..."

(Dragon): "You can keep thinking about the answer while I show the rest of the facilities to Ichika. Until dinner time, Mice."

He turned and walked towards the exit, I bowed to Mice-san and followed Dragon-sama, while we were going to the other area Dragon-sama, asked me another question.

(Dragon): "What made you want to join us?"

(Ichika): "I want to get stronger."

(Dragon): "A quick answer... and why do you want to get stronger?"

(Ichika): "Two days ago I was kidnapped, and they would blackmail my sister for my well being... I want to be stronger so that it never happens again."

(Dragon): "So your sister is your motivation..."

(Ichika): "Yes."

In the next area, there was fitness equipment and an arena, where three people were fighting in what appeared to be 'each one for himself', two men and a woman.

One of the men was very big and muscular, had long brown hair that almost reached his waist, he was not wearing a shirt, just black pants, his chest had some scars.

The other man was smaller than the first, almost the size of Goat-san, he had spiky black hair and even a little far away, his red eyes stood out, just like the first man, he was wearing only pants, only his was brown, he also had some scars on his body.

The woman who was with them, had blonde hair that was stuck in a bun and eyes the same color as her hair, she wore yellow gym clothes, and I couldn't see any scars on her.

Dragon-sama stopped at the side of the arena and I stopped at his side. I'll be honest, I couldn't keep up with their movements, I just got to see what they were like because they were stopped to take a breath, but as soon as they left on top of each other, I couldn't keep up with them anymore.

I don't know how long Dragon-sama and I spent watching their fight, but I did everything to try to keep up, even if it was their only movement, which didn't happen, not even the muscular one I managed to keep up with. But they only stopped when the three collapsed on the floor.

(Dragon): "I'm glad you are keeping in shape."

When they heard Dragon-sama's voice, they raised their heads and when they saw him, they stood up and bowed.

(Dragon): "You just finished training, you don't need that..."

The three of them raised their heads and the spiky-haired one saw me.

(??????): "Who is the boy?"

(Dragon): "New member. Ichika, this is Ox, Monkey and Dog." - he said first pointing to the muscular man, then to what he saw me and then to the woman who was wide-eyed.

(Ichika): "Nice to meet you, I'm Orimura Ichika."

(Ox): "What a polite boy. Nice to meet you, I'm Ox."

(Monkey): "I'm Monkey. I'm happy to have new people in the group."

I was happy that the two didn't react like the others, but I couldn't say the same about Dog-san

(Dog): "Dragon-sama, why did you accept a child?"

(Ox): "What's the matter with that?"

(Monkey): "Yes, if the boy is dedicated, everything is fine."

(Dog): "Have you forgotten what our job is?"

(Monkey): "No."

(Dog): "So how can you allow a child to go through this?"

(Ox): "The boy knew what he was getting into when he accepted, didn't he?"

(Ichika): "Yes."

(Monkey): "See?"

(Dog): "But-"

(Dragon): "Dog... you won't be able to convince him, or convince me to change my mind."

She looked at me like an expression of defeat when she saw my face seriously, and realized that the others were right.

(Dog): "Okay... nice to meet you, I'm Dog."

(Ox): "Who's going to be the boy's tutor?"

(Dog): "Tiger kept talking a lot about a new recruit... will it be her?"

(Dragon): "No, I'm going to take care of him."

The mouths of the three formed a big O when they heard this, which made me wonder if it was rare for Dragon-sama to catch an 'apprentice'.

(Dragon): "There are still some places to show you."

He turned and headed towards the same place, I bowed to the three and followed Dragon-sama again. The next area looked like a workshop, there were several tools and materials in it, and some machines that I had no idea what they could be, Dragon-sama and I just stayed at the door this time.

(Dragon): "This is where we make our equipment, the one who takes care of maintenance is Rabbit, but if you want to create something, you can come here, or like I said, you can ask us to do a mini-workshop in your room if you can. "

He followed the path with me right behind, the next area was obviously the kitchen and where we were going to eat, there I saw a woman with black hair with a blue streak, caught in a ponytail on top of her head, she was wearing a sleeveless shirt, a miniskirt and an apron, she was cooking fresh.

(Dragon): "Horse..."

She stopped cooking and turned to face Dragon-sama, unlike the others she didn't bow, which I believe she would have done if she hadn't been cooking on the spot.

(Horse): "Dragon-sama, dinner will be ready in half an hour." - she said with a smile and a calm voice

(Dragon): "I came here to introduce the newbie."

She looked both ways and only after she lowered her head to see me.

(Horse): "And you are?"

(Ichika): "My name is Orimura Ichika, nice to meet you."

(Horse): "Nice to meet you, Ichika-kun. I'm Horse."

(Ichika): "What are you cooking Horse-san?"

(Horse): "Today is curry day... but I would like to have a hand now and then."

(Ichika): "I can help."

(Horse): "Really?"

(Ichika): "My sister is very busy, so I learned to cook."

(Horse): "Finally, someone to help me in the kitchen... the others don't even try, just eat, mainly Monkey and Tiger."

(Dragon): "Tomorrow Ichika will help you, today I am showing you the place."

(Horse): "Okay. See you soon, Dragon-sama, Ichika-kun."

(Ichika): "See you later, Horse-san."

I followed Dragon-sama, to another area, I knew that place was big, but it had exceeded my expectations. In this new area, it looked like they took a hospital and put it in there, had the medical beds and all the equipment that you usually see, there were two people, a man and a woman.

The woman was dressed as a doctor, had short hair, something between Rabbit-san and Mice-san, in a pink tone and eyes of the same color, and she was sitting touching something on the table.

The man next to her had yellow brown hair, the same color as wheat, he had red glasses on his forehead and was wearing a black coat that was open, with a white blouse underneath, with gray pants and black boots, if I saw him on the street without glasses, I either thought he was a rock fan or that he was a biker.

At that time, the two were talking.

(???????): "Come on... is it just a date."

(???): "Even if it was one less, I still wouldn't go out with you, Rooster."

(Rooster): "You don't have to be that cruel to me, Pig-chan."

(Dragon): "Rooster... Pig..."

The two stopped arguing on the spot and turned to see Dragon-sama, Rooster-san straightened up, Pig-san stood up and they both bowed to him.

(Dragon): "I see you are still excited as always."

(Pig): "This idiot just doesn't get off my feet, Dragon-sama. I think we better replace him."

(Rooster): "Who is the child?"

(Ichika): "I am Orimura Ichika, nice to meet you."

(Pig): "It arrived at a good time, Ichika-kun. As we are going to get rid of Rooster, you can take his place."

(Rooster): "Don't even say that while playing Pig-chan. And I hope you can take the stride here, Ichika."

I was happy to know that more than half of the group did not care that I joined the group even though I was a child. At that time, I heard Horse-san's voice.

(Horse): "Guys, dinner is ready."

I was a little confused, had it been 30 minutes?

(Rooster): "It looks like someone got so excited that they didn't even see time go by."

(Pig): "Come on... if there's something that irritates Horse even more than not helping her in the kitchen, it's letting her food cool down."

Me and the others went to the kitchen area, which had a very large table, lunch was already being served by Horse-san, Mice-san, Monkey-san, Ox-san and Dog-san, they were already sitting at the table .

(Horse): "Please wash your hands before you sit down to eat."

We did that, and when we sat down, Tiger-nee-san, Rabbit-san, Snake-san and Goat-san arrived, when Horse-san finished serving everyone she sat down to eat too. The conversation over dinner was just a casual conversation, despite some twitching on the part of Rabbit-san and Snake-san, who apparently were still unhappy that Tiger-nee-san had brought me.

When, we all finished eating, Dragon-sama guided me to where the bathrooms would be, he gave me everything I needed and I took a shower, when I left, Dragon-sama was still waiting for me, he took me to the room where I left my backpack.

(Dragon): "If you want to get something from your house, talk to Goat that he will do it. I will wake you up early for training."

(Ichika): "Understood, Dragon-sama."

He followed his path and I got ready to sleep, I thought I was very excited to sleep, but as soon as I lay down I blacked out on the spot.