Chapter 05

I woke up the next day with a chest pain. I don't know what happened, I just know that I felt the pain of nothing and woke up terrified with my hands on my chest.

(Dragon): "It's time."

When I turned to the side, I saw Dragon-sama with a piece of wood, and I realized that the pain I felt was because he hit me to wake me up.

(Ichika): "Good morning... Dragon-sama."

I didn't know what time it was, but I was still tired and my chest hurt, but I got up and tried to make sense, like a soldier, except that I was still rubbing my chest.

Since my vision was still a little bad from sleep and pain, I couldn't see Dragon-sama's face properly, but I was pretty sure his eyes widened a little. I think the fact that I didn't complain about the scam surprised him.

I wanted to stay strong, if that was part of the training, then I would accept whatever it was.

(Dragon): "Very well. Wash up and meet me at the arena in less than half an hour."

He left the room, and I went to get my things to wash, I was a little confused, as I expected to at least have coffee before training, but I decided not to say anything.

I bathed, cleaned myself and went straight to the arena, I was wearing a similar outfit to school physical education clothes, when I got there, Dragon-sama was waiting for me in the middle of the arena. I walked until I was in front of him, I realized that he had his eyes closed, and still holding the piece of wood that he used to wake me up.

(Ichika): "Dragon-sama."

I spoke just to indicate my presence, which I was pretty sure he knew was when I arrived. He didn't answer me and was silent, which I did the same, as he was not answering me, he could be testing my patience, I don't know how long we stood in front of each other, but it broke the silence it was Dragon-sama.

(Dragon): "You have a very good control over yourself, Ichika... many would have started talking, asking what would happen next..." - he said opening his eyes with a smile on his face.

(Ichika): "Being trapped doesn't help at all..."

(Dragon): "I'm glad it is so... do you already have experience in some type of fight or weapon, Ichika?"

(Ichika): "I practiced kendo at a friend's family dojo."

(Dragon): "So a traditional sword..."

The moment he finished speaking, I saw a blur and right after that he raised his arm with a sword similar to the ones I used in the dojo. My eyes widened when I saw her. How fast were the people here?

(Dragon): "With the training I will give you, you will be able to move as fast as I do."

I realized again why Dragon-sama was the leader of the group. I couldn't keep up with the movements of others yesterday, but I was sure that Dragon-sama moved much faster than they did.

(Dragon): "Let's start with you showing me what you know..." - he said handing me the sword.

I took the sword, and stayed in the normal kendo position, he remained motionless, just holding the piece. I performed all the movements that I knew, or those that I remembered, because I haven't practiced kendo since Houki and her family had to hide.

As expected, Dragon-sama repelled all my attacks effortlessly, I only stopped attacking when I ran out of breath.

(Dragon): "It's not bad for a child... I think you can handle my techniques..."

I didn't say anything, I was just catching my breath.

(Dragon): "Now, I think I better show you the other steps of your training..."

He said turning and going to another area of ​​the arena, I just pushed and went after him. We went to a part that had some cabinets, where he took out a ceramic that looked like a gourd, that fit perfectly in his hand, I managed to see other bigger gourds, which made me wonder why so many.

(Dragon): "This will be the other part of your training... I want you to break this gourd just by blowing into it..."

My eyes widened again. Break only with the breath? I hadn't even recovered my breath, and I doubted that even if I had all my breath I wouldn't be able to do that. I could only think of an explanation for Dragon-sama to say that it was part of the training.

(Ichika): "Dragon-sama... do you have a fighting style to do with breathing?"

This time one was sure that I saw Dragon-sama's eyes widening.

(Dragon): "The more you act, the more I realize that it was the right decision to choose you..." - he said with a smile.

I didn't say anything, but I assumed he tried to have other 'apprentices', but apparently, they either didn't understand what Dragon-sama was trying to show, or they just couldn't take it.

(Dragon): "But yes, my techniques are related to breathing. I use my breathing to change my body's capabilities. There are five main types of breathing, water, which is considered the easiest to handle, flames, wind, thunder and stone, not to mention the ramifications that some receive. "

(Ichika): "So the gourd training..."

(Dragon): "It is to work your lungs. It is more effective for you to expel the air from your lungs than to retain it by holding your breath."

(Ichika): "Do others also use this technique?"

(Dragon): "No... they had a different training. Breathing training is more severe, although the gains are greater... one that only I practice..."

(Ichika): "Why did the others stay that way when you said you were going to train me?"

(Dragon): "Yes... I tried to have 'apprentices', but none realized what I wanted to show, or they endured the training, and gave up..."

(Ichika): "Are [Zodiac Beasts] just the ones here?"

(Dragon): "Yes... in some missions we have to travel... one is usually enough, only in some cases that take more than one ..."

(Ichika): "So... did the others have mentors?"

(Dragon): "Yes... they had..." - he said with a little wistful eyes.

I realized that the old [Zodiac Beasts] had already died, which made me wonder how many members Dragon-sama has seen come and go so far.

(Ichika): "Sir... did you say you have the breathing techniques derived... did you meet other users of the breathing technique or did you read in a book?"

(Dragon): "I read in an old book... unfortunately I am the last user of the breathing technique... although I am sure that you can become my successor."

(Ichika): "Should I specialize in just one?"

(Dragon): "This is up to you, after all, each breath has its strengths.... now let's see if you can use the breaths..."

Dragon-sama made me run a stretch, and then he kept giving me some tips on the breathing technique. I didn't really understand these tips, he said to inspire and go, I kept doing it but it didn't work ... it seems that I will have to go and get a book with the techniques to get a sense of what to really do with the breath.

Dragon-sama told me that gourd training was for a technique that was a kind of betting all, in which I would use the whole lung to perform a much more powerful action than it normally varies.

I don't know how long we spent training, alternating between sword movements, gourd and running, I only know that my whole body was aching when I heard Horse-san's voice.

(Horse): "Guys, lunch is ready."

I was amazed at that. Lunch? I hadn't even had breakfast. When I thought about it, my stomach rumbled.

(Dragon): "I apologize Ichika..."

(Ichika): "Huh?"

(Dragon): "I was so excited about the possibility that I finally found a successor, that I ended up neglecting some things... again I beg your pardon..." - he said the last part, bowing.

(Ichika): "It's okay."

After all, he really seemed to want breathing techniques not to die with him. I went to the bathroom and bathed again, when I finished and left, Dragon-sama was waiting for me. On the way to the kitchen he spoke to me.

(Dragon): "When you start using your breaths, you will have to use them as if it were the most natural thing in the world ... so, I already warn you, when I wake up and realize that you are not using, I will wake you up the same way I woke you up today. "

I massaged my chest when he said that, and I realized that I would have to work hard to be able to get out in one piece. We arrived at the kitchen, where we had to hear an angry Horse-san, after all her food had already cooled down.

After lunch, Dragon-sama said that I had the rest of the day free, and that this would be our schedule. In my spare time I could do whatever I want, from continuing to train, or doing the school lesson, or spending time in the library, etc.

When I parted ways with Dragon-sama, I went straight to the library, hoping to find the book on breathing techniques. It took, but I found it.

In the book it said that breathing techniques work by using breathing to acquire as much oxygen as possible into the bloodstream thereby increasing the user's strength and speed, and that it was very common for users of this technique to use swords, although other weapons were allowed.

In the book it also said that by concentrating his breath the user can also use it even to stop bleeding due to wounds or delay the effects of poisons on his body.

At that time, I realized what I had to do, I put the book back and went back to the arena. Ox-san was working out, but he was so focused that he didn't even notice me.

Now that I knew what I had to change my body in, I expected to have some success, I exhaled, imagined the blood receiving more oxygen and ran. I kept doing it over and over, until an hour, when I went running, I felt a surge of energy all over my body, and I was faster than before and I ran into the wall.

I fell on my back after that encounter, my face hurting. But I had a big smile on my face, regardless of the pain on my face. I was able to use breathing techniques.