I was on the roof of a building in Moscow, Russia, next to Snake-san. It had been two years since I learned the truth about the Orimura family, and three years since I joined [Zodiac Beasts], I was ten years old today.
We were preparing to eliminate the target of this mission, Kira Semyonova. She was an entrepreneur, owner of a multi-national company. However, her crimes were very large, and apparently she was a sadistic bastard.
According to Snake-san's research, she ran a large district in Moscow, where she did what she wanted, what she really wanted. When people were doing reconnaissance in the district, a person said that she had already raped a man, told her thugs to rape his wife in front of him, then these thugs raped him and then she killed them.
When I heard it, it amazed me, and her crimes that the residents told went from bad to worse, which I even felt bad about. I wondered how they simply didn't start an investigation after her, until Snake-san said that several politicians were practically her puppies.
However, things only got worse when I got a call from Madoka. She has been acting like our informant since I said I was at [Zodiac Beasts]. According to her, Kira Semyonova, had a great support from [Phantom Task], and her younger sister, Lana Semyonova, was an IS pilot who had reached the semifinal of the 'Mondo Grosso' championship, which has already helped in some missions of [Phantom Task].
The building we were in was next to the headquarters of Kira Semyonova's company, and security was strong, which meant an almost zero chance of sneaking in.
(Ichika): "This is going to be a headache..."
(Snake): "Unn... I can't see any security holes..."
And in fact it didn't. There were guards everywhere, and they only left when the new guards arrived, and they were in a position where you couldn't eliminate one without telling the other. The only relief I saw in security was the fact that there was only one man, as far as we could see, which meant that the only IS pilot in the building was Lana Semyonova.
(Ichika): "Even if we make a mess in one part, I doubt that they will look at what happened."
(Snake): "She trained them well..."
(Ichika): "Suggestion?"
(Snake): "We could pretend to be invited..."
(Ichika): "It could work for you, but I think they would be suspicious of a ten-year-old child being a 'guest', besides we would be a little bit helpless, because we couldn't take our weapons."
(Snake): "What about the terrace?"
I looked at the top of the building. It was twice the size of the building we were in, and in fact it didn't seem to have security, but there were problems.
(Ichika): "I don't think we can scale a wall vertically, it is very smooth... in addition, everything is transparent, we can end up being seen".
(Snake): "Can't your new gear help us?"
(Ichika): "He almost can't take my weight alone, if I try to take someone else with me, we will just fall."
After encountering a certain difficulty in the last mission, where I ended up falling off a cliff and almost became Swiss cheese with the candies, I developed a complement for the sole of my boots so that I could have 'ground' even in the air, but the work I was able to do this was insane and they hardly work for me due to my weight.
(Snake): "What do we do?"
At that time, when I saw some helicopters flying, by the mark on the side of the bodywork, I saw that it was from a television channel, but I saw that they were going to pass very close to the terrace.
(Ichika): "I have an idea... but it will be risky..."
(Snake): "We don't have much choice at the moment... what's the idea?"
(Ichika): "Get a ride."
I ran out of the buildings, with Snake-san right behind me. We jumped over the buildings, one higher than the other, but nothing that we couldn't overcome by jumping.
When we arrived at a building that was three-quarters of the size of our target's building, we stopped. And one of the helicopters was very close.
(Ichika): "We will use your whip to hold us in one of the helicopters, then when we are close enough we will jump into the building."
(Snake): "Excellent idea, Dragon-kun." - she exclaimed while hugging me.
Snake-san had a habit of hugging me whenever I did something good, or had a good idea. At first I blushed but now I got used to it, although I still thought she would one day suffocate me with her breasts, which continue to grow to Rabbit-san's indignation.
And the group started calling me Dragon six months ago, but since Dragon-Sensei was still our leader, they used kun, or didn't use anything, as in the case of Ox and Monkey.
When one of the helicopters got too close, we jumped as high as we could and Snake-san took his whip and threw it until he got stuck in one of the helicopter's skis, I hugged it and we hung, for the our luck, when we were close to the building we were out of the risk zone. Snake-san rocked, since I was hugging her to keep from falling, and we jumped onto the terrace, we even rocked behind the helicopter to make sure the driver and whoever was inside didn't see us.
We got up and saw that there was nothing there, not even a camera, just the door to the floors below.
(Ichika): "It worked..."
(Snake): "Congratulations, Dragon-kun. And we are closer to the target than we would be from the bottom up."
We went to the door that had a bed to open it, which I was able to hack easily thanks to Mice-san's classes. We went on the sly, luckily for us, we didn't find any guard while going down, which I thought was a big hole in security, but I was happy for that.
We arrived at the floor where our target's office would be, where she would be, we found the office, which by the way had no guard, and we looked inside, I saw a woman who perfectly fit the description, blue-white hair, who were stuck in a ponytail, with a body fit for a model, and was wearing a feminine suit.
But to our surprise, she was not alone, she was with a girl who looked like her, only with short hair and the typical clothes of an IS pilot, which indicated that it was her sister, and a woman of long orange hair, as she was back to us, I couldn't see her face, but we could hear her conversation, which made us start recording.
(Kira): "I thought they were crying for the losses they suffered."
(Woman): "Do you really think it would prevent [Phantom Task]?"
(Kira): "I thought so."
(Woman): You-! "
(Lana): "Control yourself, Autumn."
When I heard that name, my eyes widened. Autumn was Squall's mistress, according to Madoka.
(Autumn): "Shut up Lana. I don't need to listen to you or your sadist sister."
(Kira): "But you can't deny that your situation is very bad, can you? After all, you have suffered at the hand of that little group that has been your enemy since its creation, and now you are suffering at the hands of [Zodiac Beasts] too. "
(Autumn): "Tell me about it. The [Zodiac Beasts] are being a huge stone in our shoes, their targets have been some of our collaborators... some organizations are thinking of forming an alliance against them."
(Kira): "But nobody trusts anyone, so things are not progressing, are they?
(Lana): "And they are more like a wall in your path than a simple stone."
(Autumn): "LANA!"
I started wanting to get out of there, if the guards heard Autumn's screams, and came to check, Snake-san and I would be screwed, after all according to Madoka, Autumn is also an IS pilot.
(Kira): "But is the rumor true? Did the [Zodiac Beasts] get another 'Dragon'?"
(Autumn): "It's what it looks like... but we can't be sure if this is true, or who this new 'Dragon' is."
(Kira): "How interesting... I would love to have him as my new toy..."
(Lana): "You dismembered a woman, left your men to rape after skinning her alive, you don't even have a day... and you still want more?"
(Kira): "There is no better feeling than hearing their cries of despair, while they beg for mercy, and when they are close to breaking, I give them a little hope and then I shoot them, their expression is the best, and as many politicians are my dogs they just let me have fun. "
(Lana): "Can you stop getting excited in front of the guests?"
(Kira): "Okay, I'm sorry."
(Autumn): "I would rather not have known that... anyway, will you still support us?"
(Kira): "But of course Autumn. After all, Squall and I have a story, of course I will help."
(Autumn): "Good. We have a mission in two weeks. Lana is supposed to be there."
(Lana): "If that's what my sister wants."
(Kira): "And it is."
(Lana): "So see you in two weeks."
(Autumn): "It is to meet us in Berlin, stay in the city center, I will pick you up where the mission is." - she said getting up.
Me and Snake-san, we stopped recording, and we collected everything and ran as quietly as possible. We heard Autumn, opening the door and her footsteps echoing down the hall. When we realized that the bar was clean, we went back to the door to see if they would continue to talk.
(Lana): "They are going to rock bottom, sister. Why are you still helping them?"
(Kira): "As I said to Squall and I, we have a story."
They continued to debate the older sister's decision, and we decided it was time for action.
(Ichika): 'Shichi no kata.' - I thought while taking a deep breath, and was in position to carry out the movement.
When I was ready, I nodded, and Snake-san opened the door. I went straight to Lana, who was turning her head to see what was going on.
(Ichika): 'Shizuku wa Mondzuki!' - I thought while I was doing a frontal stab, fast and precise with the tip of the blade.
I drilled her head right away, she didn't even have time to activate the IS, I admit I was a little disappointed, I wanted to test my ability against an IS being used by a pilot who reached the 'Mondo Grosso' semifinal.
Our target almost screamed when I killed her sister, but Snake-san's whip wrapped around her neck, choking her. She died of suffocation.
(Ichika): "I expected a little more." - I said while taking the sword from Lana Semyonova's head.
(Snake): "Yeah... it looks kind of anti-climatic with everything they did."
(Ichika): "Well... at least we got some things."
(Snake): "The operation in two weeks."
(Ichika): "Do you think the other organization will be there too?"
(Snake): "Maybe... I just hope they don't come down against us too."
We did the usual procedures, left the evidence and put our symbol.
(Ichika): "I just hope that they don't come down to change the plan with their death."
(Snake): "This Autumn woman gave the impression that they were a little desperate."
(Ichika): "No wonder. Dealing with an enemy since its creation and now dealing with our group may be putting their nerve on edge."
(Snake): "Now the question is... how are we going to get out of here?"
I was thinking about it, we couldn't get out as we entered, and I didn't think it was possible to get down. But that was resolved with an explosion that stirred the entire building. Such a thing the guards could not ignore.
We faced each other and simply went up the stairs. We managed to go down all the floors to the ground floor, where a battle was going on, or at least that was what the sounds of shooting and an IS moving showed us, because it was a fog so dense it gave the impression that it was possible to cut through it with a knife.
I had a sense of where the exit was, and I didn't want to risk being hit by a stray bullet. I carried Snake-san like a princess, she made a surprised sound at that, and used the thunder breath to run in a straight line. I considered myself lucky to not hit the wall of a building while we left, after leaving the block, the fog disappeared from nowhere, it was in the face that it was an IS skill.
I stopped after making sure we were safe.
(Ichika): "I thank whoever it is for giving us this chance." - I said while looking at the direction we came
(Snake): "Yes. Now we have to go back to the base and talk about this operation in Berlin... and Dragon-kun... you can put me down now." - Her voice got a little shy at the end.
I realized that I was still carrying her like a princess and that her face was a little red. I put it on the floor.
(Ichika): "Let's go back... we have work to do."