A week after Moscow, I was in Berlin, with Snake-san, Tiger-nee-san, Monkey, Rabbit-san and Rooster-san. After we came back and said what we discovered, Dragon-Sensei, thought it would be better to send more people than usual.
We were doing reconnaissance of the area while we were trying to stay under the radar, after all, the [Phantom Task] operation was going to happen in three days, and we didn't find much useful stuff, not even Autumn we saw, we even split up in trios to cover more area.
Even on a mission, Rooster-san flirted with every beautiful woman he met, which left me in doubt if I should be jealous that he was so relaxed, if I should feel sorry for him, because it was starting to look like despair of a woman. needy person, or if I should punch him in the face, for deviating from work.
I admit that I expected them to cancel this operation, but according to Madoka, they still planned to do it. For my happiness, Madoka was sent to another place, on a parallel mission, so I didn't have to worry about the possibility of facing her to maintain the theater, or of facing any of my friends.
Unfortunately Madoka did not know anything else, not even a place for a possible meeting, it seems that Squall decided to keep the details to itself after the death of the Semyonova sisters.
(Ichika): "We are not finding anything useful..."
(Monkey): "I already expected [Phantom Task] to despair, but this is bigger than I expected."
(Rooster): "What if we look for someone famous?"
Monkey and I look at him with an expression of doubt.
(Ichika): "What do you mean?"
(Rooster): "One of the 'Mondo Grosso' semifinalists was with [Phantom Task], along with her business sister, right?"
(Ichika): "Yes."
(Rooster): "What if the other semifinalist or even the finalist who faced Orimura Chifuyu is with them?"
My eyes widened at that theory, but it made sense. And that explained the time that I was kidnapped. Chifuyu-nee received good support with that victory, if the other finalist really was from [Phantom Task], it would make sense for them to kidnap me to make Chifuyu-nee leave and they receive the support that my sister won.
(Ichika): "It is possible... and that means that it may have been the [Phantom Task] that kidnapped me..."
(Monkey): "Your sister got really famous and got in touch with people from high places... possibly that was what they were after."
(Ichika): "Does anyone remember who the semifinalist was, or the one who came in second?"
(Rooster): "The other semi-finalist was an Englishwoman named Evelyn Evans, while the finalist was a Japanese woman named Yamamoto Mari."
(Monkey): "The Englishwoman is not, and if she is, she is not on this mission."
(Ichika): "Indeed."
I didn't really remember their names, but Evelyn Evans reportedly was preparing for her wedding to a businessman in the USA, which was going to happen in two days.
(Ichika): "What we have now is to look for a Japanese woman in Germany..."
(Rooster): "I already found it."
I looked at him with wide eyes and then followed the direction where he looked, and although I didn't remember the name, I remembered the face, because it had an X-shaped scar on the right cheek, which was practically the mark her registered name.
Yamamoto Mari, she had black hair that was almost her size, stuck in a ponytail on top of her head, she wore a flowery yukata, which made her stand out, and wooden shoes, she was a little smaller than my sister, but not much, two fingers at most, and her face was beautiful, and with the scar, it gave an impression of wild beauty, and her body did not lose to Kira Semyonova's.
For the first time, I was happy with Rooster-san's ability to search for women. We managed to hide, we approached slowly while hiding and watched her. We waited for hours, and we had to knock out Rooster-san so he wouldn't flirt with any women in the meantime.
Until I saw a woman with very familiar orange hair. Autumn had arrived.
(Autumn): "Yamamoto Mari."
(Mari): "Autumn! I thought you left me."
(Autumn): "Things were difficult..."
(Mari): "I know. I saw what [Zodiac Beasts] did with the Semyonova sisters."
The moment Mari said [Zodiac Beasts], Autumn started to emit a tremendous bloodlust.
(Autumn): "Don't tell me about these bastards. We are losing more support than we have been able to gain thanks to them."
(Mari): "If someone had done the job right by kidnapping Orimura Chifuyu's little brother, we could have had the chance to get several supporters."
(Autumn): "It wasn't my fault! It was those incompetents who died, who knows how."
So it was really [Phantom Task], more specifically Autumn, that orchestrated my kidnapping.
(Mari): "Okay, okay... where is the operation? Or are you going to take me to your base?"
(Autumn): "I will take you there."
They got up and we followed, Rooster-san was still out, so Monkey carried him. Autumn took Yamamoto Mari to a hotel that was considered to be middle class.
According to Madoka, Squall Meusel was very rich, so I was a little surprised by that hotel, but it was possibly not to attract attention. They entered but we stayed outside.
(Monkey): "Do we come in to try to hear the conversation?"
(Ichika): "And are we going to stay outside the door for the employees to report us? No. We know where the ones that will really cause problems are. On the day of the operation we expect them to leave."
We went to the meeting point, which was another hotel, and we met with the others, it was only at the hotel that Rooster-san woke up.
(Tiger): "So we know where they are..."
(Monkey): "We didn't see the leader, but we saw her lover and Yamamoto Mari."
(Rabbit): "The finalist of 'Mondo Grosso'..."
(Ichika): "And according to them, Autumn was responsible for my kidnapping three years ago."
(Snake): "Yamamoto Mari's victory would give them a lot of political advantage..."
(Rooster): "Now the question is, why are they here? Germany is even behind in the development and production of ISs."
(Ichika): "Was there a political scandal around here?"
(Tiger): "Apparently, some ministers are under investigation, and are currently being held back."
(Rooster): "Where?"
(Tiger): "In an underground prison north of the city."
(Monkey): "Do you think it's a rescue mission?"
(Ichika): "I don't know..."
(Rabbit): "Didn't your twin get anything?"
When I started to pass on the information that Madoka gave me, I told them the truth of the Orimura family, and I was happy that it didn't change our relationship, which made me more sympathetic to the fact that Chifuyu-nee hid it of me.
(Ichika): "Madoka is already taking too much risk, and Squall sent her on a mission in Australia, according to her, another IS theft. The only thing she said is that Autumn received a new IS, but she didn't know which one was."
(Monkey): "We made them scared..."
(Ichika): "Any indication of the enemies of the [Phantom Task]?"
(Snake): "No... if they are here, they are well hidden."
(Tiger): "Then we will have to improvise at the last minute."
(Ichika): "Exactly. We can only hope that each one will be the leader and then find the henchmen."
(Rabbit): "Do you think they put everything in their hands?"
(Ichika): "Possibly the original idea was to be three, but we got rid of one to almost two weeks."
(Rooster): "There is no reason for us to just speculate."
(Monkey): "Yeah... we can do it right away."
Three days later, at six we were on top of the building in front of the hotel that Yamamoto Mari and Autumn were staying in, we took turns on the lookout, to see if Autumn left and brought more people, but she didn't even go out the front door and through the back door.
When it was close to midnight, the two people we were waiting for went out the front door. They walked calmly while we followed them.
After a while, they took different paths. Me, Tiger-nee-san and Snake-san followed Yamamoto Mari, while Monkey, Rabbit-san and Rooster-san followed Autumn.
Although I want to settle accounts with Autumn, I decided to focus on Yamamoto Mari. I still remembered her IS, it was one of the few ISs that was capable of shooting in multiple directions.
We followed her to the edge of the city, when she stopped, and quickly a lot of people went to meet her, she didn't speak very loudly, but we were close enough to hear her.
(Mari): "Very well. Our mission today will be to serve as a distraction. We will attract as many guards as possible, for the Autumn team to rescue the people who are under arrest."
So it was really a rescue mission. Which made me wonder what these guys were so important for them to decide to rescue them.
(Mari): "In ten minutes we attack the west side, there are chances that the army will be present, but we are sure that no IS pilot is there."
They walked until they left the city completely, we followed them, going from shadow to shadow, until I saw some buildings ahead, and I realized that that was their goal. I looked at Tiger-nee-san and Snake-san and we attacked.
We attacked those at the bottom. They made such a fuss when they died that everyone turned to face us, including Yamamoto Mari.
(Mari): "I didn't expect company so soon... who are you?" - she asked while activating her IS.
(Ichika): "Just a 'Tiger', a 'Snake' and a 'Dragon' who didn't like your ideas for that night, Miss Yamamoto." - I had put the hood on before attacking.
(Mari): "[Zodiac Beasts]..." - she said while invoking a sniper rifle and taking two drones off the IS' wings.
As soon as she said who we were, her soldiers started to stir.
(Tiger): "We are really famous."
(Snake): "Unn... we have to do a lot of cleaning."
A shot was fired in our direction, which I hit with my sword from the bottom up, and sent the shot into the sky, and it quickly fell behind me. I had reformed my sword to be able to hit energy ammunition too, but in her case it was physical ammunition. The eyes of everyone including those of Yamamoto Mari herself went wide.
(Ichika): "You don't have to hurry, Miss Yamamoto. We have all night."
So the three of us went forward to do our job.