Chapter 15

We were eliminating several enemies while we were advancing. Tiger-nee-san simply broke their bones, while I cut them in half. Snake-san kept whipping those who approached.

The first time I saw her whip I didn't put much faith in it as a weapon, but after she told me what this weapon is, I was able to keep my mouth open. The whip was made of a metal that was hard and flexible at the same time, the moment it was in motion and stopped abruptly, it became as hard as steel, and receiving this blow would not be very good, not to mention that it could activate some blades along the whip that could poison enemies.

(Ichika): "Can you handle them while I deal with the pilot?" - I shouted at them while avoiding some shots.

(Tiger): "But of course!"

(Snake): "Good luck, Dragon-kun!"

I jumped until I was over all of them, and I was jumping from side to side in the air. The soles that I had made sucked the air and used it to produce energy, which allowed me to stand in the air, that is, I would always have a floor, the only disadvantage was that whenever I moved, they would stop working, or I had to keep jumping from side to side to attack, or I would have to be really immobile, until I pushed them off.

I went straight to Yamamoto Mari. She managed to get her rifle to stop my sword, and made her two drones fire at me, but I used that contact point and jumped on my opponent dodging bullets. I tried to hit her while in the air, but she managed to dodge, so I jumped in the air going straight for her, but she went up on the spot, dodging my attack.

She stood in the air staring at me with wide eyes, the gun and the drones aimed at me.

(Mira): "So you are the new 'Dragon'..."

(Ichika): "Correct."

(Mira): "How much did you observe us?"

(Ichika): "We were watching you before meeting Autumn." - I said sheathed the sword and got into possession.

(Mira): "I didn't think they would associate with me..."

(Ichika): "If it weren't for the fact that we went after the Semyonova sisters before, we wouldn't have suspected." - I said while taking a deep breath.

(Mira): "Do what..." - she said pulling the trigger and firing at the same time as her drones.

(Ichika): 'Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen.'

I jumped from place to place while dodging all the shots going towards Yamamoto Mari at a great speed, but her reflexes were good, I only managed to hit part of the shoulder, I was jumping from one point to another trying to hit her, but thanks to her reflexes, she was always just hit by the tip of my sword in the IS parts, but she was unable to dodge any.

I stayed like that, until she used one of the drones and the rifle to stop my sword, and I got stuck, when she positioned the drone to fire, I moved and stayed on top of my sword, dodging the bullet, and quickly, while Yamamoto Mari looked at me with a shocked expression, I kicked her IS's 'wings'.

I read a little about the composition of the IS, and I saw that the current generation of IS had 'wings', and they were the ones that adjusted the energy for them to be able to fly, that is, without wings, without flight.

With just one kick each, I made the wings of her IS fly out, and she started to fall, I fell with her, I grabbed my sword and jumped until I landed, right after that Yamamoto Mari fell too.

She got up with the gun and the drones pointing at me, she was without any scratches, which did not surprise me, after all the IS had an energy field that prevented such damage, but I thought I had managed to get at least half of that energy with the attacks that I did.

(Mari): "How old are you?"

(Ichika): "10."

(Mari): "So young and already a monster ... it's no wonder you were given the title of 'Dragon'." - she said while shooting.

(Ichika): "I trained a lot for this." - I said while hitting all the shots.

(Mira): "It seems like I shouldn't have joined them."

(Ichika): "Not really."

(Mira): "You can be something... but what about them." - she said that and the drones changed position and fired.

I realized where they were pointing, and I knew those two wouldn't be expecting an attack out of nowhere. I took a deep breath again.

(Ichika): 'Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen.'

But instead of going forward, I went back, and prevented the bullets from hitting Tiger-nee-san and Snake-san, who were too focused on the soldiers, and didn't expect Yamamoto Mari to just ignore me and hit them. I ended up cutting some soldiers' heads off when I stopped the bullets.

After stopping the bullets, I landed on the floor and decided to appeal. I had discovered that Hekireki Issen had immense potential, despite getting only part of it.

(Ichika): 'Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen - Rokuren.'

This variation of Hekireki Issen, Rokuren, made me go six times faster than using the normal technique, but as I was angry that she attacked Tiger-nee-san and Snake-san in cowardice, I decided to play with her mind first. I went straight to the drone on the right, then I turned and went to the drone on the left and lastly I destroyed her weapon.

She got a desperate look on her face and got on her knees with a half of the rifle in each hand. I stopped in front of her.

(Mari): "You weren't even taking me seriously..."

(Ichika): "I am still a child... even if I know something, my body still has trouble keeping up."

And in fact I was feeling slightly wobbly because of Rokuren.

(Mari): "And I think that giving Orimura Chifuyu a job was something to be proud of... just get it over with." - She said while raising her head, waiting for the final blow.

(Ichika): "First, tell me something... why this rescue mission? And why help [Phantom Task]?"

(Mari): "For the first question, I don't know, apparently not even Autumn knows, she just follows what Squall says as if it were the sacred scripture."

Madoka had said that Autumn loved Squall, but it was starting to look like fanaticism.

(Mari): "As for the second question, Autumn and I are childhood friends, then she came to me saying that she had joined the [Phantom Task], and that she would like me to join as well, and I thought 'why not?', then I teamed up with them and did all those missions."

(Ichika): "The kidnapping of Orimura Ichika... was it your or Autumn's idea?"

(Mari): "Autumn, she thought I wouldn't be able to deal with Orimura Chifuyu, which she got right, so she thought about giving me the victory, but it went wrong because the boy went to his sister somehow."

(????): "Then that's it..."

I turned around and saw Tiger-nee-san and Snake-san coming up to me, they looked fine and all of their enemies were dead.

(Snake): "It shouldn't involve children like that..."

(Mari): "The women who brought a ten-year-old monster spoke."

(Snake): "Dragon-kun is not a monster. He is just a boy of many talents."

(Tiger): "Anyway... I feel bad about it, but it's time for you to die."

(Mari): "After that, I think Squall would want to kill me with their own hands, she was already angry with me for not having beaten Orimura Chifuyu and I think these guys were very important, not to mention that the jobs they did I did... well... I better not comment... anyway, just get it over with. " - She said closing her eyes and lowering her head.

(Ichika): "If that's what you want... lift your head and let your neck show... I'll give you a quick and painless death." - I said while taking a few steps back.

She lifted her head with her eyes still closed and a calm expression on her face. Tiger-nee-san and Snake-san took two steps aside. I positioned myself and took a deep breath.

(Ichika): 'Go no kata: Kanten no jiu.'- I thought as I went towards her and made the movement.

I made a move that could be considered fast and slow at the same time, it was calm, with no other intention than to give my opponent a rest.

When I looked at Yamamoto Mari's head, she had the same expression as before the blow, as if she was still waiting for him.

(Ichika): "I wish it could be different with her..." - for the first time in years, I felt guilty for taking a life.

(Tiger): "Unfortunately, it was not possible..." - she said while hugging me.

(Snake): "Even if we left her alive, [Phantom Task] would go after her, she would have to hide until [Phantom Task] is over, or until she dies." - she said while hugging me too.

(Ichika): "Still..."

(Tiger): "Shall we see how the others went?"

I agreed and we left, since they were going to attack the west to get attention, it was obvious which direction they would be in. After a while we came across a scenario similar to what we had left behind, there were Rooster-san, Monkey and Rabbit-san. Monkey and Rooster-san were half finished.

(Ichika): "I'm happy that they survived."

(Monkey): "We too..."

(Rabbit): "Unfortunately, that bitch, she left..."

(Rooster): "What about Yamamoto Mari?"

(Ichika): "Dead."

(Rabbit): "Well ... we gave them a big blow."

(Monkey): "And we are possibly blacklisted."

(Tiger): "If we were to talk about those who put us on the black list, we will be talking for a week."

(Snake): "Let's just go back."

Everyone nodded and we headed towards the city to rest and leave the next day. That hotel only had rooms with a single bed, so each went to his own room.

After I got ready for bed, someone knocked on my door, when I opened it were Tiger-nee-san and Snake-san.

(Ichika): "What happened?"

(Tiger): "Just make sure you were okay."

(Snake): "And give you a little gift..."

(Ichika): "Gift?"

(Tiger): "We saw you saving us."

(Ichika): "You know you don't have to thank me."

(Snake): "We know."

(Tiger): "But still, we want to give you something." - she said while approaching her face.

Before I could react, she kissed me on the lips. I thought my head was going to melt, and I thought it would explode when Snake-san did the same thing.

(Tiger): "Let's wait you are more grown up for us to continue."

(Snake): "Good night, Ichika-kun." - she said as they closed the door.

I stood for quite a while, slowly went to bed, and lay down, but I couldn't sleep that night.